How to find out if a loan is approved or not? Options and methods

Today, many external factors are pushing people to take loans from banks. Before taking such a loan amount, each person asks whether the bank will refuse him this service. How to find out if a loan is approved or not?

how to find out if they approve me a loan

In practice, this happens like this. Often, after leaving an application at a bank branch or on an online site, employees contact the client or send SMS messages about whether the loan is approved or not. Sometimes such situations happen that the deadlines for obtaining approval expire, but information has not been received. This article discusses options for how to act in such situations. How do I know if a loan is approved for me?

What actions to take

The human factor must be taken into account. When the deadlines for loan approval have already passed, the potential client can use the following recommendations:

  • Independently ask the manager directly at the bank branch.
  • Perhaps you made a mistake when you indicated the phone number in the application, or the manager forgot to call you back. Profiles are constantly updated in the database, and a bank employee uses this database only when viewing phone numbers.

In the department you can study in more detail all the information and bring the missing documents.

Call Center

This is one of the good ways to find out if a bank approved a loan or not. This option is suitable for people who, due to certain circumstances, cannot visit a bank branch. In the call center you can find out all the information you are interested in, as well as find out the contacts of the manager who accepted your profile.

how to find out whether a bank will approve a loan

In addition to the call center, you can directly call the bank branch. This is the best way to find out if a loan is approved by Sberbank.

Chat with a consultant online

In your personal account you can find out information about account balances, loans and deposits. In order to use Internet banking, and in particular your personal account, you first need to register on the site, go through authorization and get a key from the bank.

Sberbank of Russia PJSC, for example, provides customers with keys using ATM services or by telephone. When the client logs in to the site, he must independently come up with a unique password.

Customer Support Online Chat

Almost all banks websites are equipped with the function of online forms for conducting correspondence with an employee of the organization in real time. This service does not require additional registrations and authorizations.

Information for those who want to take credit in the store for equipment

Many people are interested in: β€œHow do I know if they will approve a loan for the purchase of household appliances?” There is a special form on the site of each trading facility, filling in which and indicating your phone number in it, you need to wait for the operator to respond. This procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes. You need to know in advance about the availability of this service, since not all hypermarkets provide such online consultation on their sites.

how to find out which banks approve the loan

If it is present, you can get all the necessary information. This will not only help to find out which bank will approve the loan for the purchase, but will also make it possible to find out all the conditions of lending.

Potential loan recipients

The primary approved loan recipients are public sector employees with stable monthly income, ranging in age from 27 to 45 years. A loan can be approved for owners and directors of large companies with consistently high returns.

There are a number of criteria that should be followed to obtain a positive decision. How to find out if a bank will approve a loan? To do this, it is better to adhere to a certain framework when you contact a financial institution to receive funds:

  • Neat appearance. It is worth paying attention to what hairstyle, shoes and suit you will choose for an interview with the manager. Stick to business style clothing.
  • Speech. Before going to the bank, you should rehearse how and what you will tell the manager. Do not tell a lot of unnecessary information, you should speak in fact. Try to avoid parasitic words and slang in your speech.
how to find out which bank will approve a loan
  • Documentation. Take along all the documentation that might be useful for obtaining a loan. Do not forget to make a copy of the work book and take a certificate from work in form 2-NDFL (it is ordered in advance). Try to fill out the application legibly, without errors. If something is not clear to you, be sure to ask the manager about it. Do not forget to warn loved ones that they will be called from the bank to clarify the information.
  • Information. Ask the manager about all the intricacies of the loan (interest, delay periods, fines). This is necessary before you can find out how much credit will be approved for your application.

What is very important?

Before you take a loan, study the loan conditions of all banks. Remember that the first impression always plays an important role in any transaction. Try to please the manager, and in this case, he certainly will not forget to notify you of the decision made by the bank.

Who is denied credit?

How to find out if a loan is approved or not? There are situations when a bank refuses to receive a loan. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find out the reason, since the financial institution reserves the right not to explain the reasons for the refusal. How to find out which banks approve the loan? Below are the most common causes of negative decisions:

  • Personal criteria of the bank. Some banks have been working with clients from 21 years old, while others - only older than 28 years. Many banks refuse to lend to customers over 65.
  • A large load of loans. If your monthly payments on any type of loan is about 50%, then be prepared to refuse.
  • Lack of citizenship or registration.
  • Bad credit history. It is stored in the BCI for 10 years. The manager may be afraid to approve you a new loan.
  • Informal employment. Your income must necessarily be documented.
  • Low salary. If your monthly income is less than 15,000 rubles, then you will be denied a loan.
  • Follow the rules in this article, and most likely the bank will approve your loan application.

Which organizations provide a loan in most cases?

If you have no comments from the side of the bank, and at the same time you receive a stable salary, you can contact Renaissance Bank with an application. This institution gives loans in the form of cash, and applications are considered online. Failures here are less than thirty percent. The amount you can count on is from 30 thousand to half a million rubles. In some cases, interest rates can be flexible.

Home Credit provides loans to almost everyone who wants it, but at high rates - up to 34.4 percent. However, you can get up to 850 thousand rubles, and the application is considered only an hour and a half. A nice bonus is the ability to select the date of payment.

how to find out approved tinkoff loan

Tinkoff Bank is also more likely to approve a loan. He offers a choice of several types of loans, along with which there are some bonuses. They can be used to pay for certain goods and services. Typically, the interest rate is 24.5%, but holders of a "platinum" credit card are offered more favorable terms - 300 thousand rubles for a month and a half are provided without interest.

The most famous of all banks - Sberbank - usually refuses no more than 30 percent of applicants. If you are the owner of a salary card, you can apply for a loan online. The rate will be only 17.5%, and the approval process will take no more than two days.

Deadline for obtaining a loan and the possibility of applying to the bank

Before contacting Sberbank or another institution in order to clarify the issue of approving a loan, you must remember the information given by the employee about the timing of the consideration of the loan. To obtain a consumer loan, you need from 2 to 7 days, mortgage - one to two weeks. In the case of the presence of a large amount of analyzed information or ambiguity of the situation, these periods may change.

How to find out if a loan is approved or not? Starting from the moment of filing the application and providing the necessary documents, the bank specialist will usually be able to indicate the approximate dates during which the issue of lending will be resolved. If the time period specified by the employee has not yet come to an end, then you should wait until it expires. In any decision in the case of a standard situation, communication with the client is carried out by telephone. Most often, a notification comes via SMS.

Approval Information Options

If the deadlines have passed and the bank employees haven’t contacted, it is possible to get the necessary information on a personal visit, by calling the call center or using the online bank.

how to find out if the bank approved the loan or not

Practice shows that the most productive will be the choice of the first option to solve the problem. You can immediately find out the reason for the delay and all the necessary information. The reason may be a rare update of the database, incorrectly indicated number or workload of bank employees.

For personal communication, you can submit missing documents or bring them later, as well as enter clarifying data that may affect the receipt of a loan. That is why a personal appeal to the bank will be as expedient and effective as possible.

In the case when the client for some reason cannot be personally present at the bank, he can receive all the information by phone. To do this, use the call center phone or, if such information is available, call the bank directly. If there is no such information, then a call to the center will be able to solve this problem, as well as provide information about the loan. Making a call is possible at any time, and it does not require financial and time costs.

This also works in the case of non-governmental credit organizations. Often you can meet the question: how to find out if a loan was approved by Russian Standard or not? The answer will be a simple call to the institution.

Online Information

Recently, most customers have chosen for themselves a method of obtaining information via the Internet. Making a request is quite simple: the client needs to fill out a brief application using the bank’s online service. However, only registered customers will be able to use such a service, therefore this imposes restrictions for those who have not previously interacted with the organization. However, this is the fastest way to find out if a loan is approved or not.

How to find out if a loan is approved by Sberbank

To register on the site, you need to get a login, which is provided by a bank employee by phone. Another possibility to obtain a username is a request at an ATM. But it is worth considering that in this case, the codes that the client receives will be valid only for one operation.

Using online banking makes it possible not only to obtain information about a loan in the "Personal Account", but also to apply for it. If the client uses this method, then in the β€œCredits” section he will be able to see the status in which the application is located. If it is approved, then you should personally appear in the bank to complete the contract. This is relevant not only for Sberbank.

If you are interested in how to find out whether Tinkoff loan was approved or not, you should also create your own personal online account.


Do not be nervous after submitting an application for consideration of documents and granting a loan. In case of the official deadlines, you must contact the bank using one of the listed methods and get all the information you are interested in.


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