David Bom: biography, photos and interesting facts

Quantum physicist David Bom made a huge contribution not only to theoretical physics, but also to neuropsychology and philosophy. While working at Princeton University, Bohm actively collaborated with Albert Einstein, studied plasma physics, quantum mechanics, metal theory, elementary particle theory. In 1951, David Bohm wrote a significant work for world science, considered the best exposition of the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics.

david bom

Bom and Oppenheimer

In December 1917, a boy was born into a Jewish immigrant family living in the USA who literally from the cradle began to actively explore the world, surprising everyone with the accuracy of his observations. In the exact sciences, David Bom was especially talented, which was discovered very early. After graduating from college in Pennsylvania in 1939, in less than four years, he became a Ph.D. in physics. David Bom defended this degree at the University of California. As a student, he participated with great enthusiasm in the discussions of the circle led by one of the “fathers” of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, where problems that were very far removed from theoretical physics were discussed.

david bom books

The first steps to future discoveries, David Bom, whose books include many philosophical questions, took even then. He was interested in the connection of all things, matter, reason, - everything that cannot but touch physics as a science. Until 1947, David Bohm, a physicist, studied at the University of Berkeley (California) the theory of plasma, synchrocyclotron and synchrotron. Among others, his work contributed to Oppenheimer's creation of the atomic bomb. Naturally, he himself, as the son of a Hungarian emigrant and a Latvian emigrant, was not allowed to join the project, accusing him of "disloyalty". In truth, people of this kind were allowed secret work in all countries not by talent, but by trustworthiness.

Bom and Einstein

In 1947, after moving and getting a new job (assistant professor at Princeton University), David Bom began to think over the books that he was to write. Just then, active cooperation began with the ingenious Albert Einstein, who greatly favored Bohm. In 1951 he was delighted with the first book of his colleague, spoke of her as a genius.

david bom holographic universe

However, the author David Bom himself, highly appreciating the conversations with the master, questioned the correctness of his interpretation. Already at the end of this work, Bom was not sure that the book should be published. However, not one Einstein, a whole chorus of physicist friends, urged the author to hurry up, because “Quantum Theory” at the moment turned out to be the best exposition of quantum mechanics. The book came out and made a splash in the scientific world. But David Bom rethought all of his original interpretations and later added a number of articles to the book. “Causal interpretation of quantum mechanics” was the name of the new interpretation of the scientific problem.

Quantum systems

Colleagues called the published works of Bohm a theoretical manifestation of such a complete, almost mystical belief in the randomness of the phenomenal world, into a single whole of universal reality. This idea is so deep that David Bom worked on the resolution of all the questions she posed. The holographic universe, as an idea, dripped from the tip of his pen precisely as a result of reflection on quantum potential.

Bom now considered the orthodox quantum theory incomplete, rejected its indeterminism, believing that each particle and its trajectories of motion are determined not only and not so much by simple laws of physics, they are controlled by active active information about the environment of this particle up to the whole Universe as a whole.

Quantum potential

He took up this work closely only in the 70s, on the slope of his life, however, such scientists as Bom David, the holographic concept of the Universe could not be built. Time itself required this knowledge. Just as a radar leads a ship across a stormy coastal ocean, so every particle doesn’t just “plow the expanses of the Universe”, everything in its movement depends on the properties of the quantum potential, and not on distance, and especially not on time, everything takes on the relationship between quantum systems.

Thus, the development of this idea was the very first introduction of information into the very depths of physical theory, and now the works of David Bohm are a postulate of the quantum theory of computing and information. There are opportunities for various assumptions, even the most, at first glance, delusional. For example, are there more subtle levels of reality? And on this score, Bohm has a theory - quantum, with hidden non-local variables. He wrote several works on this subject, which subsequently led to the thought experiment discussed today: the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and Bell's inequality.

david bom rollout


Since the student group, of which Bom was a member, was engaged not only in physics, but also in philosophical ideas, including communist ideas, his friends and colleagues were arrested on one ill-fated day. It was 1950, the most rampant McCarthyism in the United States. David suffered the same fate, but refused to testify against his comrades.

Despite the fact that he was released from prison with a formal withdrawal of all charges, Princeton University did not renew his contract. Even the urgent requests of Einstein, counting on further collaboration with Bohm, did not bring success. The university administration did not even meet the brilliant scientist. For some time, Bom worked in Brazil, then in Israel, where he met Sarah Wolfson, his wife.

New opportunities

Haifa has become a symbolic and happy place for Bohm. Two of his students, exceptionally bright personalities, became his colleagues, and with them the most amazing discoveries in the field of quantum physics were made. These names are everywhere mentioned next to the name of David Bohm - Gideon Karmi and Yakir Aaronov. In 1957, he was offered a chair in Bristol (UK), and Bohm agreed.

It was there, together with Aaronov, that the "Aaronov-Bohm effect" was discovered on the ability of electrons to sense a magnetic field even where it was not. The year 1961 made Bohm a professor of theoretical physics. This happened already at the most famous high level of science at Birkbeck College (University of London). There, Bom worked until his retirement, that is, until 1984.

Krishnamurti talks with David Bom

Physics and Philosophy

A long time has come when Bom felt the need to combine these two pictures of the world. In 1959, he accidentally read the work of an Indian philosopher, and the similarity of their views on many things shocked him. But the biggest impetus to the study of the connections of philosophy and physics was given by Krishnamurti's conversations with David Boom, during which the latter was repeatedly amazed at the presence of so many parallels in the worldview of two completely different people. Their friendship lasted more than a quarter of a century. Fortunately for mankind, the conversations of two smartest people did not sink into oblivion, but they paid off. They became books: Science, Order and Creativity, The Ending of Time, Wholeness and the Implicate Order.

The interpretation of quantum mechanics, which David Bohm had been working on for the rest of his life, was of crucial importance in the development of a holographic model of the structure of the Universe and the theory of "holomovement," and these two quantities were surrounded by increasingly strong bonds. According to them, each part of the world in space and time repeats in itself absolutely everything that is in the rest of the universe, with the inclusion of not only the present, but also the future and the past. That is, each segment has information about the whole object. By studying the cell, one can know the universe. This idea is not the mainstream, because the concept of “what’s below, then above” was developed by Bacon, and later by the Roerichs and Blavatsky, but within the framework of philosophy. But David Bohm proved universal integrity and hidden order with the help of physics.

bom david holographic concept of the universe

In the wake

American neuropsychologist Carl Pribram used Bohm’s ideas, creating a holographic model of the brain, and he did it. A physicist from the Netherlands and a Nobel laureate Gerart Hooft in his work was based on the development of a holographic universe, authored by David Bohm, the expanding importance of particles helped him solve one of the eternal problems of physics - obtaining reasonable and mathematically correct predictions of the theory of electroweak interactions, on the unification of heterogeneous, on first glance, the fields that act in the universe.

He formulated a holographic principle, according to which all the information of a certain area can be represented as a hologram, and thought is also an element of universal creativity, as David Bohm claimed. Integrity and hidden order - it was precisely this idea that the followers of Bohm were surprised and supported. This was an interesting person who had a huge impact on intercultural interaction. He was welcomed by the Dalai Lama and the leaders of the Indians of North America, he was much broader in concept than just a scientist. In 1990, he was even honored with the membership of the Royal Society of London. And in 1992, at the age of seventy-four, David Bom felt a pain in his heart and died of an attack. The last manuscript remained on the table. It was called: "The Indivisible Universe." The ontological interpretation of quantum theory still managed to complete David Bohm. The integrity of the universe is repeated in the integrity of the personality of this person.

integrity and hidden order david bom

"Crazy idea"

The idea of ​​the universal illusoryness that David Bom gave the world, the discussions of physicists and philosophers has not left to this day. The conclusion from this premise has been made absolutely breathtaking: objective reality does not exist, despite the presence of its obvious density, basically the universe is a beautifully detailed hologram, a giant phantom. What is a hologram? This is a three-dimensional photo generated by laser beams. How this is done, everyone knows today.

The person being photographed is illuminated by one laser beam, and the second, in addition to the reflected light from the person being photographed, gives a certain alternation of the maximums and minimums of the rays, that is, the interference picture, which is quite well fixed on the film. When the eye falls on the resulting image, it is impossible to understand anything - dark and light lines are interbedded on it, and it is absolutely pointless. However, it is worth pointing another laser beam to the picture, a three-dimensional image will immediately appear, and this will be exactly the same source object. This is what David Bom was talking about - the holographic universe, reality is illusory. Subsequently, his book was called by Michael Talbot - "The Holographic Universe".

Other properties

And this is not the only such remarkable property - three-dimensionality. The hologram is inherent and much more. For example, a hologram cut in half of any object illuminated by a laser gives an entire image in each half of the same object, of the same size. And this dismemberment can be continued. Even in the smallest piece, an entire object is found. That is, each section of the hologram has information about the entire subject, with a proportional decrease in sharpness.

The main principle of the hologram is that in every part of the whole there is all this whole. It allows a different view of organization and ordering. The wave-pilot theory, born in 1927 from Louis de Broglie, is the first known example of hidden variables. By rethinking and “proving” this theory, one can comprehend the craziest truths, as David Bohm did. Pilot Wave brought and explained concepts such as the Schrodinger cat paradox and the instant collapse of the wave function.

Physics and Math

Almost all interpretations of quantum mechanics use a mathematical formalism, which is fully supported by experimental evidence. Even if Einstein’s postulate is violated (the limit speed is equal to the speed of light), somehow the electrons know everything about each other, they are ten millimeters or ten parsecs from each other. Each particle is incredibly aware of what the other is doing. Not by communication, no. Not by interaction. Not mysterious signals. Just their separation is illusory. This is what David Bom tried to explain to the world: the holographic Universe, the holographic.

Just at some other level of reality, perhaps deeper, these particles are not separate objects, but upon the expansion of an object much more fundamental. There is a level of reality hidden from us, of a greater dimension. Particles are not separate parts, they are the facets. This unity is invisible and holographic, the whole physical reality consists of such phantoms, and what we observe in the universe is just a projection. We probably also do not exist in reality. What in reality the universal hologram carries within itself - no one knows. For example, this is a matrix where everything in this world originates, and it contains all elementary particles to put together everything from a snowflake to a quasar, from gamma rays to blue dolphins. It may well be that holography is just the level of the world, one of the steps of universal evolution.

david bom physicist

What is time

Naturally, people are curious. They "felt" all this illusory instruments. They made a gravitational telescope in Hanover, looking for gravitational waves and other space-time vibrations created by supermassive space objects. For some reason, not a single wave was found. However, they found the reason: the detector detects strange noises, ranging from three hundred and a half thousand hertz, which, of course, greatly interferes with the work. The source of the noise would not have been found if the Fermi laboratory had not prompted.

It was necessary to consider the holographic principle, following which space-time is not continuous, it is a combination of microzones, sort of grains, quanta of space-time. The equipment in Hanover is so accurate that it captures the oscillations of the vacuum that occur at the boundary of the quanta of space. The telescope came across a space-time limitation and accepted this fundamental limitation as noise. So far, the calculations correspond to the readings of the telescope detector. The world is on the verge of discovery, more than grandiose. We and everything that surrounds us is an illusion ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4789/

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