History as a Science

History is a science that studies the features of human activity in the past. It makes it possible to determine the causes of events that took place long before us and today. It is associated with a large number of social disciplines.

history as a science
History as a science has existed for no less than 2500 years. Its founder is considered the Greek scientist and chronicler Herodotus. In ancient times, this science was appreciated and considered it a "mentor of life." In ancient Greece, she was patronized by the goddess Clio herself, who was engaged in the glorification of people and gods.

History is not just a statement of what happened hundreds and thousands of years ago. This is not only a study of processes and events that have taken place in the past. In fact, her purpose is larger and deeper. It does not allow conscious people to forget the past, but all this knowledge is applicable in the present and future. This is a storehouse of ancient wisdom, as well as knowledge of sociology, military affairs, and much more. Forgetting the past means forgetting your culture, heritage. Also, mistakes that have ever been made should not be forgotten so as not to repeat them in the present and future.

The word "history" translates as "investigation." This is a very suitable definition,

history is science
borrowed from Greek. History as a science investigates the causes of events that took place, as well as their consequences. But this definition still does not reflect the whole essence. The second meaning of this term can be perceived as "a story about what happened in the past."

History as a science experienced a new rise in the Renaissance. In particular, the philosopher Krug finally determined her place in the system of teachings. A little later, he was corrected by the French thinker Naville. He divided all sciences into three groups, one of which he called “History”; it should have included botany, zoology, astronomy, as well as history itself as a science of the past and heritage of mankind. Over time, this classification has undergone some changes.

history science
History as a science is concrete; it requires facts, dates attached to them, and a chronology of events. However, it is closely related to a large number of other disciplines. Naturally, psychology was among the latter. In the past and the century before last, theories were developed on the development of countries and peoples, taking into account "public consciousness" and other similar phenomena. Famous Sigmund Freud also contributed to such doctrines. As a result of these studies, a new term appeared - psychohistory. The science expressed by this concept was to study the motivation of the actions of individuals in the past.

History is related to politics. That is why it can be interpreted biased, embellishing and painting some events and carefully ignoring others. Unfortunately, in this case, all its value is leveled.

History as a science has four main functions: cognitive, worldview, educational and practical. The first gives a sum of information about events and eras. Worldview function involves understanding the events of the past. The essence of the practical is in understanding some objective historical processes, “learning from the mistakes of others” and refraining from subjective decisions. The educational function involves the formation of patriotism, morality, as well as a sense of consciousness and duty to society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4811/

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