Germany, Trier: photos, attractions, tours

What can attract the tourists to the small and quiet German town of Trier? It turns out that attractions in this oldest city in Germany are many. It is already interesting that Trier was one of the four capitals of the Roman Empire, and that the first Christian emperor Constantine left traces of his reign in it. No less interesting is the fact that the city belongs first to France, and then to Prussia. You can learn about all this and other interesting facts of history by choosing one of the tours in Germany to Trier.

The foundation of the city of Trier

The city was founded in the 16th century BC near the Celtic shrines by the emperor Augustus, or rather, it was a settlement whose name is Augusta Treverorum. Then Trier turns into a shopping center, and then into the imperial residence, called in those years Northern Rome. During his stay in the city of Emperor Constantine, Trier becomes the capital of the Roman Empire. This is the 2nd century AD. It was at this time that the Romans built the gates of Port Nir, which are the symbol of the city of Trier in Germany and are preserved to this day. For several centuries, Trier competed with Rome. On one of the town houses there is an inscription stating that Trier stood 1300 years before Rome.

tours to trier germany

Viaduct bridge

In the IV century, Trier again briefly became the capital of the Roman state. This happens under Emperor Valentinian. During his reign, a bridge was built over the Moselle River. The viaduct bridge is a unique engineering attraction that has been preserved for centuries and is currently operating. Able to build in those distant times! All supports are basaltic. They stood centuries to the present day. Neither natural disasters nor time destroyed the bridge. Only wars break everything for the sake of victory. So, in 1689, French troops blew up the bridge, destroying the pillars, so two of them, the second and seventh, were replaced.

weather in trier germany

From the XII century begins the history of the Trier archbishopric. The city at this time is called Sankta Treveris. During this period, architecture is complemented by monuments of antiquity. In the XVIII century, Trier was ruled by France, and from 1815 - Prussia.

Sights of Trier

In Germany, in its various cities, there are many ancient monuments of different centuries, but as much as is located in Trier, probably not anywhere else.

The calling card of Trier is Porta Nira, or the Black Gate, located in the city center. During the reign of the Roman Empire, they were part of the fortifications of the city. The gates were made of light sandstone, but under the influence of moisture, soot and rain with the wind, the building acquired a dark color. Therefore, the gate was called black. In different centuries, Porta Nira was used for different purposes. The second floor was once a church for commoners. A floor above, that is, "closer to the sky," was the monastery church. Currently, it is a convenient platform for viewing the city. On the photo below - Trier (Germany).

Trier Germany photo

No less interesting are the ancient imperial baths, which were not used for their intended purpose, but turned into a room for the Teutonic Guard, now into the castle of the Frankish duke, then into a bastion of the city wall.

Main Relic of Trier Cathedral

Attractions included in the UNESCO World Heritage List include Trier Cathedral - one of the oldest and best preserved, the largest German temple in Trier. Initially, the cathedral was built as a repository of the main shrine - the Chiton of the Lord. Queen Elena brought her from Jerusalem to Trier, having bought this shrine from the family, which for several generations kept the lifetime robes of Christ. For more than three centuries, the Chiton of the Lord was walled up at the altar of the eastern choir of the cathedral. In 1512, it was first removed from the vault and put up for worship. From that time, pilgrimages to him began. Storage conditions were reflected in the structure of the holy robe.

Trier Germany Attractions

After the restoration of the cathedral, the shrine was placed in the ark with a special glass sarcophagus, in which two more are hidden, inserted into each other - silver and gold. Armored glass covers the tunic of Jesus Christ. The ark is sealed with the seal of Bishop Trier. Only he has the right to open the sarcophagus. By the way, this is done once a year, when Heaton is examined by restoration specialists. Not only this shrine is kept as a relic in St. Peter's Basilica in the city of Trier (Germany). Relics such as the Reliquary with the head of St. Helena, the relics of Saints Joachim and Anna, part of the chain that fettered the Apostle Peter, are in the Cathedral. Many more relics, which are Christian shrines, were brought by Queen Empress from excavations in the Holy Land of Jerusalem. Here are the burials of the bishops of Trier.

Pilgrimage to Heaton

Once every few years Heaton goes to worship. This is done on Good Friday. Heaton was last worshiped in 2012, from April 13 to May 13. This was announced in advance. The worship was dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the tradition of worshiping this shrine. For a month, the city of Germany Trier has become a pilgrimage center. Christians of different nationalities and faiths gathered here. People came to worship the common shrine. And they, like on a pilgrimage to the Shroud of Turin, felt a sense of unity and joy.

Germany Trier

Church of Our Lady and Episcopal Palace

Near the cathedral is the oldest Gothic church in Germany in Trier - the Church of the Blessed Virgin. Its construction took a long time, mainly due to lack of funds, from 1230 to 1260. Completed in the tradition of classical German Gothic. The architecture of the building is such that the gaze is directed upward towards the upper structure of the church, towards the arches with ribs and openwork windows. After the war in 1951, the Tyr Church of the Virgin received the title "Minor Basil" from the Pope. On the square, opposite the Cathedral and the Church of Our Lady, there is a two-story Episcopal Palace and several buildings similar to the residences of aristocratic archbishops.

Trier city in Germany

Information for tourists and pilgrims

What else can you see in Trier after having visited all the shrines of the city? There are also several museums. So, the Landesmuseum has a large collection of the times of the Roman Empire. Simeonstiftung hosts various thematic exhibitions. Diözesanmuseum demonstrates religious art.

It should be noted that city tours are popular with tourists. Guides in costumes of certain eras lead people along the routes of these historical periods. You can take a bus tour with an audio guide. There is a very funny train running from Port Nigra in the city. On the way there will be stops at the main attractions of the city and memorable places. The duration of the trip is 35 minutes.

You can visit restaurants with all kinds of local and international cuisine. Especially a lot of them in the summer on the banks of the Moselle, near the city pier. In summer, the weather in Germany in Trier is warm. The place near the river is colorful, it is quite possible to arrange evening and night gatherings.


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