The scheme of the Kulikovo battle. Date, troops, results

The scheme of the Kulikovo battle is an important topic in the study of this event in the history of medieval Russia of the 14th century. It indicates the participants in the battle, the location of the troops, the location of the regiments, cavalry and infantry, as well as terrain features. It clearly shows the course of the battle and therefore must be used when addressing the theme of the struggle of the Russian principalities for liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

General characteristics of the era

The scheme of the Kulikovo battle allows a better understanding of the strategic maneuver undertaken by the Moscow prince and his entourage to win. However, before proceeding with such an analysis, it is necessary to briefly characterize the socio-political situation in the Russian lands. Already by the middle of the 14th century, a tendency towards the unification of fragmented principalities into a single state was identified. Moscow became the center around which this important process began. However, its superiority was not yet decisive, since at the time under review there were still other powerful principalities whose rulers claimed to become pan-Russian leaders.

Kulikovo battle scheme

One of the most significant events of the time in question was the Battle of Kulikovo. The 14th century was marked by a number of important phenomena. In the middle of the century, a crisis began in the Golden Horde. Civil strife began to take place in it, one khan replaced another, which could not but weaken it. However, with the actual coming to power of Mamaia (who led on behalf of the ruler, who was under his influence), the situation changed. He began to gather strength to strike at Russian lands, and he succeeded. Temnik even enlisted the support of Prince Jagiello and used the Genoese cavalry. Prince of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy also gathered a large army from almost all the principalities and came forward to meet the enemy.

Fees and the start of the trip

The Battle of Kulikovo (14th century) became the largest military clash in medieval Russia. She made a great impression on contemporaries, as evidenced by the appearance of a number of literary monuments dedicated to this event. Dmitry Ivanovich carefully prepared for the battle. He called for help all the Russian princes who united under the banner of Moscow. The gathering was appointed at Kolomna - an important strategic point under the capital of the principality. From here the troops marched to the Don and, having reached this river, forced it in order to cut off their path to retreat in advance.

Troop location

The Kulikovo battle diagram shows how the warring parties deployed their forces. The following shows how the regiments, cavalry and infantry were located. Ahead of the Russian troops was a watchdog, or advanced regiment. His main task was to withstand the onslaught of the enemy and protect a large regiment. The back was located spare parts that covered the main forces. To the right and left were two regiments. The main idea was the decision to hide a special separate ambush regiment for a surprise attack on the enemy.

mamaevo battle

Mongolian forces consisted of cavalry and infantry and the Genoese unit. Mamai also expected and counted on the help of Prince Jagiello, who also moved with his own forces to help him. The task of the Russian command was to prevent the union of their groups.

Before the collision

The scheme of the Kulikovo battle clearly shows the peculiarities of the location of combat forces. The location of the ambush regiment, of course, can be considered a successful decision of the prince and his assistants. However, the strength of Mamaia was also very great. In addition, the battle took place on a terrain surrounded on three sides by river flows: the field was located in a bend where the Nepryadva River flows into the Don. The main stages of the Battle of Kulikovo are as follows: duel, confrontation of troops and the pursuit of the enemy by Russian regiments.

Kulikovo battle of the century

Start of battle

The battle of September 8, 1380, also called the “Mamaev Massacre,” began with a duel between two fighters: Peresvet and Chelubey, who died in the clash. After this, the battle of troops began. The main goal of the Mongols was to crush and overturn the main, main regiment, however, it was successfully defended by the soldiers of the advanced detachment. With the help of reserve forces, the soldiers of the large regiment survived and kept the enemy onslaught. Then Mamai brought down forces on the flanks. The regiment of the right hand was greatly weakened, but the Mongols managed to break through the forces on the left flank. Thus, they got the opportunity to go around the main forces and press them to the river.

The main stages of the Battle of Kulikovo

Culmination of battle

The Battle of Kulikovo, in which the troops were stationed so that the Russians had no chance of retreat, entered the decisive stage after the events described above. When the Mongol cavalry broke through the left regiment, an ambush army unexpectedly entered the battle under the command of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhov and governor Dmitry Bobrok-Volynsky. It was these forces that determined the outcome of the battle. The regiment attacked the cavalry of the enemy, which, having fled, crushed its own cavalry. It was a decisive turning point during the battle, which determined the victory of the Russians.

history of the Kulikovo battle

Final stage and meaning

The story of the Battle of Kulikovo ends with the flight of Mamaia and his remaining forces from the battlefield. For some time, Russian troops pursued them. Temnik fled to Crimea, where he was soon defeated by the new ruler - Tamerlane, where he was killed.

The importance of the battle of 1380 is immense. Firstly, she raised the question of the final liberation of Russian lands from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Secondly, it strengthened the prestige and strength of Moscow as the basis and initiator of the unification of fragmented principalities into a single state. Thirdly, the victory contributed to the spiritual upsurge of the Russian people, who devoted a number of outstanding literary monuments to this event, the most famous of which are Zadonshchina and The Legend of the Mamaev Massacre.

Kulikovo battle troops


After the Battle of Kulikovo, the Tatar-Mongol yoke was not overthrown. The final release occurred only after a hundred years. Nevertheless, after this momentous victory, Dmitry Donskoy expressed his hope in the will to rid the Russian lands of Horde dependence, and also, without the sanction of the Horde khan, he bequeathed to his elder heir the great principality of Vladimir, a label on which only khans always had a label before. And although two years later Moscow experienced a terrible invasion of the new Horde ruler Tokhtamysh, who devastated it, nevertheless it became clear that this city became the center of the unification of Russian lands. Mamaev’s massacre showed her strength and ability to organize troops to fight the enemy. After this event, the Principality of Moscow took on the role of initiator in the unification of Russian lands. Many historians draw attention to the fact that the fact that Moscow gathered almost all its forces from Russian lands for the battle played a large role in this.


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