What can be made from a glass bottle? Interesting ideas for home and garden

Typically, a large amount of garbage accumulates in the country or in the pantry. For example, glass bottles of juice, soda, alcohol. If you show a little imagination, then they will gain a second life. This article is for those who are thinking about what can be made from a glass bottle.

crafts from glass bottles


It often happens that it is a pity to throw out a bottle of an interesting shape or with an original pattern. In this case, you can think of various finishes. For example, use the decoupage technique. It is very simple to execute, but it looks beautiful. Such bottles will fit well into the interior of the kitchen.

In addition to the "garbage" you will need: PVA glue, water-based paint, a napkin with a pattern, brush, roller, varnish. First, the bottle is primed. Then, on the dried surface, the selected pattern is glued. If PVA glue is very thick, then it can be diluted a little. If wipes are used, only the top coat should be left. Magazine pictures should be held a little in water to make them softer. On top of the picture you need to apply another layer of glue. After that, the bottle is varnished several times. After such a finish, it can be soaked without fear that the drawing will get wet and β€œpeel off”. However, you should not scratch with a metal sponge.

Other finishes

You can make an elegant bottle using any other materials. For example, cover the glass with acrylic paints. In this case, the picture will be limited only by the flight of imagination. Top will need to apply several layers of varnish.

Another design option is to glue the bottle with threads of different colors, twine, shells, pasta, etc. You can make a three-dimensional image of polymer clay.

How to use crafts from glass bottles at home

First of all, it comes to my mind that these are original flower vases . They can also be used for their intended purpose: for storing various liquids (alcoholic beverages, juices, oils, etc.). Such bottles look especially advantageous when laying the table. They can also fulfill the role of candlesticks.

what can be made from a glass bottle

With filler

There is another option for how to use glass bottles in the interior. A new fashion trend is to fill them with various loose contents. Some craftsmen even create pictures. You can try to create such a decoration yourself.

One of the simplest options is cereals, seeds or dried vegetables sprinkled in rows. The alternation of contrasting colors, as well as large and small elements, looks good.

Another way is to use fresh fruits and vegetables. They need to be cut into cubes and put into a bottle. So that the contents do not disappear, it is necessary to pour vinegar or glycerin - they will play the role of preservative. To prevent liquids from weathering, each bottle should be tightly corked.

You can try creating a composition with colored salt. To do this, it must be painted with gouache diluted in water and put in a bottle in any order.

Lamps and candlesticks

What can be done from a glass bottle to beautifully decorate a room or a plot? It is easy to make original lamps from waste material. For example, by type of torch or torch. Oil is poured into the bottle, and a sleeve with a wick is inserted into the neck. It should be long enough to reach the bottom. You can install such a burner on the ground or hang it on special hardware.

how to use glass bottles in the interior

Bottles also look good as a chandelier or stand for a table lamp.

Walls, fences

Crafts from glass bottles look original when designing a summer cottage. If desired, you can build a house all from the same glass. But this is a rather troublesome task. For starters, you can try to build large and not very fencing. A bottle wall will look very interesting when decorating a summer cottage. Making it pretty simple.

As a bonding element, a regular concrete mortar is taken. Liquid glass can be added to it to give strength and resistance to atmospheric phenomena. Bottles can be used in different colors and shapes. This will create an interesting pattern. You can simply stack them all in a row, because the bottles will play in the sun, and the fence will still turn out bright and beautiful.

bottles in the interior

Fencing for flower beds and paths on the site is easier to do. It is enough just to dig bottles into the ground and carefully crush it. To add festivity, you can entangle the fence with a garland or skip it inside.

Glasses, glasses

What can be made of a glass bottle if cut? Opportunities will expand significantly. Now it will be possible to make various coasters, vases, glasses, complex candle holders, etc. One way to accurately cut the glass is as follows: first, a notch line is noted. To make it smooth, you can use the tape. Then, along the line pass a glass cutter. However, the glass of the bottles is thick, so it won’t be cut so easily. It is necessary to glow the product over a candle or burner, and then lower it into cold water. Due to the sharp temperature difference, the glass will burst along the notch line. Everything, the blank for a glass or a vase is ready, you can arrange.

glass bottles in the interior

This does not end the list of options for what can be made from a glass bottle. The scope for imagination is huge. Someone already collects furniture, someone draws up stained-glass windows. It would be time and desire to do this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4871/

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