Bombard fishing methods: equipment and technology

A bombard is a fishing tool that has recently gained popularity. At home, in sunny Italy, it is also called "Sbirulino." But there is nothing military in it. In simple words, this equipment can be called something in between the float and sinker. Tackle can give the fisherman a number of certain opportunities, and first of all - long casting of light small baits. All types of bombers are divided into floating, neutral and sinking.

bombardment, fishing methods.

With what "eat" sbirulino

Each angler has in his asset a number of practical nuances. But, with few exceptions, bombard-based gear is made up of fixed parts. The main cord from the reel is threaded into the bombard tube, after which a long leash of a thinner fishing line with a hook is attached to it. Useful little things include the presence of a swivel between the main cord and the fishing line of the leash and a rubber bead-stopper between the bombard and the swivel. Using the latter prevents entanglement of the fishing line of the leash. And the presence of a stopper bead prevents the heavy bombardment from breaking the mounting unit. With a more thoughtful approach to rigging, you can add a second hook on a leash, another leash, pre-prepared blocks with interchangeable bombs on carbines or a shock leader.

bomber sinking fishing method

How to charge a bombard?

From the bait, the angler is free to take both natural bait and artificial blende. But no matter what the fisherman chooses, the main difference in tackle will be the bombard. Fishing methods, like bait, in this case are selected depending on the fish. Perhaps the most popular trick is the fly. So in the language of anglers they call artificial baits made of a hook and various tinsel, which arouses the interest of fish. Many anglers make a “fly” with their own hands. And here it’s not even about saving, but about individuality. Making a "fly" is creative. Usually a single hook is used, on which several hairs, bird feathers or lurex are attached. The easiest way to tie a bunch of tinsel with a thread and glue nail polish to the hook. Sometimes a piece of hard fishing line or wire is attached to the hook, covering the sting, which prevents hooks during posting through the grass.

How does it work?

The bombardment technique involves vigorous activity. Most often anglers use slow wiring. In this case, the main work lies on the coil. Posting with a stop is carried out using the rod, and the stop is due to the winding of the selected cord. Otherwise, every angler tries to trick the fish with his own cunning. Short wiring with stops imitating the movement of a drowning bug, or a series of light short jerks similar to throwing fish fry, are used. The different buoyancy of a bombard is sure to come in handy. On floating Sbirulino it is convenient to fish near the surface. In this case, it is more convenient to use sinking lures on long leashes.

In a completely different way, a sinking bombard is used. The method of catching such tackle, on the contrary, is repelled by a floating bait on a short leash. With some skill, with the help of a sinking sirulino, you can easily find fish hanging in the water column.

Bombard and the Black Sea

The sea is rich in predators, and here the bombard will come in handy. Fishing methods on the Black Sea are not intricate. The main obstacle will be hooks on the bottom stones and hard algae called cystosira. The bomber’s sea trophy will be horse mackerel, herring, perch or laskir. But especially the Black Sea fishermen are not indifferent to the garfish. The float was the original gear for the garment, but recently the bombard has reigned steadily here. Ways of catching outlandish fish with the advent of bombards have become more diverse. Most often, garfish are caught using a floating sirulino, throwing tackles sixty or more meters from the shore. In order not to frighten the fish, they put the leash up to two and a half meters. Favorite bait for fish-needles is the sea ​​worm Nereis. However, its production is not easy. So local fishermen are constantly experimenting and successfully catching garfish for a ton of other bait. Among understandable shrimps and pieces of fish, there are sometimes surprises in the form of maggots or veins from chicken legs.

bomber fishing methods on the black sea

Catching a Striped Bully

Which fisherman does not know the striped bully? The bombard will help with his capture. Ways to catch perch are well understood. Although the minke whale never refuses bait fish and other meat "pickles", it is more convenient to catch it on artificial baits. Of the tested tricks, vibro-tails, twisters and jig heads can be noted. Tackle is better to take in a natural color that mimics the color of the fry. Sometimes, according to the mood, the bully eagerly grabs plastic acid colors. The tactics of catching perch is suitable for almost all predators. And they like to wait for their victims at the unevenness of the bottom topography. It is there that during the fall of the bait into the dark depths, bite most often occurs. But it is not necessary to strain your eyes in search of such treasured places. Perch can hit the bait anywhere in the pond. Here, the angler should be observant in determining where the fish fry are going. Check the shallow water, the edge of the algae or the calm strip of water behind the seam. For a perch, a floating bombard is suitable. Each angler has a recipe for posting.

Bomber pike

We must not forget the main toothast of freshwater reservoirs - pike. The bombard will help. The methods for catching pike and perch are similar. And the gastronomic preferences of these fish are the same. So sometimes, tuning in to the minke whale, the angler gets a more toothy surprise. In addition to natural lures, snare fishing is widely used in pike fishing. Of these, wobblers, poppers, various types of spinners, jig heads are traditionally used. But the fly is worth mentioning separately. Before using the "fly" it should be fluffed up, because no toothed fashionista can resist the craving for beauty. Sometimes such a draft in the predator begins to whip over the edge, and a toothy torpedo attacks the bombard itself. But then the fisherman can only sigh. At the time of summer overgrowing of reservoirs with grass, a bombard with a "fly-free" will become truly irreplaceable. With such tackle, an experienced angler will get a predator on clear water clearings surrounded by algae. For pike fishing, any kind of bombardment can be used, it all depends on the specific place of fishing.

Bombard, pike fishing methods.

Dancing with a sneaker

Water bodies in the south of Russia boast a fish called chekhon. The fish is cute and tasty. The bombard will surely help in its catch. The methods for catching sabrefish are due to its flocking. A flock of fish usually feeds in the surface layer of the coastal zone - at various underwater terraces or places with depth differences. The second favorite hunting spot is on the border of slow and fast water. Insects and other trifles are added to the water diet of this fish. The fishing lure should be selected small, insect-like. In this case, in addition to a bug, maggot or fry, artificial “flies” are well suited. Due to the flocking of sabrefish on the "column" of fishing equipment it is worth hanging a few baits. In this situation, cases of simultaneous fishing of several fish are not uncommon. In the case of a feeding flock, a floating bombard can be thrown directly to the place of fishing. Fish tackle is not frightened, and almost immediately after casting a bite can follow, if only the bait comes up.

Bombard, methods for catching sabrefish.

Visit the asp

Experienced fishermen have repeatedly noted that next to a flock of chekhon, asp can feed. Their diet is somewhat similar. So when catching this fish, a bombard will become a convenient tackle. The methods for catching asp, however, are pretty different from those that are used to snatch neighbors in the habitat. Asp is very careful and observant. Experienced anglers recommend changing the bait if the fish has already taken it, but left. Touchy prefers warmed water, hunts in the upper layers of water, near rifts, rapids, shallows or sand spits. The main diet consists of white fish fry. The bait should be selected appropriate colors. Of the artificial tricks, oscillating and trihedral baubles, spinner-turbines or wobblers work well. With a asp, any precaution will not be superfluous: maintaining silence, distant castings with a margin, a periodic change of bait ... But then biting usually happens strong and unexpected. Bombard on asp is better to take a floating or neutral. Postings do slow.

Date with the red-haired fashionista

One of the smartest freshwater fish is the rudd. And here, too, the bombard proved itself extremely well. Methods for catching rudd, however, would be more suitable for those who want to get a small predator, which is not the red-haired fashionista. In addition to traditional larvae and worms, rudd confidently pecks at most small artificial baits. In honor of the fish "flies" white, yellow or gray. She will not refuse small lures with silicone fish. Places of fishing should be sought near the section of water with vegetation or between plant strips. The fish does not like the current and is caught in the daytime. A sinking bombard is better. Fishing method - from the bottom, smooth wiring with periodic slight twitching. Sometimes it is advisable to put several hooks with a bait on a column: there is a great chance to remove a small fish garland from the water.

Grayling? Why not

We will not ignore the river predator called grayling. And here is the bombard. There are different ways to catch grayling . Often use traditional equipment with a bombardment in front of leashes. Some experts prefer to suspend the bait to the bombard, so that when pulling it as if gliding on the surface of the water. Grayling is fed in places of rapids, at the edges of aquatic fossils, both up to rapids and immediately after them. The main diet of fish is insects falling into the water, larvae and their aquatic relatives. Of the artificial baits, almost all the time they use “flies”, and here each fisherman has his own achievements. When casting tackles, it is better to transfer the intended feeding place for the fish, and then draw the bait over it. As practice has shown, the fish is practically not afraid of Sbirulino, paying attention mainly to baits. It is better to take a floating bomber for such fishing, practically any postings will do.

Bombard, grayling fishing methods

Trout. Who will refuse it?

Finish a small excursion is the queen of restaurants. In trout fishing, the bombard will again be an indispensable tool. The methods for catching trout with a bombard are mostly divided into 2 types: surface and bottom. The latter option is used in early spring and late autumn. When feeding near the surface, the fish rarely approaches the casting distance of the usual spinning, this is where the shot from the bombard will help. The same “fly” of dark colors in black and red tones will be a good bait. It’s even better to pick up edible nozzles: trout pastes, squid strips or peeled shrimp will do. When fishing near the surface, they use a floating scorer with smooth wiring, sometimes they encourage the fish with gentle jerks. With bottom fishing, a sinking one is needed. With postings are determined when searching for fish. You can drag the bait along the bottom, or you can make it slide in the water column. Having only felt the bite, the fisherman will be able to determine where the trout is located, and what kind of wiring will bring the bait to it better.

Bombard, methods of fishing for trout.

Instead of a conclusion

In fishing, as in life, progress is inevitable. And a good idea is immediately adopted. Bombard in this regard is difficult to overestimate. The phrase: “Try it.” Can be a conclusion from this short introductory excursion into bombing. The benefits are undeniable! ”


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