The man who turned the world of science. Galileo Galilei. Brief biography and its discoveries

One of the most famous astronomers, physicists and philosophers in the history of mankind - Galileo Galilei. A brief biography and his discoveries, which you will now learn about, will allow you to get a general idea of ​​this outstanding person.

First steps in the world of science

Galileo Galilei short biography and its discoveries
Galileo was born in Pisa (Italy), February 15, 1564. At the age of eighteen, the young man enters the University of Pisa to study medicine. His father pushed him to take this step, but due to lack of money, Galileo was soon forced to leave school. However, the time that the future scientist spent at the university was not in vain, because it was here that he began to be keenly interested in mathematics and physics. Already not a student, the gifted Galileo Galilei did not abandon his hobbies. A brief biography and his discoveries made during this period played an important role in the future fate of the scientist. He devotes some time to an independent study of mechanics, and then, in 1589, returns to the University of Pisa, this time in the role of teachers of mathematics. After some time, he was invited to continue teaching at the University of Padua, where he explained to students the basics of mechanics, geometry and astronomy. Just at that time, Galileo began to make discoveries significant for science.

In 1593, the first scientific work of the scientist was published - a book with the laconic title “Mechanics”, in which Galileo described his observations.

Astronomical research

After the book is published, a new Galileo Galilei is “born”. A brief biography and its discoveries is a topic that cannot be discussed without mentioning the events of 1609. Indeed, it was then that Galileo independently constructed his first telescope with a concave eyepiece and a convex lens. The device gave an increase of about three times. However, Galileo did not stop there. Continuing to improve his telescope, he brought the increase to 32 times. Observing the Earth’s satellite, the Moon, in it, Galileo discovered that its surface, like the earth’s, is not even, but is covered with various mountains and numerous craters. Four Jupiter satellites were also discovered , and the stars through the glass changed their usual sizes, and for the first time the idea arose of their global remoteness. The Milky Way turned out to be a huge cluster of millions of new celestial bodies. In addition, the scientist began to observe the phases of Venus, to study the movement of the Sun and make notes about sunspots.

Conflict with the church

The biography of Galileo Galilei is another round in the opposition of science of that time and church doctrine. Based on his observations, the scientist soon concludes that the heliocentric system of the world, first proposed and justified by Copernicus, is the only true one. This contradicted the literal understanding of Psalms 93 and 104, and in addition, a verse from Ecclesiastes 1: 5, in which one can find a reference to the stillness of the Earth. Galileo was summoned to Rome, where they demanded that they stop promoting “heretical” views, and the scientist was forced to obey.

galileo galileo discovery
However, Galileo Galilei, whose discoveries at that time had already been appreciated by some representatives of the scientific community, did not stop there. In 1632, he makes a tricky move - publishes a book called "Dialogue on the two major systems of the world - the Ptolemaic and the Copernican." This work was written in an unusual form of dialogue at that time, the participants of which were two supporters of the theory of Copernicus, as well as one follower of the teachings of Ptolemy and Aristotle. Pope Urban VIII, a good friend of Galileo, even gave permission to publish the book. But this did not last long - only a couple of months later the work was recognized as contradicting the dogmas of the church and banned. The author was summoned to Rome for trial.

The investigation lasted quite a long time: from April 21 to June 21, 1633. On June 22, Galileo was forced to pronounce the text proposed to him, according to which he renounced his "false" beliefs.

The last years in the life of a scientist

I had to work in difficult conditions. Galileo was sent to his villa in Archertree, in Florence. Here he was under the constant supervision of the Inquisition and did not have the right to get into the city (Rome). In 1634, the scientist's beloved daughter, who took care of him for a long time, died.

Death came to Galileo on January 8, 1642. He was buried in the territory of his villa, without any honors and even without a tombstone. However, in 1737, after almost a hundred years, the last will of the scientist was fulfilled - his ashes were transferred to the monastic chapel of the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Croce. On March 17, he was finally buried there, near the grave of Michelangelo.

biography of galileo galilei

Post-mortem rehabilitation

Was Galileo Galilei right in his beliefs? A brief biography and its discoveries have long been a topic of controversy among clergy and the luminaries of the scientific world, and many conflicts and disputes have developed on this basis. However, only on December 31, 1992 (!) Did John Paul II officially acknowledge that the Inquisition in the 33rd year of the 17th century made a mistake by forcing the scientist to renounce the heliocentric theory of the universe formulated by Nikolai Copernicus.


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