How to activate a Sberbank card? Detailed guide

Suppose you applied to Sberbank for a Visa payment card or at work you received a salary plastic sealed in an envelope, which, of course, needs to be activated. Why is this procedure needed? The answer is simple - so that you can use the card in the future: withdraw money, make purchases in stores and similar operations. In our article we will talk in detail about how to activate a Sberbank card.

Where to begin?

how to activate a sberbank card
In all cases, the bank issues cards that are sealed in a tight envelope. This is done so that an outsider accidentally or deliberately does not recognize your personal PIN code and the number of the card itself. Actually, a PIN code is a few numbers with which you can access the funds on your account. Without them, your card is just a piece of plastic. Knowing the code, you can withdraw money from an ATM, pay for services; it will be needed even when you make purchases in the store. Before you pick up the card and sign it, carefully inspect the envelope - it should not be damaged, it should not show signs that it was once opened.

How to activate a Sberbank card?

how to activate a sberbank visa card
So, after opening the envelope, carefully read your name written on the card. It should not contain errors and typos. Also on the front side should be indicated the card number of 16 digits and the name of the payment system - most often it is Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, there are others. Then turn the card over and put your signature on the special white box. Usually after receiving the โ€œplasticโ€ in the bank, after you have confirmed the correctness of the data before the employee, the card is activated automatically during the day. To make sure that it is operational, just go to the nearest ATM and try to make some kind of operation. For example, withdraw some money or request a cash balance on your account. If the ATM accepted the card and did not indicate that it is inoperative, this means that plastic can be used. Actually, this is the simplest answer to the question "how to activate a Sberbank card?"

How to make different types of cards active

How to activate a Sberbank salary card
The main bank of the country offers the population a wide variety of cards. Let's look at how to activate a Sberbank Visa card . Actually, this can be done in the same way as it was written in the previous paragraph: get the plastic in the bank, and then wait a day until the card is brought into working condition. But there are ways to do this faster, that is, do not spend 24 hours for the bank to allow you to use your own money. So, you can conduct operations online. For this, there are special terminals, ATMs and other self-service devices. You need to insert the card into the receiver, follow the instructions of the ATM and complete the operation, during which you will be asked to confirm the PIN code. If you entered it correctly, the primary lock will be removed, and you will be able to use plastic freely in the future. By the way, this same method will be the answer to another question - "how to activate a Sberbank salary card ?" The right decision is at an ATM, terminal, or wait a day until the bank does it for you. If you have any questions about the work of Sberbank, and also want to receive detailed information about the services provided, the bank hotline is tel. 8-800-555-5550 - works around the clock. If you are in Russia, then the call will be free for you.

How to activate the card of Sberbank "Momentum"?

How to activate Sberbank Momentum card
The "Momentum" card allows its owners to carry out the same account operations that are possible with other types of plastic. The only limitation is the amount of withdrawals or purchases per day - this is 100 thousand rubles, as well as the inability to attach a salary or additional account to it. Otherwise, you can use Momentum cards wherever there is a Maestro logo (this is the name of the payment system). The main advantage of this product is that you do not need to pay for reissuing or servicing a card; Also, many stores and companies have special agreements with Sberbank on the provision of discounts to customers who pay for the service or product specifically with Momentum. How to activate a Sberbank card of this name? As simple as the previous ones. After receiving it, the bank will do this on its own within 24 hours, or you need to go to the nearest ATM, complete the operation and confirm it with the PIN code issued earlier. Thus, your card will work, and you can easily withdraw money or use it to pay for your purchases.


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