Xiaomi Piston 2 Headphones: specifications and reviews

Today, the main gadgets are not only a mobile phone and a tablet computer. These can be called a headset for communication, as well as headphones for listening to music. Indeed, you must admit that today the number of people walking along the street with “busy” ears is maximum - the demand for high-quality headphones is simply huge.

Only the entire market for these accessories is built on a single established principle - the better a product is, the more expensive it is. Therefore, not everyone can afford really good headphones. At least that was the case before, until Xiaomi headphones appeared on the market. They, like other products of this manufacturer, were able to turn the buyer's understanding about what a truly high-quality accessory is. How did they do it? Read on.

Xiaomi style

Xiaomi Piston 2

In fact, Xiaomi Piston 2 - the model that will be discussed in this review - is made in the same style that the developer applies to all his devices. First of all, its characteristic feature is the low price. All smartphones and tablets from the Chinese company enter the market at a very affordable cost, due to which the number of their sales increases significantly. As a rule, they are cheaper than similar products of competitors, so you should not be surprised at the high demand for such gadgets. The same can be said about the headphones that we describe.

Xiaomi Piston 2 is available at an amazing price of $ 25. In more detail, where they can be bought at such a cost will be described in another section, but for now, we note that the price segment of this accessory is an order of magnitude higher (based on their technical features). It seems that Xiaomi is releasing devices at a loss in order to increase sales. Also, the advantage of the gadget can be called its quality, production technology, the way it behaves during operation. All this is consistent with the spirit of Xiaomi, so you should not be surprised at such a product - the company has done such a marketing move many times.


In this case, the Chinese experts again managed to conquer the world with their next brainchild. As the reviews describing the Xiaomi Piston 2 model show, customers are delighted with this product. They praise the sound quality, and the technical parameters, and the price of the device. In addition, as shown by user recommendations, in their future work the headphones show themselves exclusively from the good side - due to which the money spent on this accessory pays off in full.

how to distinguish a fake from the original

Plus, again, we are not talking about a cheap headset, the developers of which saved on everything they could. No, we have a great low-cost solution that is ahead of higher-end gadgets.

Looking at all this, I want to wonder about how the creators of Xiaomi Piston 2 all succeeded. The answer is obvious - this is the correct layout of materials, technologies and marketing. But why not do it before? It is impossible to answer this question.


For any music lover, the sound in the headphones is almost the only sign of the quality of the accessory. Whatever the manufacturer of this or that gadget, the opinion about it consists solely of how the device behaves in real life, in practice. Therefore, the same can be said about Xiaomi Piston 2.

According to customer recommendations, the sound quality is really high here - you can compare it with more expensive accessories, the cost of which ranges from 70-90 dollars. Obviously, those who bought Xiaomi Piston 2 or 3 did not fail, saving a good amount and getting a quality product.

The technical description of the accessory (which is presented on the official website) says that such a sound is achieved due to the special technology of assembling the capsules of this device. Like, they use some kind of seamless assembly of aluminum, so that the buyer can enjoy an unusually wide range of sounds. This can not be compared with those cheap “droplets” that are currently on the market.


configuration and prices

Another interesting point in Xiaomi Piston 2 (a review can confirm this) concerns the cord connecting the halves of the headset. We all met with the problem of entanglement of this cord and its further breakdown. It manifests itself in real life very often: sound jumps in the left and right ears begin, it is not possible to listen to music. Xiaomi has found an interesting solution to this problem.

The cords that connect the speakers to the playing device are covered with a layer of Kevlar - the material from which body armor and plates are made that can withstand a bullet. Due to this, of course, the overall strength of these compounds increases, which favorably affects the reliability of the accessory as a whole.

With this cable you can not be afraid that you will catch on the zipper of your backpack or accidentally pull the headphones with your hand, and this will make them unsuitable for further use. And so the original Xiaomi Piston 2 will withstand a lot, continuing to serve you in the future.


One cannot but mention the internal components (“in-ear”) of these headphones. After all, if their shell consists of a single piece of metal, then the filling is made using some special technology, thanks to which the sound in Piston will be much cleaner and more voluminous. The effect that occurs after the reflection of sound waves from the inner walls of the earbuds only makes the music in such headphones even cleaner.

If you read the reviews, it becomes obvious that fans of Xiaomi technology have already appreciated this technology and, moreover, music lovers positively noted. Some of them even believe that with such parameters, the gadget can compete with more expensive devices.

Xiaomi headphones

Other features

Of course, there are other details that Xiaomi headphones carry. For example, this is a special harmless silicone from which the nozzles are made (directly in contact with the user's ears); the plug with which the cable and device are connected has a new layer of material that completely prevents oxidation and loss of sound quality.

It is also worth noting the presence of a special control panel in order to be able to give commands to the headphones without having to remove the phone itself. Read more about combinations when working with such a remote control in the next section.

You can also mention the cover, which is provided with the accessory. This supplement is part of the “picking and pricing” section. With it, transporting headphones over long distances will be even more convenient, without having to worry about the headphones and their safety.


You will say that you learned a little about what Xiaomi Piston 2 is. Now, probably, you should also clarify about the reproducing devices with which this accessory can work.

Xiaomi Piston 2 or 3

First of all, we clarify that the connector here has a diameter of 3.5 mm. This is a classic plug, which is suitable for the vast majority of players, phones, tablets. True, if we are talking about the control panel, then from it commands can only be sent to certain types of devices (since not all of them recognize them).

As indicated on the manufacturer’s website (in the section where specifications and prices are also mentioned), Piston 2 can be paired with Apple devices, as well as smartphones from Xiaomi (Mi-line). True, the number of possibilities on the “apple” devices, of course, is less: there is only one button that is responsible for the audio player. Depending on how many times the key is pressed, such an action will be performed. This can be, for example, switching a track, stopping or further playing it.

As for controlling the headphones on the Mi device, this may also include adjusting the volume of the device, answering calls and resetting.

If you have a different device - do not worry. You can play music in any case, since the connector for connecting, as already mentioned, is the same. But will the navigation keys work? Let's see.

Device version

Xiaomi Piston 2 reviews

Two modifications are now available for sale - the second and third generation of Piston headphones. It is easy to guess that the third is newer: due to this, the accessory has more functions. In addition, as prompted by reviews, the sound in the third generation of the device is better than in the second. This clearly should be a hint to music lovers about what to buy.

If you are satisfied with the second modification (at a much more affordable price), then you can buy it, while saving, part of the money.

Cost and where to buy?

As you know, now there are a lot of stores where these headphones are sold. Prices are different - on average, from 23-24 to 30 dollars. You can order them in a regular online store or at a Chinese specialized electronics supermarket. In the second case, of course, it will be cheaper - but there is a great chance to run into a copy. How to distinguish a fake from the original? Very simple - check the documentation and the presence of all the symbols of the developer company. On the packaging should be Mi - this is a sign of quality. In addition, you can distinguish the headphones themselves by turning them in your hands. The original development is much better and more accurate.

Also, if you want to know how to distinguish a fake from an original, listen to music. The sound should be perfectly clear and voluminous - without this there is a great chance that you were simply deceived.


Original Xiaomi Piston 2

Since the product we are describing is quite massive, there is nothing surprising in a huge number of recommendations. Simply, many whom we asked claim that this is a very high-quality product that deserves the attention of customers, which exceeds all expectations.

People write that this gadget will be able to “kill” more expensive headphones, since everyone will purchase a product from a Chinese company without overpaying for unnecessary marketing. This is also understood by competing manufacturers, who are probably preparing their tricks for the next sales season.

Also, many reviews note the superiority of the third generation over the second. This is also a positive moment, because it means that the company is growing and developing, constantly preparing new products for fans.


Headphones, to which the article is devoted, allow you to enjoy high quality sound at a very affordable price; and a high level of thoughtfulness in the design of the accessory makes it reliable and comfortable to use.

If you do not have headphones yet, but would like to urgently buy them, do not think too much: just take Xiaoimi and you will not regret it. At least, purely for the sake of experience, it’s worth working with a high-quality Chinese accessory, especially if everyone speaks so flattering of it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G490/

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