How to make figures of balls with your own hands?

Balloons have long been an integral part of festive events. A variety of photo zones, airy bouquets, decorated entrances, huge figures from balls firmly entered our lives. How not to get lost among a diverse assortment and choose what you like? First you need to decide what kind of decor will be used to decorate the holiday.

Holiday decoration with ordinary balloons

The simplest decoration option is regular air-blown balls. Moreover, they can be not only round, but also in the shape of a heart, star or butterfly. You can tie them together to make figures from balls or original bouquets. In order for the composition to keep its shape, it is possible to fasten individual elements of the resulting structure to each other with double-sided tape. This will allow the figures to remain in the position in which they were initially fixed. The geometric shape of the balls can be an excellent universal basis for the design of the photo zone. Colorful balls in the shape of a rainbow look very bright and spectacular, such an arch can be an excellent basis for decorating a children's holiday.

Balloon Rainbow

Using helium filled balloons

Balloons filled with a special gas, helium, look very impressive. Their main feature is the ability to stay in the air, which allows you to more creatively decorate the room. So that such balls do not fly around the room or fly out the window, special weights are attached to them from below, with which you can adjust the height of the decoration.

When choosing balls with a filler, it is worth paying attention to whether they undergo pre-treatment before they are filled with gas. Treated will stay on the ceiling and delight children much longer than untreated. Balls that have not undergone special processing can drop to the floor in just a few hours, and high-quality inflated balls can please the eye even for a month.

Helium balloons

Combining helium balloons with ordinary ones, you can decorate the room on the occasion of any celebration. Balloons will be a great decoration for your birthday, and the festive party will look bright and creative.

Animal figures from long balls

Children are very fond of balloons, so adults are constantly inventing new options for their use. Kids are delighted with figures twisted from long narrow balls. Surely everyone at least once saw a clown in a circus or a seller in a park taking a sausage-type ball and deftly making a dog, sword or giraffe out of it. At first glance, it seems that making figures from balls with your own hands is quite difficult. But if you at least once see how slowly a professional does it, then everything becomes very clear.

Long ball elephant

First of all, it is necessary to inflate a long ball not completely (at the end there must be a remainder, this is necessary so that the ball does not burst when the figure starts to be twisted from it), then the ball is tied. On the obtained workpiece, it is necessary to make kinks in certain places and twist them, rotating parts of the ball in different directions and crossing them. You can try to make step-by-step figures from balls using the instructions in the pictures below.

Balloon dog

It is easiest to twist a sword from a long ball. To do this, on the one hand, you need to make a handle (scroll the ball several times so that several air bubbles form, make a loop on its edge and thread a long part into it).

Ball Sword

For the manufacture of some types of animals, you may need not only long, but also round small balls. For example, by tying several different balls together and drawing eyes on round balls, you can get a nice octopus.

Balloon octopus

Doing simple manipulations from one long ball, you can get a huge number of different shapes. By showing children how to make shapes out of balls, you can have fun with the whole family and invent new outlandish animals.


Shaped Balloons

Professional decorators make amazing compositions that adorn not only children's birthdays, but also corporate parties of various companies, the festive opening of supermarkets and photo zones of large shopping centers.

Ball figures on March 8 often mean bright colors and a huge figure of eight made up of many round small balls. Children's birthdays are decorated in the style of characters from a cartoon. For weddings, they usually make a romantic arch of knitted balls of delicate color and decorate it with beautiful flowers. It should be remembered that creating a large figure from balls requires certain skills. Therefore, before starting to bind them together, it is worthwhile to think in advance of the composition of the structure that will support them.

Balloons Flowers

The easiest way is to make a β€œFlower” shape. To make it, you will need 2-3 long green balls (this will be the stem and leaves), 5-7 small bright balls (petals), one small round yellow (middle of the flower).

Ball and flower decor

Recently, a composition composed of fresh flowers, a wicker basket and a helium ball is gaining popularity among florists. In shape, it resembles a balloon, it looks quite original and romantic. It is very simple to make such a composition on your own, but at the same time it will turn out to be an excellent alternative to the usual bouquet of flowers and will certainly please the birthday boy.

Ball with flowers

If the composition of the balloons is intended to decorate the girl’s birthday, then you can’t do without flowers. Combining balls and flowers into a single bouquet or decorating the thread that ties the ball with bright colors is so simple. But the result will make the birthday girl smile and give the guests a bright mood!

Making a photo zone using balls

Given the popularity that photos acquire on social networks, many girls seek to organize an elegant photo zone at their celebration. Guests are happy to take pictures against the backdrop of compositions of balloons and flowers. Even a few helium balloons bundled into a bunch will make the holiday more fun and bring some lightness and brightness to the photo. You can order a ready-made photo zone from professionals, or you can approach this creatively and independently make figures from balls, add a few beautiful flowers, a couple of garlands to them.

Photozone from balls

What will be needed to decorate the holiday with balloons?

If you decide to decorate the festive interior with balloons yourself, you must have the following:

  • Different types of balls (round, long, curly, balls with inscriptions).
  • Inflation pump (can be manual or automatic).
  • Ropes, ribbons, bows (for tying inflated balls and forming beautiful bunches).
  • Wire, frame (if you plan to make a figure out of balls, then you will need to attach them to something solid that can hold its shape).
  • Scissors.
  • Adhesive tape, including double-sided tape (you may need to stick balloons together or attach them to the wall).
  • Artificial or paper flowers (needed if you plan to collect a composition of balls and flowers).
  • Fantasy (not a single decor design can do without a creative approach and original ideas).
    Ball pump

The technology for creating a composition of balls is quite simple. Only 5 simple steps - and the holiday will become brighter:

  1. We inflate the balls with the pump.
  2. We tie them so that no air comes out of them.
  3. We form beautiful figures or bunches from inflated balls.
  4. We complement the composition with decorative elements (flowers, ribbons, etc.).
  5. We fix the resulting composition on the wall or frame.

How to complement the decor of balloons?

Decoration with balloons will look more impressive if you add a few additional elements to it. Most often used for this:

  • garlands (of flowers, lanterns, beads);
  • paper flowers;
  • ribbons, bows;
  • feathers;
  • serpentine;
  • glass or plastic balls;
  • banner stretching or canvas (used as the basis for the photo zone);
  • lightweight fabric for drapery;
  • other elements that blend with the holiday concept.

In the photo, the figures from the balls look spectacular and festive. No wonder this version of decor is very popular for decorating photo zones. A little patience and imagination will help to create an unforgettable composition that will certainly surprise guests of the holiday with its novelty and originality!


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