Vladimir Zolotarev: photo, biography, family, work and awards of the Russian military historian

Vladimir Antonovich Zolotarev is a famous military historian in Russia. His activities are marked by many awards, which testifies to professionalism and knowledge of his craft. But what is the career path of this person?

Vladimir Zolotarev: biography

The historian was born on July 20, 1946. Vladimir Zolotarev was born in a beautiful town. Odessa was a man’s native and beloved city, a memory and fond memories of which he carried through his whole life.

Growing up, he already studied at the Suvorov School, and in 1967 he graduated from the command school named after Kirov in Leningrad. It was from this that his ascent along the career steps began. The higher he rose, the more people noted his extraordinary abilities and talents of the historian.

About the personal life of Vladimir Antonovich information in official sources is not. It is known that he is married, has a son and daughter.

Family traditions

It is known that the whole Zolotarev family was associated with military duty. So, his great-grandfather is one of the founders of military medicine. He worked as a consultant at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Hospital, in many cadet schools and at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. He is also the founder of the theory of individual variability. It was I. Buyalsky, the great-grandfather of the hero of this article, who created anatomical and surgical reports, resorted to anesthesia and blood transfusion. He is also the discoverer of antiseptics.

Vladimir Zolotarev’s father was an officer who went through the entire Second World War. His path is very interesting: he began as a battalion commander, and ended the service, hung with orders and medals. The feat of his battalion was marked by those in power. So, near St. Petersburg, a monument was erected to him.

Vladimir Zolotarev Antonovich

The beginning of the way

It was in the Suvorov Military School that Vladimir became interested in historical science. In 1962, he wrote a voluminous work, providing a huge summary of the military achievements of the Romanov dynasty.

When the young guy was in the Command School. Kirov, his talent was noticed by famous teachers and the luminaries of the scientific world. It was in these walls that he acquired the basic skills of source study.

Passing the course of V.V. Mavrodina, Zolotarev received his personal recognition. The teacher noticed a zeal for knowledge and singled out the guy among the rest of the students.

Writing a Ph.D.

In 1972, Vladimir Antonovich began his dissertation. He investigated the issues of the Russo-Turkish confrontation of 1877-1878. He successfully defended his work in the spring of 1977. After that, it was printed, and it received positive feedback from historians. This first monograph paved the way for Zolotarev. He was noticed and began to listen. V.V. Mavrodin mentioned in his personal letters that at that time Vladimir Zolotarev, whose photo is in the article, was one of the largest experts on the issue under study. This is not surprising, because the young man was savvy in theoretical and practical matters. In 1974, he graduated with honors from the correspondence course at the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport.

V. Zolotarev awards

Research issues

The topic of the Russo-Turkish war has long worried Zolotarev, and he studied it for many years. He also developed his own methods for a more detailed study. It was based not only on the interest of a scientist, but also of an officer. That is why he successfully examined the historical side of maritime communications in Russia in the context of international politics.

It is worth noting that Russian-Japanese relations of that time provided a good basis for this. The hero of the article was greatly helped by his senior friend and adviser, Professor I. Rostunov.

Since history requires a multi-layered study and an unconventional look, it was difficult to imagine the best teacher for a future outstanding military historian. It is believed that it was the need for daily routine work, which consisted of an analysis of military issues, lightning-fast decision-making in terms of military command and military-technical equipment, which made it possible to develop a unique Zolotarevsky style.

After that, Vladimir Antonovich (together with other historians) wrote several books on the history of the First and Second World Wars. Also, his hand belongs to a number of essays on the theory of modern military history.

Vladimir Zolotarev photo

Doctoral dissertation

In the spring of 1985, he defended his doctoral dissertation, which he devoted to the Eastern crisis of the nineteenth century. The year before, she was already recommended for defense at once in two departments of Leningrad University - at the Department of Oriental Studies and the History Department. Naturally, this meant some recognition on the part of professional historians of expert level. This was already the work not just of a student, but of a person who was recognized as a true specialist in a certain field.

Up the career ladder

In the summer of 1988, Vladimir became the head of the Department of World History at the Institute of Military History. There he worked for three long years until he became chief assistant to the chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces. It should be noted that he really managed to reconstruct the management and direct his work to solving important key tasks in science. Just at this time, the status of the institution gains national fame, naturally not without the help of the talented historian Vladimir Zolotarev.

Vladimir Zolotarev professor

From 1992 to 1993, he worked as a consultant with the deputy defense minister of the Russian Federation. Later receives the post of director of the Institute of Military History.

Professional activity

Over a long time, he managed to form a team of scientists who became a reliable foundation for the school of military art not only in Russia but also abroad. Zolotarev always paid great attention to the intellectual development of society, believing that without this one cannot move forward. To understand the past and analyze events, it is very important to be an educated and competent person. This is the only way to learn from old mistakes.

At that time, military history was a key factor that contributed to the emergence of mass attention to the former country. Also Vladimir Zolotarev was able to formulate a general concept of Russian history and adequately implement it.

So, he published "History of the Russian Armed Forces of the IX-XX centuries." This publication was very innovative not only in the size of the tasks that were discussed there, but also in the quality of the study itself. Zolotarev in it was both the editor-in-chief and the author of the fundamental essays and chapters. At the same time, he was preparing a trilogy called "The Navy of the Russian State."

Rewarding V. Zolotarev

Fresh ideas

Vladimir Zolotarev is a professor who raised the topic of the identity of the army. At the dawn of the nineties, he was already developing the theoretical foundations of military doctrine. He also wrote a number of works on the strategic and tactical features of the military forces and a serious monographic work entitled "The Second Front against the Third Reich."

In the summer of 1991, he presented to the general public new ideas that confirmed the effectiveness of Zolotarev's research methods. In the same year, he created the Association of Military Historians and Archaeologists, which very quickly gained international fame. A year later, she prepared and published more than ten works.

Presentation of the award to V. Zolotarev

Last works

In recent works, the author has paid increasing attention to comparing the military history of different countries. His desire to convey historical information to the widest masses is also noticeable. He serves as chairman of the Commission for the Study of the Oriental Peoples, and also leads a scientific project of an international scale, which deals with humanism and geomilitarism.

Vladimir Zolotarev military historian


Vladimir Zolotarev is a military historian with a long track record. He has the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” of the IV degree, “For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces” of the third degree. He has many awards at the government and state levels, not only in Russia but also abroad. He is the owner of the first prize of the Moscow Government and the prize of V. Vernadsky.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G47248/

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