Nikolai Orlov - friend and ally of the sovereign

Nikolai Orlov is a prince and a Russian diplomat. His family belongs to an old family. He was ambassador to Brussels, Berlin, Paris. Nikolai Alekseevich was the only and beloved son of a man who became the founder of the Orlov family.

Nikolay Orlov

Nikolai Orlov: biography

Was born on April 27, 1827. His father was Prince Alexei Fedorovich Orlov, and his mother was Olga Alexandrovna (maiden name Zherebtsova).

The boy studied at home. Then he began to study the course of law, which was read for the son of Emperor Nicholas II - Konstantin Nikolaevich. He was taught by Baron Korf.

In 1843 he was honored to become a page of the royal court. In the summer of 1845 he passed the officer exam at the Page Corps with honors. After testing, he was assigned to the Life Guard.

On June 5, 1846, he became the adjutant wing of Nicholas the First. A little later, he became a lieutenant and began to accompany Konstantin Nikolaevich on trips abroad.

In 1849 he took part in the war with Hungary. The Hungarian company received the distinction and was promoted to captain.

After that, becoming commander in chief, he went to Warsaw. There he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir. The next two years he again began to accompany the sovereign on trips home and abroad.

In the winter of 1851 he was sent to serve in the department of the General Staff. A few months later he began to serve in the office of the Ministry of War. In 1855 he received the rank of colonel. He was sent to fight against the Turks on the Danube. Under his command, the assault on the fort of Arab-Tabia was carried out. There he became crippled - lost his eye and received nine injuries. The sovereign awarded him the Order of St. George 4th degree and gave a golden saber. Nikolai went to Italy to treat the wounds; he spent a year and a half there. After treatment, he received the rank of Major General and the appointment of the emperor. The prince died in France on March 17, 1885.

Nikolay Orlov photo

Prince’s personal life

In his youth, Nikolai Orlov was in love with Pushkin's daughter - Natalya Alexandrovna. He really wanted to marry her, but his father categorically did not even want to hear about it. Instead, her father married Olga Panin for him, but the relationship did not grow together.

Nikolay Orlov was married in 1858 to Princess Ekaterina Trubetskoy. She was a very beautiful and well-educated girl. Its supervisor was the writer Moritz Hartmann. Princess Trubetskaya did not want to give her daughter up for a mere mortal. She dreamed of a son-in-artist or scientist. Nevertheless, the entourage was able to convince the princess that Nikolai would become a good party for her daughter and would be a caring and loving husband. The wedding ceremony was held in France.

Nikolai Orlov biography

In a marriage with Trubetskoy, they had two sons:

  • Alexei Nikolaevich, who became the military attache of the Russian embassy in France.

Nikolai Andreevich Orlov

  • Vladimir Nikolaevich - lieutenant general.

Nikolay Orlov Russian Assassin

The blessing of the sovereign

His contemporaries spoke of the spiritual qualities of Orlov perfectly. He was the son of a nobleman, but received an education worthy of the prince. Being the heir to a great fortune, he went to defend his homeland. Participation in the battle of Silithria, where he lost his eyes, he begged from the emperor as a favor. The latter really did not want to let go of a devoted friend and ally. Apparently, anticipating trouble, the emperor put him on his knees in front of the icon and became himself. They both prayed fervently. In the end, the emperor blessed him. Perhaps this is precisely what gave Nikolai the strength to survive after nine terrible wounds.


At first, the nurses did not even dare to make dressings for him. They were waiting for his death any minute, but he miraculously survived. His treatment took place in Italy. The wounds tormented him mercilessly. One eye was missing, the second was seen very weakly. The prince stopped reading; he was assisted by servants. At first, small fragments still came out of his head. Damage made itself felt with severe headaches. The prince was uncomfortable even for a short conversation - he confused thoughts, words and tried to quickly finish it.

Nikolai Orlov was a simple man, did not boast of his wealth. The environment respected him for honesty, there was no self-interest in him. He tried to help everyone he could. That is the character Nikolay Orlov possessed. Photos and picturesque portraits captured his image for posterity.


As a writer about Nicholas is known from his historical essays. He is the author of the Essay on the Franco-Prussian War. The prince also handed over notes to the sovereign on the internal governance of Russia. The descendants of Nikolai Orlov can be proud of his request to the sovereign for the abolition of corporal punishment. A special committee was convened, which, thanks to the prince, amended the system of punishments. The beating was considered a measure that hardens people and is inappropriate to the spirit of the times.

Popular game

In the virtual world there is a popular game Assassin's Creed. Her main character is Nikolai Andreevich Orlov, son of Andrei Orlov. According to the plot, the latter belonged to the order of the Assassins - the brotherhood of Narodnaya Volya. He passed the baton to his son, who was friends with Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). Nikolai Orlov is a Russian assassin who, as conceived by the authors of the game, committed an attempt on Alexander III.

Assassins are people who were part of the famous Ismaili Knight's Order. Such organizations were based in eastern countries and in Central Asia. Assassins are not a clan. They are more like Japanese ninja fighters. Warriors engaged in contract killings. They also killed people due to political or religious differences. There is a version that the assassins used hash, which was considered sacred grass. Under his influence, they behaved like fanatics.

Nikolai Orlov was a worthy representative of a kind and went down in history as a fearless warrior and a true patriot. His children also devoted themselves to military affairs.


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