How to make a toy from a sock with your own hands?

Gift - how many emotions in this word! Expectation, joy, love, anticipation, uncertainty, happiness, hope, reciprocity ... And each time the choice of a gift is an exciting adventure: โ€œWhat would please him?โ€, โ€œWill she like it?โ€, โ€œWhere to find what came up with? "," Or maybe do it yourself? " And here the doors open to the exciting world of needlework! Patterns, patterns, tools, fabrics, yarn ... So easy to get lost in this! And sometimes itโ€™s so difficult and long to craft something with your own hands. But the most valuable gift is the one made with the soul and with your own hands!

In fact, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance.

The most popular gifts are socks and toys. Bored? And if you combine them? Just some two hours of work - and the original toy is ready!

Types of toys from socks

Soft toys from socks with their own hands are different: large, small, sewn from one or more socks, developing, memorable, funny or sad. You can sew a toy from a sock for a child, and it will become the most beloved for many years. And you can fill it with herbs instead of sintepon, and the natural, and most importantly, the original flavor is ready. Or sew it as a reminder of some significant event in life. In general, what a do-it-yourself sock toy will be depends on the goals and imagination of the needlewoman.


So, before you start creating your soft toy, you need to prepare all the necessary materials:

  • Socks. There are several nuances here. Firstly, they vary in form: there are classic, golfs, sports, understated. This is not to say that each toy can be made from any sock, so it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the pattern when choosing socks. Secondly, socks vary in composition. Cotton without lycra is well suited for toys for small children, but they practically do not stretch, parts are poorly formed from them, have a lot of shrinkage when washing. Plush soft socks are pleasant to the touch, well suited for making animals imitating wool, but they hold their shape poorly and it is very difficult to sew from them, since the structure is loose, the line behind the pile is almost invisible, and the material will roll along the edge. Synthetic ones are well formed, have a variety of colors, but with an active game they quickly lose their appearance, are poorly washed and can fade. Woolen socks are well suited for creating original animals, keep their shape, retain their original appearance for a long time, but it is difficult to sew from them, it is necessary to carefully select all the loops to prevent them from blooming during stuffing and further use, and moth larvae can also wrap in them.
  • Scissors. It is better to prepare 2 pairs: tailor - for the main work, manicure - for small (cut the threads, open, etc.).
  • Needles. When choosing needles, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the toy. If the toy is simple, then you only need a needle that is comfortable for sewing. If the pattern involves piercing a large volume (the formation of the muzzle, for example), then a gypsy needle may be needed .
  • Threads. They must be selected according to two criteria: color and strength. If the toy is multi-colored, then the thread will likely need several colors. Also do not forget about the design of the toy.
  • Filler. It is best to use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber comb. Hollofiber balls has an uneven structure, so a handmade toy made of a sock will be bumpy. Foam rubber, like cotton wool, is also undesirable to use: they dry for a long time and can leave stains on the fabric when dried. If you make a tactile toy filled with cereal, you need to remember that it can not be washed and that bugs can start in the cereal. In this case, it is better to give preference to cherry stones. They do not deteriorate, they can be washed, and if the bones are warmed in a microwave or on a battery, then they retain heat for a long time, so the toy can be used as a heating pad.
  • Decor It is immediately necessary to decide what a toy from socks will be. Simple, in a hat, with a scarf or in a dress, she will have eyes from buttons, beads or embroidered with thread. Accordingly, everything necessary must be prepared in advance so as not to be distracted from creating your own masterpiece in the future.


And when everything is ready for work, you can begin to create! Patterns for toys from socks with their own hands are quite simple, they can be made either by ourselves or you can use ready-made works.


DIY sock cat

This is a do-it-yourself sock toy for beginners. Sewing it is quite simple. First you need to choose socks. The composition and color depend only on the imagination of the needlewoman, but it is better to choose a sports form, at the rate of 7 cm of the shaft for 15 cm of foot. To make a cat, you will need 1 pair of socks, 2 buttons, the main threads (matching the color of the socks, in this case white), black and red for decoration.

DIY toy pattern from cat socks

The process is as follows.

  1. Socks must be turned to the wrong side, placed on a flat surface with the heel up.
  2. The first sock will be the body with the paws. The heel of the toe plays the role of a toy butt, the bootleg - the hind legs, the foot - the trunk and front legs. According to the pattern, make cuts, sew the front paws and partially the hind legs. Turn out.
  3. The second sock is the head and tail. Cut, sew the tail, ears, leave a space between the ears for stuffing and twisting.
  4. Fill the body and head, sew technological holes with a mattress seam, sew buttons on the face - eyes, embroider nose, mouth and mustache. Collect all the details (the head is seam on the toe down). Before sewing on the tail, it is necessary to wrap inward the edges of the product.

The cat from socks is ready!


Do-it-yourself sock dog

The dog is sewn from socks according to the same principle as the cat, only the ears and nose are cut separately. The photo shows a dog pattern. Depending on the color of the sock and what I would like to make the ears and tail, you can change their location on the pattern. In this case, details of a contrasting color were used, respectively, to create this toy from a sock with one's own hands it took 1 pair of color and 1 pair of black, as well as beige, black threads, 2 buttons on the leg with a diameter of 10 mm in black and 2 - white, with two holes, diameter 25 mm.

DIY dog pattern from socks

The execution algorithm is as follows.

  1. To turn out socks, to cut out details according to drawing.
  2. Sew the body, not forgetting to leave the hole for turning out. Unscrew, fill and sew in the technological hole.
  3. Unscrew the head, fill it, carefully assemble the end face, hiding the edge inward, tighten, fasten. Sew buttons - eyes (you can sew both large and small buttons at once, but you can do it in stages), ears, nose (formed according to the same principle as the head), embroider the mouth.
  4. Stitch the tail, collect all the details.


DIY sock bear

In order to sew a bear toy with your own hands from a sock, you will need socks of medium height of the shaft, as for coloring - it is better to use two-tone products, the heel and toe of which differ in color from the main fabric. You will also need 2 black beads for the eyes, 2 buttons and a ribbon for the decor, which can be changed at will. Sewing a bear is a little more difficult than a cat or a dog, but the result will be worth the effort.

DIY bear pattern from socks

We act like this.

  1. Turn socks inside out, lay out as shown in the pattern.
  2. Cut out the details.
  3. Body. On the pattern, the location of the neck is clearly visible. If the socks are quite thin, then it is not necessary to cut the bends, it is enough to stitch it, leaving the excess fabric inside, however if the socks are of dense material, then the excess should still be removed, since the fabric will not lie evenly. Sew the legs, not forgetting to leave a place for eversion. Fill, sew up the hole.
  4. Sew hands, ears. Turn out, stuff, sew to the body.
  5. Muzzle. Toe the toe along the cut line a little (reduce the diameter by 1.5 cm), fill, sew to the body around the circumference, forming a muzzle.
  6. Embroider the nose and mouth on the face, sew on bead eyes and decorative elements.

Bear is ready!


DIY sock monkey

In the photo of a toy from socks with his own hands it is seen that the principle of sewing a monkey is about the same as that of a bear. Socks here must be chosen with a high top, you can even use knee-high socks. It is also desirable that the toe and heel differ in color from the main fabric. For the eyes you will need small pieces of black and white fabric, it is better to use felt.

DIY monkey pattern from socks

The action plan is simple.

  1. Cut out the details according to the figure. Stitch the legs, leaving a small hole between them. Turn out, fill. If the gum of the socks is quite loose, you can form a similarity of the feet, stuffing denser than other legs.
  2. Sew hands, tail and ears, twist, fill tail and arms and sew to the body. Sew hands better with a gypsy needle through the body to form a semblance of the body. First, one arm is sewn, then the body is pierced through, the thread is pulled and fixed, the second arm is sewn.
  3. To form the ears, it is necessary to connect the edges of the ear to each other. Sew to the head.
  4. The muzzle can be sewn in two ways: like a bear, only sew not in a circle, but in an oval or grind the edges of the part, forming a kind of baseball, turn out, fill, sew a hole and sew the resulting part to the body.
  5. Sew on eyes, embroider mouth.


DIY Sock Bunnies

Socks for this toy are needed with an average, classic bootleg height. If you take the products are not quite small, but, for example, the Russian 27th, then 1 hare is obtained from 1 sock. You will also need felt circles with a diameter of 20 mm (you can replace it with a button of the same size), a large needle and threads of 3 colors: the main one for sewing on the nose and black for embroidery.

DIY bunny pattern from socks

The algorithm is as follows.

  1. Cut out the details, it is better to first cut off the body, then the head, cut the tail, and trim the remaining tissue and cut into 2 parts for the ears.
  2. Unscrew the head, fill it, collect the edges of the part, tighten it, hiding the edges inward. Tail stitch similarly.
  3. Fold each detail of the ears in half, sew, twist, sew to the head.
  4. Body. Sew together legs, twist through elastic, fill, sew on the head, then stitch tightly through marked lines to form folds that mimic hands. Sew on the tail.
  5. Sew on the nose, embroider the eyes and mouth. If desired, you can decorate with pockets, bows and other accessories.

Little man

do-it-yourself sock man

As you can see in the picture, the technique of sewing a toy with your own hands from a sock is similar to making a hare, but in this case, the heel of the sock will not be a booty of a toy, but a head, and the toy itself will be lying. The bootleg for this toy is practically absent, and it is better to choose tight socks. You will also need a thin white sock, button, scarf material, a large needle, threads of the main color, black, white and red.

DIY little man from socks

The action plan is simple.

  1. Cut out the parts as shown.
  2. Turn out the head, fill, sew, forming a ball. Embroider the mouth, pulling the thread through, fasten the thread, forming a hole. Embroider eyes.
  3. Body. Stitch the legs, twist the part, stuff. Insert head - ball, lock. If necessary, flash and tighten the neck area. On marked lines on the pattern, stitch your hands with a large needle. Decorate the neck with a scarf, sew on a button.

Since everyone can make a toy from a sock with their own hands, regardless of age and sewing skills, and the pleasure of the manufacturing process and directly handing the finished product to nothing can be compared, we can consider it the best gift for any occasion!


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