How to make a bouquet of apples with your own hands. Fruit bouquet

How many new things appear every day! Itโ€™s even hard to imagine what will happen tomorrow. Our planet, which has a huge number of creative and talented people, is simply teeming with interesting and amazing ideas. One of these ideas is bouquets of apples, oranges, onions, garlic, which now and then flash in the information columns, striking their originality.

Straight from the garden

All this course began relatively recently, but the whole world has already been so struck that the expression "fruit bouquet" will not surprise anyone. Why did they become so popular? The fact is that, due to the composition of the bouquet, it can be useful not only in a glass vase: any dish can be made from all components, whether it be a salad or a delicious soup.

bouquets of apples

In addition, the choice of components is so huge that such a gift will be able to please everyone, from lovers of berries and fruits to connoisseurs of overseas exotic.

What's on our list?

And in fact, to make such a miracle on your own, you should visit a regular hypermarket: in our case, apples of any color and size will be used. If you want to get a small and neat gift, then a bouquet of small apples will simply fit perfectly into this atmosphere. This option will also look good at the wedding, like a fruit bouquet of the bride, with which she can surprise all guests.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is also not worth worrying about the color palette, because the choice is not limited to the green harvest from the garden. In addition, bouquets of red apples look very good at any celebration.

Shelf garden

Before we tell you how to make a bunch of apples, carefully prepare all the ingredients. You can find most of them in a regular grocery store, in the market, and the rest of the materials should be searched in stores for creativity or floristry.

DIY bouquet of apples

Apples Their choice is to stay longer, as they will be the main part of the bouquet. The variety of varieties is so great that it is difficult to decide on one thing, and it is worth studying the properties of each variety separately. So, an ideal bouquet of apples with your own hands can be made only from hard and juicy breeds of apples, which will definitely hold out for a while as a gift without losing their attractive appearance. It is also worth paying attention to the external qualities of the fruit, since bouquets of apples that have seen the species are unlikely to please anyone.

Other vegetables and fruits. But, it should be noted that it is best to opt for fruits, since apples in combination, for example, with potatoes will look, at least, strange. Pomegranates, oranges, tangerines and other dishes that have a bright color that attracts the eyes are best suited.

In addition, if you want to make a bouquet of apples and flowers together, you will have to buy green species of plants. They, more than ever, are combined with the fruit components of the bouquet. Persistent species, such as spruce or coniferous, cope best of all, which not only add a bouquet of elegance, but also give it a wonderful aroma.

What does the world rest on?

It is clear that without strong reinforcement we are unlikely to cope, therefore, it is also worth stocking up with gluing and fastening materials that any florist has.

fruit bouquet

Skewers . Their choice in stores is not limited, but only thick and strong options suitable for barbecue or something like that will suit us. It is best if they are made of wood, as they are in direct contact with foods that will subsequently be consumed.

Scotch tape . We will need it a little, but its thin version is definitely not suitable for this case, since it will pull together a pile of skewers together.

Good scissors or a knife . We will use them when you have to trim the tips of skewers, branches and flowers.

Paper for packaging . In this case, a huge scope is given for your imagination, since the choice of packaging has not been limited to newspapers for a long time. You can skillfully combine the gift idea, the color of the bouquet filler and its wrapper. We, nevertheless, will opt for vintage craft paper, which is still popular.

A thread, ribbon or cord to tie a bouquet.

Precautionary measures

Since bouquets of apples imply their further use, it is worth observing small rules that will protect you from random surprises. Of course, be sure to wash your hands before starting the process, thereby protecting yourself from microbes.

In addition, thoroughly wash all the fruits, vegetables, skewers and twigs that will become the basis for the gift. So, you simply protect yourself from unexpected troubles. Also, be careful when working with skewers and cutting tools, which, due to a sudden movement, can harm you and others.

Bouquet of apples: master class

We proceed to the manufacturing process itself. Since this article is aimed not only at experienced masters, but also at beginners in this matter, we will carefully consider the whole process, paying great attention to all important points.

bouquet of apples and flowers

To begin with, let's take living components: apples and pomegranates, in our case. Gently holding the fruit in his hand, we stick a skewer into it, introducing it to such an extent that it sits tightly. So, about 3-4 skewers need to be introduced into one object, slightly twisting their bases, giving stability to the object. Thus, we โ€œprocessโ€ all the fruits that are included in our homemade bouquet. Carefully fold the prepared components for further work.

We begin to connect the fruit and berry parts of the bouquet, alternating between them. For example, we take one apple and select grenades tightly, tightly, fixing their skewers with several layers of adhesive tape. Then, you can add a couple of coniferous branches, another layer of pomegranates and apples. Do not forget that as soon as you form a new level, you need to carefully wrap it with tape to make it durable and motionless.

It is most convenient to hold the bouquet in your left hand, and with the right continuously wrap the bases with adhesive tape, without stopping to excess circumcision and search for the beginning of adhesive tape. In addition, a clean surface with neatly laid out components of the bouquet will make work a little easier, reducing time for confusion and the search for necessary items.

Wrapped in beautiful paper

When all the pomegranate apples are already gathered in a bouquet, you can proceed to its external decoration - packaging. It is also easy to make, but thanks to it, bouquets of apples become many times more beautiful, since all the flaws of the work process are hidden under the rustling packaging.

how to make a bouquet of apples

To begin, we cut off all the sticking branches. So, if the skewers have approximately the same length, then the branches and flowers can have long stems. Gently holding the gift itself with your hand, we shorten the stems, exerting as little pressure on the bouquet itself. This means that you should not, in a burst of perfectionism, press the bouquet to the surface of the table, shake it and wrinkle, thereby spoiling its appearance.

When the top item is ready, you can proceed to paper decoration. To do this, take the paper, giving it the shape of an elongated rectangle, and attach to one side of the bouquet. Then, as if pulling the paper, wrap the entire base of the bouquet. And there is nothing to worry about if the first try fails: this is absolutely normal. You just need to unfold all the paper and start over. Also, do not worry about dents on paper, which now and then are formed when trying to wrap a bouquet. All these details will only emphasize the originality and individuality of your gift.

Decoration options

Now that the whole bouquet is ready, you can lightly decorate it. To do this, take a twine or satin ribbon and gently tie it to the base of our homemade gift. In addition, you can attach a tag to the thread, where wishes, your names or something else will be written.

a bunch of apples master class

A tag or postcard can also be placed between the delicious filling of the bouquet, as sellers-florists of real flower bouquets usually do.

Why is he?

And now the main question, which, of course, is of interest to many adherents of ordinary bouquets from bright floral arrangements. Why a bunch of apples? In fact, the answer is simple: it has many advantages, pushing the classics of past centuries back.

The fact is that it is easier to contain, since such a gift does not need to be placed in a vase with water, into which you need to add any special additives so that the flowers hold longer the color and aroma. Then, you donโ€™t need to clean up after him, like behind a bouquet of roses, which daily drops a couple of leaves, hinting at the expiring life. And in the final result, in the case of a delicious bouquet, only the wrapper and skewers will go to the trash. Another thing is flowers, which even in a dried form are a pity to throw away.

bouquets of red apples

And if you recall the variety of food that a person possesses, then this question quickly disappears. Indeed, when choosing flowers, often you donโ€™t even know what is best in this situation, what preferences a person has, or maybe he is generally allergic to pollen from plants.

Then a bouquet of apples with your own hands is what is ideal for any celebration, for a person of any age and affluence. Your business is only to skillfully combine products using them wisely, because the impression of a gift will remain for a long time.


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