Psychodiagnostic Methods

Psychodiagnostics is a science that develops and establishes psychological diagnoses. In an effort to develop those personality qualities that are least expressed in a person, it contributes to the full state of his psyche and growth. And the most effective methods of psychodiagnostics are, with the help of which one can achieve the goals set above. In psychology, there are a lot of them. Clinical methods of psychodiagnostics are considered to be the main, classical ones, in which, based on a multilateral, thorough examination, various data are generalized and a diagnosis is made. Attention is paid more not so much to a quantitative measurement as to an analysis of the phenomena of the psyche of a qualitative one. These methods of psychodiagnostics require the use of intuition and experience. These include the following methods of examination: conversation, observation, testing, analysis of the results of human labor, analysis of works of fiction.

A conversation, for example, helps to obtain subjective information about the person’s internal state, the nuances of behavior as a result of verbal communication. There is a close contact between the client and the psychologist, trust appears, which additionally has a psychotherapeutic effect. Such a connection can not give objective research. But the analysis of human labor, creativity is often complicated by subjective interpretation. The observation method is rarely carried out independently. More often, he accompanies any other diagnostics: conversation, testing. Projective techniques in psychodiagnostics are subjective. Their procedure and interpretation are rather non-standard. Yes, and they appeared in contrast to psychometric methods, requiring accurate calculations, but not guaranteeing the correct conclusions.

In order for these techniques to be effective, the psychologist must not only be a professional, but also have creative thinking, intuition, and be able to approach each individual case in a special way. These methods of psychodiagnostics have such a name, because the tests that they use are based on the principle of transferring (projecting) to other people desires and properties that are present in the person himself, but suppressed by him. Projective methods mainly investigate fears, needs, interests, and personality orientations using such popular tests as the Rorschach test, “Non-existent animal”, Luscher, TAT, Rosenzweig. Diagnostics by drawings is especially convenient when examining small weakly speaking children. The general impression of the drawing and its smallest details are also of importance. The Rorschach test, for example, prompts the subject to tell what five black and five colored spots made with ink look like. The Rosenzweig test gives the subject a task in 24 figures depicting conflict situations, to add a sentence to each character. The analysis of these phrases reveals the level of tension of a person and predicts his behavior during a conflict. The results of the test "An animal that does not exist" are made based on the location of the picture on a sheet of paper, the contours of the drawn figure and parts of its body. The test, developed by a psychologist from Switzerland, got his name - Luscher. According to his methodology, each color has an unchanging meaning and its influence on a person. The examinee must choose from 73 (a complete set) or 8 (an incomplete set) of color cards, laid out on white paper, one to the latest. You need to start with the most pleasant color. Those colors, which will be chosen first, indicate that a person prefers, loves, the second of choice - that which he is indifferent to, and the latter - that which is unpleasant to him. Thus, the methods of psychodiagnostics help to identify and understand the unique characteristics of a person, his tendencies and motives of actions.


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