Elena Denisova: biography, personal life, photos, famous roles

Elena Denisova (Ukrainian) is a talented actress who is destined to remain the star of one role. Spectators will forever remember the beauty as the extravagant typist Virginia from the famous painting “Look for a Woman”. Elena created an image that did not correspond to the ideas of the Soviet woman, for which she was excommunicated from the cinema. What happened to the Virginia?

Elena Denisova: childhood

The actress was born in Yekaterinburg, which was then called Sverdlovsk. A happy event took place in April 1960. The father, who worked as a civil engineer, was forced to constantly transport the family from place to place. Elena Denisova spent most of her childhood in Alma-Ata, it is with this city that she has the most pleasant memories. The girl was already a teenager when her parents settled in Moscow.

Elena Denisova

Studying at school, Lena received good grades in almost all subjects. Of greatest interest to her were chemistry and biology. It is not surprising that the parents were convinced that the daughter would become a student of the biology faculty of Moscow State University. They were amazed to learn that Elena Denisova had already entered GITIS.

Student years

Elena did not intend to enter the theater university secretly from her family, the girl had a trusting relationship with her mother and father. The future star went to take exams for the company with a friend. She unexpectedly conquered the selection committee, reciting a poem by Vladimir Soloukhin. The student remained negative impressions of the first acquaintance with the theatrical world - she was shocked by the anger, which “colleagues” demonstrated without embarrassment.

Denisova Elena Timofeevna

Elena Denisova first appeared on the set, while still studying at GITIS. The debut of the aspiring actress took place in 1979 thanks to the series "The meeting place cannot be changed," in which she received a small role. Elena appeared only in the first series, playing a girl sitting on a bench with a fan. Of course, the tiny episode did not force viewers and critics to pay attention to Denisova.

Star role

The director of the movie “Look for a Woman” did not initially plan to entrust the role of Virginia typist to an unknown actress, who in 1982 was Elena Denisova. The filmography of yesterday's student could not have acquired this picture, if not for the case. The woman, approved for the role, became seriously ill, this happened just before the start of filming. Then the director approved Denisov, not wanting to slow down the filming process.

Elena Denisova photo

Elena, as follows from her interview, believes that she and Virginia are largely similar. For example, the actress loves the extravagant makeup that her heroine in the film “Look for a Woman” in her life. Even Denisova’s wardrobe came in handy when creating the image of a relaxed typist working on the master Roche. It was assumed that Virginia would become a secondary heroine, however, it was the extravagant secretary who fell in love with the audience. The biting phrases that the character utters quickly acquired the status of aphorisms.

Interestingly, Denisova Elena Timofeevna perfectly remembers what she spent her first “serious” fee on. These were elegant wooden hot coasters brought from India. They liked the rising star so much that she acquired them in huge numbers.

Appeal to God

Elena Denisova is an actress who was not given the opportunity to realize her talent. The cinematographic authorities considered that the girl lacked “Soviet charm”, that the image of Virginia turned out to be too relaxed. She was forbidden to offer serious roles. Nevertheless, Denisova managed to star in several more films. These are such tapes as “Forgive me, Alyosha”, “Dance Floor”, “Five Minutes of Fear”.

Four years after the release of the film “Look for a Woman,” Elena decided to leave the acting profession in the past. Having believed in God, the former actress made fundamental changes in her own lifestyle. She focused on helping people who were victims of alcohol and drugs. Currently, Virginia is an active participant in the 12 Steps program, organizing charity dinners for the poor in the Russian Federation. The former actress also composes poems on biblical themes, which she then recites on the radio.

Personal life

Elena Denisova, whose photo can be seen in this article, got married twice. Her first choice was Igor Denisov. With this young man, she studied together at GITIS. The son of Timothy was born in the marriage, however, soon after this, the couple parted by mutual agreement, deciding that they were in a hurry to get married.

Elena Denisova actress

With her second husband, who became the famous playwright Edward Radzinsky, Elena still lives. She is absolutely not confused by the age difference, which is 24 years. It is known that Edward approves of the charitable activities of his wife, as much as possible sponsors her charity projects. It is known that Denisov prefers to solve all domestic issues on his own, but in difficult times spouses always support each other.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4861/

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