Budapest, the capital of Hungary: photos and interesting facts

The middle course of the blue Danube, full-flowing and calm, on both banks of which lies the capital of Hungary, fills it with special poetry. The magnificent embankments offer wonderful views: on the Buda hills, on which two ancient districts - Buda and Obuda - are located and almost merged, and on the plain with modern Pest.

City in the center of Europe

The beautiful capital of Hungary - the pearl of the country - is located between the Alps and the spurs of the Carpathians, in their lowland. The nomadic Hungarian tribe, whose language belongs to the Finno-Ugric group and is very different from all other European languages, came to these lands from the Urals or even from Western Siberia about ten centuries ago. But already after three hundred years, during the reign of King Istvan, all the pagans were baptized, and the king took the name of Stephen. The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars destroyed the city of Buda. He was restored and began to be called Obuda, which means Old Buda.

The new royal palace was moved to Fortress Hill and surrounded by walls. Merchants and artisans settled on the other side of the Danube in Pest. In 1873, these towns merged into Budapest. Into one harmonious, surprisingly attractive, magnificent whole. The architectural ensemble of the capital of Hungary took shape during the XIV – XX centuries. All architectural styles can be found in it: from the early Romanesque to Baroque. This causes admiration and pride for the beauty of Budapest among the Hungarian people and all the tourists who come here to admire the ancient monuments and modern buildings, the delicate bridges across the Danube, the amazing Vajdahunyad fortress, the beautiful Parliament building and many sights that are found at every step. Budapest is a huge city, so it is more convenient to travel by transport, including the metro. An interesting fact: the first metro line in Europe was laid precisely in Budapest under the magnificent Andrassy Avenue, which is compared with the Champs Elysees.

A quick walk along Andrássy Avenue

The main artery of the capital connects two areas: Erzhebet and Heroes. The latter was built in honor of the millennium of the formation of the state. In Budapest, the capital of Hungary (pictured), in the center of Heroes Square is the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Heroes Square

It is surrounded by a colonnade in the Empire style. Allegorical sculptures will also be found here: Peace and War, as well as Welfare, Labor, Valor, Knowledge. On both sides of the street are buildings in the styles of neo-Renaissance, modern, neo-Gothic, classic. Among them, the Opera House, which was erected in 1884, stands out. One of the initiators of its construction was Franz Liszt. And although the names of Liszt and Kalman are inextricably linked with Hungary, both composers were cosmopolitans who spoke German and French better than their native ones. But the fiery Hungarian melodies that can be heard at the Opera House became the soul of their music. No wonder the prospectus has both Liszt Ferenc Square and its museum house. In addition, we will pass, and better pass, and the guide will show the house-museum of the composer Zoltan Kodai, the Museum of Terror, which is dedicated to the victims of two totalitarian regimes, the Drexler Palace, the Puppet Theater. The avenue was built for three years and is now under the protection of UNESCO.

Walk along the promenade

A leisurely passage along the banks of the Danube will make you exclaim: “What a city!” The capital of Hungary impresses with the scale and magnificence of the Parliament building - the largest building in Budapest.

Parliament of Hungary

It was set on the right bank of the Danube and is decorated with arches, towers, spiers, spans. This huge building in neo-Gothic style brings to mind the magnificent palaces of the emperors. There are 691 rooms in it, among which the royal crown and mace of St. Stephen and the silver-plated saber of one of the monarchs of the Renaissance found their place. Everyone who happens to be in it will certainly inspect the main staircase, the domed hall and the Upper House.

On the embankments you can find a tragic monument to Jews shot and drowned by the Nazis: the children’s, women’s and men’s shoes cast in metal left behind.

The statue of a little girl in a carnival costume, Gresham Palace and the Vigado Concert Hall will certainly attract attention on the embankment. It was built ten years later on the site of another concert hall, which burned down in the fire of 1848.

The panorama of the Danube at Pest is also protected by UNESCO.

Bridges over the river

The capital of Hungary, the city of Budapest, divided by the majestic Danube into two parts, connects them with seven bridges. You will not inspect them all if you walk only on foot. It is most convenient to see the Chain Bridge with lions, Margit, Erzhebet, Liberty Bridge and others, if you take the ship and enjoy all the landscapes and islands that open along the way. So, you can come to a very interesting place outside the capital - to the Vysehrad fortress, where, according to legend, Count Dracula was held for 12 years.


On the other side of the river on a hill is the Royal Palace and the Buda Castle. The palace was built seven hundred years ago under King Bele IV to defend itself against the Tatar-Mongol nomads. He was surrounded by a fortress wall, within which the settlement of Buda quickly grew. By the XV century, a strict ascetic fortress was expanded and became the largest in Europe. Constant defensive wars led her into decline. Only during the Habsburgs in the XVIII century it was turned into a beautiful palace, which guests and residents of the capital of Hungary admire. The photo shows its panoramic view from above.

Royal Palace

The palace was rebuilt after the fires of the 2nd World War. Here are the House of Hungarian Wines, the Museum of the History of Budapest, the National Library, the Fisherman's Bastion, Matthias Cathedral with a Gothic tower. It is the last two objects most often photographed by tourists.

Mount Gellert

It is high, and the rise on it is carried out by funicular. An unforgettable view of Budapest, the capital of Hungary, opens from above. The whole mountain is covered with vegetation. In its shady manicured parks, locals love to relax. And tourists run to photograph the Freedom Monument - a woman with a palm branch in his hand, a church in honor of Bishop Gellert and a monument to King Istvan with a horse. And below you can meet a waterfall.

St. Basilica Istvan

This is the largest and most beautiful religious building in the capital, which began to be erected in 1851. It took 54 years to complete the construction. The basilica is consecrated in honor of the first king of the Magyars, St. Istvan, in the baptism of Stephen. The height of the cathedral - 96 meters - can only be compared with the height of the Parliament.

St. Basilica Istvan

An elevator drives to the observation deck. The cathedral complex includes two bell towers. One of them has a bell that weighs 9 tons! Inside the temple is beautiful and causes amazement and admiration. It is decorated with mosaics, marble chips, paintings and stained glass. Statue of st. Istvan is installed in the altar. In the gilded cancer - the main shrine of the basilica - the king’s right hand is kept. Once a year it is solemnly carried through the streets.

Szechenyi Baths

It is striking that the capital of Hungary is a resort. From the ground from a depth of more than one km, hot healing water enters the open pools. In the "large" pool, it has t 27 ° C, and in the "hot" - 38 ° C.

Szechenyi Baths

In total, there are three saunas and eleven pools open all year round. The bathhouse is located in a cozy park Varoshliget, broken in the English free style. It also houses a zoo, a circus, a statue of Anonymous, to which students come to touch a feather and get good luck, and another one of the many attractions. About it will be discussed below.

Vajdahunyad Castle

Vaidahunyandi Castle

In honor of the country's millennium, this architectural complex, which consists of 21 single buildings, was built of wood. Popular love for him led to the fact that he was rebuilt using stone. Here you can walk around and consider copies of buildings from various places in the country. Builders have skillfully and lovingly connected different eras, architectural styles, and cultural heritage under the open sky. The castle is surrounded by a park with a circus, a zoo and an amusement park.

We talked about the main attractions of the capital. But in order to cover in detail all the interesting things that are available in Budapest, we need a more extensive article, and even better - a trip to this beautiful city.


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