Economic interests

Economic interests are an essential characteristic of the driving forces of the emergence and development of economic entities. Thus, the role and position of economic entities in the general system of division of labor is reflected. From this point of view, economic interests are objective. On the other hand, they, always having their carriers, are subjective.

Economic interests represent a conscious desire to meet economic needs. This desire is an objective motive, encouraging to engage in economic activity.

The subjects of economic interests include individuals, households, society in general, and groups (collectives) of people in particular. Objects are economic benefits. These include services, tangible goods, information, and more.

Pluralism (plurality) of needs provokes a variety of economic interests. They form a complex system, characterized by multidimensional production phases, time and space frames.

Concepts such as property and economic interests are closely intertwined. In this case, there is a desire of an economic entity to satisfy its needs through ownership and disposal of the object.

Economic interests and their classification

In accordance with the subjects distinguish collective (group), personal and social aspirations to meet the needs.

Economic interests may be determined by importance and urgency. Thus, priority and secondary are distinguished.

On a temporary basis, interests can be promising or current.

In accordance with the objects, they can be intellectual, financial, property and other.

According to the degree of awareness, imaginary (apparent) and real interests are distinguished.

They can also be subdivided according to the possibilities of realization into utopian and real.

Business entities may express special interests.

Households seek to maximize overall utility according to existing incomes and prices. The interests of entrepreneurs are aimed at increasing profits, lowering costs and increasing the competitiveness of goods. The state in its economic aspirations aims to fulfill the needs of society as a whole.

The classification of economic interests is built in accordance with the territorial attribute. So, distinguish municipal, national, regional aspirations. They can be global (universal).

The formation of the economic interests of a particular country occurs in accordance with the distribution of powers between the relevant local authorities and state authorities.

The desire of regional and municipal authorities to realize the existing potential of a certain territory is aimed at meeting the needs of a particular community.

In the course of social development and the complexity of economic systems , tough administration may begin to take shape. The situation in this case is exacerbated by the lack of feedback. In such conditions, personal interest, which is a powerful force in socio-economic development, is not given due importance. Submission to his state aspirations contradicts the principles of the activity of complex self-organizing structures. As a result, in the formed command-administrative economic conditions, a mismatch of economic interests occurs. Along with this, the situation is accompanied by a distortion of the motivational behavior of subjects, inhibition of the stimulating significance of needs, a decrease in responsibility and motivation for highly efficient work. In addition, in such conditions, there is a loss of labor values, as well as social attitudes. As a result, the psychology of dependency and dependence (in the economic sense) on the state develops.


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