The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia: date, reasons, historical significance

The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia took place in 1589. The first Russian patriarch was Metropolitan Job. At that time, Boris Godunov actually ruled the country. For his government, this was an important achievement, strengthened the authority of Russia in the international arena.

The situation in the Orthodox world

Date of establishment of the patriarchate

The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia was preceded by a difficult situation in the Christian world. In the XIV century, Byzantium fell and Constantinople was captured. After that, most of the eastern churches were dependent on the Turkish sultans. Russia has remained virtually the only independent Orthodox state in the world.

Since then, the Christian East often looked at Russia as the main defender of Orthodoxy.

Visit of Joachim

Knowing Godunovā€™s ambition, one cannot but admit that he was a true patriot and statesman. He carried out a number of important reforms, the establishment of the patriarchate was one of them. All of them were aimed at strengthening the power and international influence of the Russian state.

The first step for the establishment of the patriarchate was the organization of a visit to Moscow by Patriarch Joachim in 1586. He was greeted with great honor. This was the first time that the eastern patriarch came to Moscow.

Godunov during this visit showed the wonders of sophisticated diplomacy. Joachim was received with honor in the Kremlin, he expected a meeting with Moscow Metropolitan Dionysius, but he was clearly not in a hurry. At the same time, the guest was invited to dinner with the king, which was incredibly honorable. In anticipation of a meal, he was sent to the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, where Dionysius was just serving. Obviously, everything was subtly thought out. As soon as Joachim entered the cathedral, Dionysius was the first to bless him, it was an unprecedented insolence. His indignation all passed by ears, moreover, did not even invite to go to the altar. The patriarch stood all the service at the back pillar of the Assumption Cathedral.

The purpose of the action, which is believed to be directed by Godunov, was to make it clear to Joachim that the Greek patriarchs came to the Russian church exclusively for help and support, appearing in the role of petitioners. Clearly, the Eastern Patriarchate was invited to think about how to correct this injustice.

After this scandal, Joachim did not want to see Dionysius; Godunov himself conducted further negotiations. The guest was clearly not ready for the proposal to establish a patriarchate in Moscow, besides he couldnā€™t make a decision on his own, but he promised to consult with other eastern patriarchs. The final word was reserved for Constantinople.

Delegation from Constantinople

Reasons for the establishment of a patriarchate

In 1588, Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah II arrived in Moscow, who held a post in Constantinople. As most historians today believe, on the way to the capital, he had not yet imagined that he was expected to establish a patriarchate in Russia. He did not have time to discuss this with Joachim.

Soon after his arrival, Jeremiah was actually under house arrest. Complicated and protracted negotiations were held all this time, during which they tried to convince the Patriarch of Constantinople to transfer the dignity to Moscow.

At that time, the country was ruled by Tsar Fedor Ivanovich, the son of Ivan the Terrible, but Prince Boris Godunov was the actual ruler. It is believed that the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia was precisely his idea and merit. Therefore, although Fedor Ivanovich was the formal king, he did everything that his close adviser advised him. Now you know at what tsar the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia became a reality.

Apparently, breaking the delegation of Constantinople was not easy, it took almost a year. You will learn the date of the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia from this article.

Jeremiah surrenders

Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

Only at the beginning of 1589 did Jeremiah surrender. The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia took place in February 1589, hereinafter we will use the new style of chronology.

Patriarch Jeremiah was received with honor and respect. He was placed on the Ryazan Compound, but, to his surprise, the guest was surrounded not only by honor, but also by supervision. The patriarch was forbidden to communicate with anyone, especially with foreigners. He found himself in a situation of a bird caught in a golden cage.

At the same time, Jeremiah soon met with the king, he was bestowed with money, goblets, velvet and sables. He, in turn, brought the relics of the saints. Further negotiations with the patriarch led Godunov. Boris acted subtly, but persistently. It was necessary to convince the Patriarch of Constantinople that in Moscow it was necessary to establish a patriarchate. We managed to cope with this difficult diplomatic task. We started by leaving Jeremiah alone in the courtyard for a very long time. He lived in abundance, but did not see anyone, actually being under house arrest.

At first, he categorically refused the idea of ā€‹ā€‹the Moscow Patriarchate, arguing that he alone could not solve such an important issue. But the longer the imprisonment lasted, the more concessions Jeremiah made. Then Godunov suggested that he himself remain in Russia and become the first patriarch. Obviously, the conditions in which he lived were much better than those that he could afford in Constantinople. As historians suggest, this proposal was not made by Godunov himself, but by his people, who were assigned to the Patriarch of Constantinople, so that their opinion was unofficial, did not oblige anyone to anything, but still influenced the foreign guest.

They say that Jeremiah really decided to stay in Russia, not realizing that it was just a trap. Godunov did not need him as the Moscow patriarch. With this, real negotiations began, not about the patriarchā€™s move from Constantinople to Moscow, but about the establishment of his throne here. At the same time, modern historians do not exclude that, perhaps, this possibility was also considered as a fallback.

On the one hand, it would be beneficial for Moscow and the Orthodox world as a whole. The Russian state received factual confirmation of the succession from Constantinople, at the same time Western Russia, which was under the jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople, would have passed under the authority of Moscow.

But this project also had obvious disadvantages, which nevertheless forced Godunov to seek local patriarchate, and not be content with moving Jeremiah. After all, it was not known how the Turks and Greeks would react to this. In Constantinople they could elect a new patriarch. In addition, in Russia it has long been suspicious of the Greeks, did not trust them. It would be too difficult to influence the Russian tsar or Godunov himself on such a patriarch, and Boris needed a reliable ally in this place.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Godunov government decided to push for the establishment of the Russian patriarchate. Then thin diplomacy went into action again. Jeremiah began to offer to stay in Russia, but to live not in Moscow, but in Vladimir. Explaining this by the fact that Job is already seated at the Metropolitanā€™s chair in Moscow, besides claiming that Vladimir is formally considered the first pulpit in Russia, which Kiev had not lost by then.

Jeremiah really wanted to live in honor and wealth, without fear of new persecution and humiliation from the Turks, to which he could be subjected in Constantinople. But at the same time, he understood that moving to Vladimir was absolutely unacceptable. It was a provincial provincial city, which was the ancient capital of the Russian church in the distant past. Therefore, Jeremiah categorically rejected this option. He insisted that the patriarch should always be near the sovereign, as was always the case in Constantinople, so he insisted on the option with Moscow.

New negotiations began, during which, apparently, he was in a hopeless situation, giving some promises, which he could not refuse then. The envoys of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich began to insist that if Jeremiah himself did not want to be a Russian patriarch, he should leave the patriarch from the local clergy.

Jeremiah tried to object, insisting that he could not make such a decision on his own, but as a result gave up. Of course, prolonged confinement also played a role.

As a result, in January 1589, Fyodor Ioannovich assembled the Church Council and the Boyar Duma, stating that Jeremiah did not want to be a patriarch in Vladimir, but to remove such a worthy metropolitan as Job from the Moscow pulpit. impossible. In addition, the Tsar noted that without knowledge of the peculiarities of Russian life and language, it would be difficult for him to fulfill his duties. After that, the issue of establishing a patriarchate was considered by all to be practically settled.

Job was promoted to the patriarchs in the royal chambers, and not in the Assumption Cathedral, as the Patriarch of Constantinople suggested. And this was his intention. If the ceremony took place in the cathedral, then Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and Job should thank Jeremiah for the honor that he showed them. Therefore, it was decided to hold the ceremony in the royal chambers, so as not to raise the authority of the Patriarch of Constantinople too high.

After this solemn event, a grand dinner was held in the chambers of the sovereign. During it, Job from time to time went away to go around Moscow, sprinkling it with holy water. Everything was fulfilled, as Godunov and his associates planned.

With the beginning of Lent, Jeremiah began to ask to leave for Constantinople. At first Godunov dissuaded him in every way, referring to the spring thaw and the need to draw up all the documents necessary for the patriarch. As a result, Jeremiah agreed to draw up a written letter stating that all the eastern patriarchs agreed with the establishment of a patriarchate in the Russian state. So the patriarchate finally and officially was assigned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

The councils in Constantinople, which took place in 1590 and 1593, confirmed that the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia belongs to legal acts and cannot be disputed by anyone. In this regard, appropriate letters were sent to Russia.

First Moscow Patriarch

Patriarch Job

The first Moscow patriarch was Metropolitan Job. From this article, you already know in which year the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia took place officially. We will tell you more about the life of the first Russian patriarch.

Job himself was born in 1525. He was born in the town of Staritsa in the territory of the modern Tver region.

In the local Assumption Monastery he received the makings of education, and in 1556 he received monastic tonsure under the name Job. It is believed that Archimandrite Herman influenced him. In the monastery, Job studied writing and the Bible.

In 1566, he began his ascent along the career ladder of the Russian Orthodox Church. For starters, became hegumen of the Assumption Monastery. The old woman at that time was one of the centers of the oprichnina, which was established by the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The ruler drew attention to a rational and active abbot, appointing him archimandrite.

In 1571 he was transferred to Moscow, to the Simonov Monastery. And after 4 years he became the archimandrite of the Novospassky monastery, which the tsar himself visited more often than others.

In 1581, Job received the status of Bishop of Kolomenskoye, and 5 years later he became Archbishop of Rostov.

Rapprochement with Boris Godunov

Tsar Boris Godunov

In the mid-1580s, Job became close to one of the royal favorites, Prince Boris Godunov, who subsequently actually seized power in the country. It was with the assistance of Godunov that the patriarchate was established in Russia in 1589. By that time, Job was already the Metropolitan of Moscow and the main contender for this position.

Having taken the place of the head of the Orthodox world, Job invariably supported Godunov in all his affairs and endeavors. Among the important events that remembered his reign, it is worth highlighting the canonization of St. Basil the Blessed, the spread of Christianity in the Volga and Siberia, which Ivan the Terrible conquered. During the reign of Boris Godunov, these territories were finally and officially annexed to Russia.

The year the Patriarchate was established in Russia was an important starting point for the growth of the country's influence in the Orthodox world. The number of printed liturgical books grew, and some neighboring countries even specifically turned to Russia for missionaries who were supposed to teach people the Orthodox faith. In particular, Georgian Tsar Alexander made such a request.

The establishment of the patriarchate in Russia took place in 1589, shortly after the death of Ivan the Terrible, one of the most influential and cruel rulers at that time. The Patriarch of Moscow appeared at a time when the weak and sickly Fedor Ioannovich, who was the exact opposite of his father, sat on the throne. The authorities needed to take urgent measures to regain popular respect.

The fall of Job

The history of the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia is summarized in this article. It is worth noting immediately that Job did not manage to take this place for a long time. In 1605, his main patron, Boris Godunov, died. He was replaced by the impostor False Dmitry I, who by all means tried to remove Job from Moscow as soon as possible.

Job categorically refused to recognize False Dmitry as the son of Ivan the Terrible. Instead, he urged the people to confess allegiance to the son of Boris Godunov Fedor. He anathematized the false Dmitry and his supporters.

From historical documents it is known that the secretary of Job for several years was Grigory Otrepyev. It is believed that this particular historical character was hidden behind the mask of False Dmitry I. One of the arguments in favor of this version is the impostorā€™s desire to get rid of Job as soon as possible. After all, he was afraid of exposure.

In official letters, Job called False Dmitry a hoax, Grishka Otrepiev, who lived at the court of the Romanovs. As a result, Job was removed from the pulpit and imprisoned in a monastery in his native Staritsa.

After Fyodor Godunov was killed, Job was arrested, deprived of the patriarchal regalia and sent into exile. The new patriarch of Moscow was the Greek Ignatius, who joined the supporters of False Dmitry I.

At the same time, it is believed that Job was not officially deprived of the patriarchal rank, all the actions of False Dmitry and his henchmen were illegal.

Job was rehabilitated by Vasily Shuisky, the patriarch even visited Moscow, but since by that time he had completely gone blind, he refused the patriarchal throne, returning to the monastery in Staritsa. He died in 1607.

The role of Boris Godunov

The date of the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia took an important place in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church. In fact, from then on her updated story began.

Godunovā€™s role in this has become one of the key. It should be noted that not everyone reacted positively to this decision abroad. The reaction in the Orthodox East turned out to be different.

In particular, the authoritative theologian Meletius Pigas, who since 1590 became the patriarch in Alexandria, was categorically against, disputing the legality and legitimacy of this decision. He tried to prove that the decision Jeremiah made in the Russian capital was due to cunning and violence on the part of the Russians, which is confirmed by numerous historical studies.

It should be noted at the same time that by 1593 he had also reconciled, having signed a letter on the establishment of a patriarchate in Russia. The results of this can be observed today, when Russia remains one of the key Orthodox countries in the world.

Of great importance in this is the Written Letter of 1589, which declares the concept of "Moscow - the Third Rome", previously also known from other sources.

It is worth emphasizing that the authenticity of the letters confirming the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia more than once raised doubts among contemporaries and many descendants. In the XX century, graphological examinations were carried out, according to which most of the signatures in the letter of 1590 were forged. At least 70 of the 105 signatures were not authentic.

Moreover, in the letter of 1593 such violations and forgeries could not be identified.

The meaning of patriarchate

The establishment of the patriarchate in 1589

What significance did the establishment of the patriarchate have for Russia, why did Boris Godunov and the rulers of that time so strive to achieve this? Let's try to answer this question.

The historical significance of the establishment of a patriarchate in Russia lies in obtaining the official independent status of the Moscow Metropolitanate from the Greek Church. The Russian Church has acquired a unique and exclusive role in the Orthodox world of that time, and it remains today. It became more numerous and influential, and most importantly, it became closely connected with the only Orthodox state in the world at that time.

For many, it was obvious that sooner or later the year of the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia would come. Earlier this was hindered by very tense and difficult relationships with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which did not want to recognize the authority of Russia, seeing how quickly all influence in the Orthodox world was transferred to it. Obtaining the consent of the eastern patriarchs was a prerequisite, without it, on their own, it was impossible to proclaim the metropolitan as the Patriarch of Moscow. As a result, historical circumstances have developed smoothly, now if you are asked to indicate the date of the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia, you can answer that it was February 5, 1589.

Reasons for the establishment of a patriarchate

The importance of the establishment of a patriarchate

It should be noted right away that the reasons for the establishment of a patriarchate in Russia differ among secular and spiritual researchers.

The first claim that the initiative belongs exclusively to Boris Godunov, this was one of the moments to amuse his exclusivity and pride.

Church historians fundamentally disagree with this point of view. But at the same time put forward various versions. For example, some believe that the matter is the desire of the patriarch Jeremey to please the Russian sovereign, so this was a proposal coming from the delegation of Constantinople itself. Others see the reason for the desire of Fyodor Ivanovich, who wanted to elevate the Russian Orthodox Church against the background of the Orthodox East.

In any case, today the importance of establishing a patriarchate in Russia is difficult to overestimate.


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