Beauty carried through the ages: geometric patterns, wood carvings

Since time immemorial, man has tried to surround himself with beauty. Ancient people painted the walls of their caves with hunting scenes and images of animals, painted faces and bodies, trying to more clearly express their own attractiveness. The greater the path humanity took in its development, the more numerous were the elements of aesthetics that they brought to life. These include primarily folk crafts and arts: embroidery, beadwork and lace weaving, sculpting, as well as skillful woodworking, painting and art carving.

Patterned techniques

Wood is an extremely fertile material for various crafts. No wonder it was from him that the basic household items were made in Russia: housing, furnishings, dishes, kitchen utensils. Even the national peasant shoes - bast shoes - were woven from bast, specially treated wood. And what amazing masters were among the people, what wonderful invented patterns!

Wood carving also entered the rank of national Russian art. She decorated many parts of the buildings of huts and towers, then houses of later buildings, decorated interior items. Ancient carvers used in their work two main types of carving: geometric and embossed. Their technology has reached our days. In modern manufacturing industry and just in the work of amateur masters, it is precisely geometric patterns that are more often found: woodcarving of this type is simpler in execution and time costs.

Types of patterns

wood carving patterns
What is she like? The meaning of the concept is easily guessed by the name. Geometric patterns - wood carving with the image of figures containing a different number of faces. Their combination in various repeating combinations creates a work of art that is unique in color and beauty.

Relief carving in this regard is somewhat limited. It requires special types of wood, a certain thickness of bars or planks, and many specific tools. But they can not be found by anyone who is fond of fishing. Another thing is geometric patterns. Woodcarving for their implementation is carried out mainly by several types of knives with special sharpening, without involving any special other devices. Yes, and experience is required very little, and the hand of the master is fast. Itโ€™s about amateur work that weโ€™ll talk about.

Wood selection

wood carving patterns
In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, for a long time it serves and pleases the eye, an amateur cabinetmaker should take note of several rules. The first of them is competent selection of wood. For example, if patterns are made on small plates, wood carvings should be made on the most solid, durable material. These include pear, maple, apple tree, and of the exotic ones - boxwood and sandalwood. For more voluminous areas, you should choose spruce, pine. Conifers are excellent for decorating verandas, decorating arbors, wells, etc. If it is woodcarving that is done on a pine, large-format patterns will look more spectacular also because their rings will not interfere with their perception. pronounced.

The second important rule is preliminary wood finishing. It must be freed from all contamination. The working surface needs to be planed, finished in cycles, smoothly cleaned and polished with an emery cloth, why brush particles of abrasive substances well with brushes. It is recommended to repeat the polishing process after applying the patterns. Then no roughness can distract attention from the product, and the glossy gloss acquired after processing will emphasize their beauty.

Motifs of ornaments

wood carving patterns photo
What artistic motifs can include geometric wood carvings? Patterns (photos are attached) contain elements of a floral, animal ornament, details of various abstract figures. They, in combination with the actual geometric figures, in various combinations form a harmonious whole. This type of decor was inherent in the ancient Slavic culture.

Those who traveled along the Golden and Silver Ring, saw the works of wooden architecture by ancient masters, have an idea of โ€‹โ€‹what an amazing pictorial and expressive power lies in a piece of ordinary wood crafted by talented craftsmen.


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