What is heraldry: the definition of the historical past and the significance for the present

Turning the pages of history, each of us more than once met with symbols of countries, estates, clans - emblems. The field of knowledge that is devoted to the study of semantic content embedded in the coat of arms is called heraldry.

What is heraldry? Definition of a concept. General information

If we take a more accurate scientific definition, then heraldry is an auxiliary direction in history, which is engaged in the study of emblems, their history and significance. The term is consonant with the word "heraldus", which in translation into Russian means "herald." Heralds in Russia called heralds, who described the coat of arms of their feudal lord.

what is heraldry definition

Coats of arms reflected the material and social status of its owner. That is why heraldry has received such importance. The definition and origin of this trend has been investigated by many historians.

Appearance story

The tradition of creating coats of arms appeared in Europe after the first Crusade. At that time in tournaments, the identification of knights in armor caused difficulties, and the participants in the campaigns did not distinguish each other. Therefore, the nobles began to put various images on shields and armor, which served as the impetus for the creation of an orderly symbolism. Over time, the applied signs turned into an unspoken language in which the applied symbol had its own semantic meaning. Initially, animals and birds were depicted on the armor. On the emblems of that time there was symbolism of ancient military signs, objects of military weapons - arrows, spears, swords. In some cases, shields depicted property belonging to a knight.

heraldry is

Before the second Crusade, the symbolism got its shape, and coats of arms in knightly tournaments became commonplace. The development of the symbolism image on the shields made it possible to distinguish the knight by the tribal emblems. The latter, over time, began to clearly symbolize estate. They were inherited, which was also a characteristic feature. If we turn to the present, we can see that if noble families have family differences, then they repeat the shape of the ancient shields of the ancestors of ancient families.

Subject of study

Heraldry considers coats of arms as a specific source of information. The data obtained during the study of the characters depicted on the arms, contribute to the replenishment of knowledge about events, about historical characters, and also open the way to establishing economic and cultural ties that existed in a given time period. Thanks to the studies of heraldry, historians find out the identity of documents or monuments to a particular person, establish the authenticity of the find.

heraldry definition

The emblem is an identifying legal symbol drawn up and approved according to clear rules. It serves as a permanent distinction for a person, clan, social organization, region, state.

Many historians have wondered what heraldry is. The definition of this concept is represented by the statesmen as follows: a fundamental sign of the existence of the idea of โ€‹โ€‹nationality. There is another alternative definition. Heraldry is the key to the successful development of the state and the consolidation of its independent position.

Scientific understanding

The process of deciphering and describing the meaning of emblems was undertaken by an auxiliary discipline - heraldry. Science examines the history of the development of the branch of knowledge, the basis for the compilation, transfer and use of emblems and other materials, their properties, depending on the place and time of creation.

As a scientific discipline, this field of knowledge is presented in several sections. Formal, or theoretical, heraldry studies the rules for building the coat of arms and the terminology that describes it. For the private field of science, it is characteristic to consider such materials as patrimonial emblems, mottoes. The applied area promotes the study of attribution and identification of various documents and objects of the material part of the figure depicted on the coat of arms.

heraldry science

We should not forget about such a direction as practical heraldry, which aims to create new emblems, change them and bring them into line with existing rules, as well as consider issues of the history of origin.

Heraldry and its role in the comprehension of history

Heraldry is the most important section of historical and general humanitarian knowledge. She overcame a long way of formation from the applied industry to an independent science, which owns its own methods of studying and analyzing historical sources.

The need for a description of emblems arose when the first attributes of differences appeared. For the possibility of an accurate and correct description of such a symbol, when there is no visual representation of it, a terminology has been developed that relates to the standards of coat of arms, jewelry and other components. She allowed to highlight heraldry in an independent field of knowledge.

Specialists distinguish two functions of this science, which make it possible to understand what heraldry is. The definition reads: this is a compilation of emblems and their examination. The methods of the latter are to consistently ascertain the nationality of the owner of the coat of arms, its merits, titles, the time period for the creation and change of the coat of arms. The language of heraldry is called "blazon", which allows you to reproduce the picture according to the description.

The uniqueness and originality of the science of coat of arms

Heraldry can also be called a unique system of identification of state and personal affiliation. Many historical works attach importance to such a branch of science as heraldry. The value of this historical discipline is great, because thanks to the knowledge gained, a general picture of a particular time period is being formed.

heraldry meaning

Heraldry is not just an opportunity to find out to whom the coat of arms belonged when it arose. Many will agree that considering it as a branch in scientific research is not enough. It is important to consider the social content of the concept. What is heraldry? The definition and use of this area makes it possible to restore their genealogical roots, to discover the origins of the family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4898/

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