How to disconnect the Rostelecom home phone? Why do I need a landline phone?

Now we will try to figure out how to turn off the Rostelecom home phone. This is far from the most difficult thing that can be required from the company. Sometimes the connection itself causes more problems and inconveniences. All subscribers are offered several options for solving the problem. And everyone is able to independently decide which method to choose for him. In addition to refusing services, it’s worth talking about connecting a landline phone. Maybe you do not need to disable it at all?

how to disable Rostelecom home phone

What is it?

Home phone is not such a new service. This is the most ordinary phone that is in your home. We can say a landline number that allows you to use communication services. It is very convenient if you constantly communicate. Indeed, sometimes mobile communications can be too expensive.

Rostelecom tariffs for a home telephone are varied. And everyone is able to find an offer that he will like. You can connect either per-minute billing, or just a monthly fee. Something like limit and unlimited. It all depends on how often you communicate. By the way, a home telephone is convenient in cases of calls to landlines with different companies. You do not have to pay very expensive, and even every minute.

Tariff selection

As already mentioned, Rostelecom's home phone tariffs are diverse. And all of them are quite accessible to each client. Full information on the description of offers can be found on the provider's official page. There are a lot of them and there is simply no need to list everything now.

Before you disconnect your Rostelecom home phone, it’s best to take an interest in what offers the company has. Maybe what is connected to you now is out of date. And you can choose a more interesting and advantageous offer.

Rostelecom home phone rates

Some specifics about tariff plans. There are limit offers and unlimited. More precisely, it all depends on your payment. You can pay subscription fees or directly for minutes of conversation. The first option is in great demand. After all, the average cost of a month servicing a landline phone is about 350 rubles. For this price you can talk endlessly. More accurate information on the proposals is published on the official website of Rostelecom. It is constantly updated. And what was relevant yesterday, today may already be lost altogether. Therefore, it is worth looking at the web page from time to time for new convenient and advantageous offers.


At Rostelecom, paying your home phone is the most common utility payment. At the end of the month you will receive an invoice for the services provided. And it will contain all the information that can only relate to a landline phone.

You can pay by various methods: how are you used to paying for utilities or using the provider's official page? At the Rostelecom Corporation, paying for a home telephone via the Internet is in great demand. True, not through the official page, but with the help of Sberbank-Online or some similar services.

Rostelecom home phone payment

About debts

At Rostelecom, you can check your home phone balance in several ways. After all, we are talking about your debt. The first option is to call the company, give your home address and get account information. It’s not very difficult, but subscribers don’t try this method too much.

The second approach is to look at the debt on the official website of Rostelecom using the Personal Account. You will see the balance in the "Home Phone" tab. This is the debt for a certain period of time (it is also indicated).

The last thing you can offer is just to look at the payment receipt. There is also indicated the balance of Rostelecom (phone). True, it will be marked as “Debt” or “Debt”. Without paying it off, you will either be disconnected from the home telephone service (or rather, suspended), or you will not be able to refuse this opportunity on your own. Thus, before you disconnect your Rostelecom home phone, it is best to ensure that there is no debt for you. Otherwise, you can forget about the undertaking altogether.

Personal denial

Suppose we are convinced of the futility of a home telephone in an apartment (relevant for uncommunicative people and those who prefer mobile communications more). Now you need to somehow refuse this service. What is needed for this?

Rostelecom home phone balance

Make a request for disconnection. It’s best to do it personally. Come to the office of the company and inform that you want to refuse the services of the Rostelecom company (landline phone). You will need to apply. It is usually filled by an office worker. This is a kind of termination of the contract. The debt will be checked for you, after which they will inform you about the possibility / impossibility of rejecting the home telephone service. As a rule, conscientious customers do not experience any problems in this matter.

If you have a debt, he will be asked to pay off. Do this, and then contact the office again to terminate the contract for the provision of home telephone services. Now they will issue an application for you. Sign the refusal and wait for the result. Usually they turn off the phone instantly (within a few hours).

Electronic view

But recently, this option is not very popular. Subscribers are trying to use the Internet more and more to connect and disconnect one or another service of different communication companies. This also applies to Rostelecom.

Everyone can turn off their home phone using the corporation's website. There you must log in to the "My Account". If you don’t have an account yet, create one. How to disconnect the Rostelecom home phone? You just need to go to the "Services" - "Home Phone" section. In front of the corresponding inscription, you will see "Disable". Click on this feature.

Rostelecom phone balance

You will open a window with a huge number of lines. This is an application for disconnecting a landline phone. Fill in all the fields (important and required marked *). Do not forget to indicate your initials, as well as the address of the service. At the end of the process, click on "Confirm". Request for disconnection sent. We are waiting for a response from the provider. The office staff will check your debt and in case of its absence they will send a letter informing you of the successful processing of the request. It will also indicate the timing of disconnecting the phone.

Is it necessary?

Just one question remains. Do I need to connect a landline phone? Or is it generally better not to think about it? To be honest, here everyone decides independently. Using a landline phone, you can connect yourself to the Internet. Therefore, you do not need to completely refuse the service. The exception is cases when the Internet is planned to connect through a dedicated line.

Rostelecom landline phone

In addition, a landline telephone is useful when communicating with loved ones, relatives and businesses. Mobile communications can be expensive, but home conversation is not. Especially if you have an unlimited tariff with a fixed monthly fee. However, some cost as usual mobile. In general, it's up to you. At any time, you can connect the services of a stationary telephone and refuse them.


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