Application for children: rocket of geometric shapes

An application of geometric basic shapes is a simple and very useful creation. Such activities develop motility, learn to concentrate and develop imagination. It is not difficult to make a rocket from geometric figures if you carefully study the information and follow the step-by-step guide presented below.

geometric rocket

From what age do they apply

Many parents begin to develop their baby very early. As soon as he begins to sit, he is taught to draw, sculpt and glue. Each child needs an individual approach. Some children are calm and assiduous by nature, they can sit for a long time and engage in "quiet" creativity. Others are active and curious, it is difficult for such guys to sit still and do one thing for a long time. Therefore, the age at which a child will cope with the application of a rocket from geometric shapes is a question that each parent answers himself. It is best to start familiarizing yourself with paper, scissors and glue from two to four years old. At this age, the child is already talking, understands the requests of adults, can sit still for 5-10 minutes.

Options for the smallest

how to make a rocket

It is with a rocket that one can begin acquaintance with an application in general. This is a simple and interesting object that anyone can handle. The task of making a rocket often confronts parents of young children. Sometimes these are assignments from a kindergarten, or from a developmental manual, or mother herself wants to teach applications on this example. A rocket is very easy to adapt for children. It consists of three parts:

  1. The top of the rocket (triangle).
  2. Case (rectangle or elongated oval).
  3. Fire in the lower part of the body (may be curly or consist of triangles).

Very young children should not be given scissors. Mom or another adult independently prepares the parts for the application. It is better to provide for spare parts (the child, due to inexperience, can crush, tear or stain the workpiece). Also, in advance you need to prepare a monophonic base - a thick sheet of Whatman paper or cardboard.

If the application is done for the first time, it is better to completely guide the child's hand. To do this, an adult takes a small pen in his own, and controls it - smears the workpiece with glue and leans against the cardboard base. If the baby already has experience with the application, the adult may limit himself to an observant position. In this case, you need to be ready to immediately come to the rescue. The creative process should be coupled with emotions of success and confidence, so that in the future the child would like to create new things, developing his abilities.

What activities and goals might require a rocket image

applique rocket of geometric shapes

In children's circles, kindergartens and schools, classes are often held devoted to space and the solar system, in particular. It is useful for children to learn about the structure of the world, planet, and the Universe. Also, space is always remembered on Cosmonautics Day. This is a great occasion to introduce the children to the astronauts, their stories and biography. As a creative assignment, it is often proposed to portray the cosmos or something related to it. What exactly can a child do is worth choosing based on his age and skills. For example, to perform a rocket of geometric shapes even a toddler of preschool age can do. And more complex artwork should be left for the school.

How to make a rocket in stages

To complete the application of a rocket from geometric shapes, you will need the simplest stationery:

  1. Color cardboard (for the basis of work).
  2. Colored paper (for the top of the rocket, hull and fire).
  3. Scissors for paper.
  4. Glue stick.
  • On the inside of the colored paper, figures are drawn - a rectangle (this is the body), a triangle (this is the top of the rocket), several elongated triangles (this is fire). That is, a paper rocket diagram is a combination of these three elements.
  • Each of the parts is smeared with glue (wrong side) and pressed to the cardboard. If it is difficult for a child to follow the composition, you need to help him.
  • The glued parts are wiped with a cloth, with neat smoothing movements. This will allow the paper to stick evenly, and excess glue will remain on the fabric.


rocket from geometric shapes pattern

A rocket of geometric shapes can be used in children's games and competitions. Children like this space object, which is associated with travel and something unknown. For example, you can make a rocket template from geometric shapes for the son’s birthday. Guests can colorize it or make a collective application for the birthday.

rocket from geometric shapes pattern

How to supplement the work

When the main application of the rocket of geometric shapes is ready, it can be supplemented. As parts, it is appropriate to use:

  • Stars.
  • Planets.
  • Portholes on the rocket body.
  • Astronauts in spacesuits.
  • Aliens.

You can use improvised decor. Stars are glued shiny sequins (come in different shapes and colors), buttons are portholes, beads are rocket decor or distant planets, etc.

paper rocket diagram

You can make an application on a previously prepared background. For example, a child, alone or with the help of adults, makes a space drawing with paints or pencils. As a result, the "space" work looks interesting, picturesque and extraordinary. Combining several different techniques, children learn to fantasize, master the basics of composition and color combination.

With a finished work, a child can decorate his room, take it to school for a competition, or congratulate relatives on Cosmonautics Day. In any case, making a space-based applique will help the child develop hand motility and develop a sense of taste in him.


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