Krakow: attractions. What to see in Krakow

Krakow ... Sights of this city, perhaps, are known to every modern person. And even if for some reason it was not possible to visit it personally, it is simply impossible to ignore the numerous postcards and booklets with views of this amazing place.

General description of the former Polish capital

Krakow sights

The question of what to see in Krakow disappears, you just have to find yourself in its streets. One would like to say: β€œWhat to see? - Everything! Actually everything! Every corner!”

The city is one of the oldest in Poland. Therefore, the museums of Krakow are interesting not only to local residents, but also to travelers who seek to get to know this amazing country better.

In the 11-16th centuries, it was here that was the capital and the residence of the monarchs. Coronations and burials of kings were held in this city. The history of the region was long and interesting. It is not for nothing that experts consider the city to be the heart of the whole state.

Ancient Krakow ... Sights both modest, local, and widely known bear the traces of the works of the great masters of the past centuries. Here you can find both Baroque, and the Renaissance, and Art Nouveau.

Despite numerous wars, for its long existence the city was not badly damaged and therefore preserved architectural monuments, fortifications, narrow streets. They have all the charm and mystery of the past centuries. The castle in Krakow, by the way, has also remained virtually untouched since its construction.

In general, to be completely frank, the city attracts tourists not only with its beautiful architecture, but also with a variety of cultural events and entertainment programs.

National Pride of Poland

what to see in krakow

Not everyone knows that in 1978 the Old Krakow city was added by UNESCO to the list of the most valuable monuments of the world heritage, because a large number of architectural monuments were preserved in it. So there is something to see here.

Experienced travelers note that the sights of Krakow on the map are not at all difficult to find. However, one should take into account the fact that it is better to acquire a bilingual city scheme - in Polish and in English. Otherwise, you simply get confused by reading and comparing the names of streets, squares and parks.

A brief guide to the ancient city

They say that Krakow shows its sights willingly and even with some pleasure. Here, in almost any weather, you can take stunning pictures, because the light, according to professional photographers, is just perfect. The climate allows for long walks. Neither the exhausting heat, nor the cold penetrating to the bone, as a rule, is threatened by tourists.

Look around. You see, on the left bank of the Vistula rises the hill on which the castle stands? From this place, perhaps, it is worth starting an acquaintance with the city. By the way, the premises of this ancient refuge of Polish rulers still hold rich collections of works of art and tapestries.

It should be noted that in a nearby cathedral, coronations, burials of kings and prominent cultural figures and statesmen took place. It is considered a treasury of Polish culture.

Poland is amazing and unique ... Krakow, whose sights are located mainly in the center of the Old Town, is perhaps difficult to compare with another city on Polish soil.

Krakow today

castle in krakow

Every hour on the central square, the trumpeter performs the so-called β€œGainal”, which suddenly breaks off in memory of the musician who died during the siege of Krakow by the Tatars.

In the center of the market is the building of the oldest shopping arcade - Sukiennice. You can buy various souvenirs in it.

Festive performances, festivals and concerts are organized on the market square. There are a huge number of cafes and restaurants, cabarets, theaters and galleries.

The city has its own emblem - these are dachshunds and peacocks. Throughout the city you can see wooden, glass, painted and lively dachshunds.

If some locality in Poland is still able to surprise a modern and quite sophisticated traveler, then this is Krakow. Sightseeing enthrall from the first minute and remain in the memory for a long time.

Majestic Wawel Castle

Poland Krakow sights

The building was built by order of Casimir the Great. It was originally Gothic, but after a fire in 1499, King Alexander and his brother Sigmund Old restored it in the Renaissance style.

Wawel Castle is a fine example of Italian Renaissance style. The courtyard is surrounded by a triple garland of galleries, separated by supports, arches and balustrades. The columns of the two lower tiers smoothly pass into the arches, and the thinner structures of the upper support the canopy. The walls of the galleries are decorated with fragments of murals of the 16th century.

Museum "Galicia" - a place that is impossible to forget

museums in krakow

Exposition "Galicia" in Krakow is dedicated to Jewish culture. It is located in the Kazimierz quarter, in which Jews previously lived. Its founders are British photojournalist Chris Schwartz and professor Jonathan Weber.

The main languages ​​of the museum are Polish and English. Approximately 30,000 visitors visit the establishment annually.

The main exhibition is called "Traces of Memory". It is dedicated to the heyday of Jewish culture in southern Poland. For 12 years, Weber and Schwartz collected photographs of synagogues, cemeteries and various household items of the Jews.

The museum consists of 5 departments, which give an idea of ​​the different stages of the past of the Jewish people. In 2008, the exposition "Polish Heroes" was opened, in which you can learn about the righteous of the peoples of the world.

Waterpark - summer all year round

Note that this is the largest park of its kind in Eastern Europe. In total there are 8 roller coasters. The longest slide is a black pipe. It has a length of 201 m, a height of 18.5 m and electronic lighting.

The water park has hydromassages, fountains, a jacuzzi, grottoes, a rumbling river, geysers and climbing walls. The total area of ​​the pools is 1586 sq. There is also a gym, a solarium, a fitness club, saunas, cafes, restaurants, bars, and beauty salons.

And again, Her Majesty the Gothic - St. Mary's Cathedral

what to see in krakow

It was built in 1397 in honor of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It is the main cathedral in the city. It has two towers: one is decorated with a high spire in the Gothic style, and the other with a low helmet in the Renaissance style.

Inside, it is richly decorated with sculptures, works of art and stained glass windows. The most important treasure of the Mariack Cathedral is the main altar, made by Vit Stvos in the second half of the 15th century. This polyptych carved from linden is a recognized masterpiece of the Gothic era with renaissance elements.

History of the Benedictine Monastery

It is located near the Polish city of Tynts, 13 km from Krakow. The monastery stands on the right bank of the Vistula, on a limestone rock. It was built in 1044 by order of Casimir I. The first abbot Aaron contributed to the reform of the church structure in Poland. Additional monastery buildings were later built. This monastery has become one of the largest and richest monasteries in Poland.

In the 12th and 13th centuries Tatars and Czechs raided the abbey. In the following centuries it was repeatedly reconstructed: first in the Gothic style, then in the Baroque and Rococo. In the 16th century, the abbey excelled in the economic and cultural sphere.

In 1816, it was closed for some time after the war between France and Russia. The abbey was also badly damaged after the Second World War. In 1947, restoration work began.

Former main shopping street of Krakow

Grodskaya street stretches from the Market Square in a southerly direction. Once it was a segment of the trade route. Its name is found in urban documents from the 13th century.

On this street you can walk to the main attractions of Krakow: the square of All Saints and the Dominican Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Until 1850, Grodskaya Street was narrow, which caused difficulties for traffic, but after the fire it was significantly expanded. Many houses standing on it have historical significance.

Travel Tips

Krakow sights

  • In cafes and restaurants in Poland, it is customary to leave a tip in the amount of 10% of the order, but in Krakow it is considered shameful to leave less.
  • Students are advised to take care of having an international student ISIC. With this certificate you can get a 50% discount on tickets to all museums in the city.
  • Basically, all the hotels in Krakow are quite expensive, it is difficult to find a cheap one. The average cost of a single room in a hotel is about $ 40, the most budget option is $ 25. During summer student vacations, many hostels work as hotels. The cost of a room in a hostel will be $ 4.5-18, but the amenities here are minimal (showers for 2-3 rooms, a kitchen for 1-2 floors).
  • Currency exchange offices here are called Kantorwymianywalut. Near each item hangs a list of accepted currencies. In such offices, it is more profitable to change money, since banks charge a certain percentage for the exchange. However, it should be borne in mind that they do not accept the currency of the CIS countries.
  • It should be noted that smoking is prohibited on railway platforms. For violation of the ban, the police officer will write a fine without warning.
  • How beautiful Krakow is! Photo "Sights of the city" forever becomes an adornment of any family archive. However, you should be aware of some points in the shooting. Polish police do not like to be photographed while being in the service. In order not to run into trouble, you should ask them for permission. Although if a policeman accidentally gets into the frame, then it's okay.
    Krakow photo attractions
  • Usually in museums for photo and video shooting you need to purchase separate tickets. Some churches also have to pay for the right to photograph. Pay attention to the prohibition signs, as in some temples you can take pictures, but only without a flash.


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