Callas from beads: a master class and recommendations

A flower from beads is a great option for a holiday gift. Any fresh flowers are beautiful and delightful. Absolutely all carry their bewitching aura and beauty. Probably many people like lilac, roses, chamomiles, callas or other flowers. However, they are all short-lived. If an event or a specific person is relevant to you, we advise you to make a gift that preserves your memory for a longer time.

Callas are graceful and very beautiful flowers. But, like other plants, callas quickly wilt. In this article, we propose to study and learn in detail how calla beading is done correctly.

calla bead weaving pattern

Occupation is quite simple and exciting. There are several options for creating calla beads from your attention. Subsequently, this will assist in the formation of an original and beautiful bouquet.

For clarity, we consider the specifics of weaving flowers in the proposed master class (MK) calla lilies from pink beads. Let's get to work.

Materials and Tools

Before you start weaving callas, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • pink beads;
  • pale pink beads and bugles;
  • brown beads;
  • silver wire - 0.3 mm;
  • wire with a diameter of 1 millimeter;
  • green threads and floral ribbon.

Pale pink callas from beads: a master class

What is worth preparing for? You have to spend a little time and create a truly luxurious flower, which is calla bead. The weaving pattern is quite simple and will help you understand this scrupulous process. The basis is the use of the French method of beadwork.

calla bead master class

The procedure is as follows:

  1. To create the first row, string in the indicated sequence: seven pink beads, one pale pink bugle and nine pale pink beads.
  2. In further weaving, you will need to increase the number of pink beads and reduce the number of pale pink.
  3. Change the number of stringable beads at your discretion in such a way that the intervals in rows are minimal. A similar calla lobe is formed of three tiers of beads, which are located in the central row.
  4. Next comes six tiers - two on each side. The final row, which is located at the base of the petal, contains one tier. It consists of pink beads.
  5. The next side of the petal is similar to the first.

We form a calla bud

  • Upon completion of the formation of the petal, it will need to be sewn to fix a more stable form. Then insert a stamen into the calla core and securely attach the flower to the wire rod.
  • Then wrap it with floral tape. The tape can be replaced with green threads soaked in glue. It is necessary to carefully wind the trunk.
  • To form the stamens, you need to string twenty-seven brown beads. Fold the wire with beads in half and twist them together. As a result, you will get full callas from beads.

Weave leaves

To make calla leaves from beads, you will need to prepare some materials:

  • green beads;
  • wire in the color of beads (0.3 mm);
  • wire with a diameter of one millimeter;
  • green floral ribbon.

Calla beads have elongated leaves. Accordingly, you will need to use the parallel weaving technique . In fact, one sheet consists of two halves stitched together.

calla beading
Please note that the bottom three rows of your leaf do not need to be stapled. This is done in such a way that in the end your bead sheet displays the live original as much as possible.

After that, you need to take a rod with a diameter of one millimeter and wrap it with a green ribbon. The resulting blank must be attached to the back of the sheet using the green wire. In a similar way, make two more similar leaflets.

calla beads

Callas from beads will gain elegance and aesthetics if they are placed, for example, in a beautiful vase. If you wish, you can make a gypsum mixture and fix your flower in a flowerpot.

White callas from beads: the second version

To form another version of the flower arrangement, you will need:

  • clear or light beads;
  • yellow beads;
  • silver or green wires with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • scissors.

Progress and some recommendations

  1. Start with the calla bead petals. To do this, you will need to prepare a piece of wire eighty centimeters long. Then make a small loop at its end. Next, you need to string three centimeters of white beads. Make another extra top loop.
  2. Then you should turn the weaving and string white beads on the working end of the wire. Make a revolution on top of the original row.
  3. Then again you need to turn your weaving and string the same number of beads. Make the next revolution around the axis.
  4. We proceed to the creation of the sidewalls of the petal.

calla bead pattern

To do this, you need to string white beads on the working end of the wire and fix it. Count out the three beads at the top.

  1. Next, string the beads again and draw a line down. Make a turn and head up, stringing the next beads. Count out three beads and fix on the other side. So you have completed the first calla lobe.
  2. Next, you will need to do the same. Count out five beads. It is necessary to go down and make a coil, heading up the next side. Continue weaving, counting six and eight beads along the way.
  3. In total, you will need to indent six beads. Upon completion of the formation of the petal, you need to straighten it, giving it a suitable shape.
  4. For better fixation, you need to flash the petal from the outside with a wire. Procrastination will allow you to give the desired shape to the calla.
  5. Make a pestle from a yellow tier. You should dial ten centimeters of beads in the same way as in the first described master class.
  6. Insert the finished core into the flower and attach it to the stem using wire.

calla beading

To complete the floral composition of white callas, you can weave bead branches on a green wire of colorless beads.

mk calla bead
At the end of the resulting line of beads, form loops along the entire length of the segment.


Beadwork is a rather fascinating process, but not all work can be done by beginners. As for weaving callas from beads, the specificity of this work is only in attentiveness and compliance with the sequence.

The implementation of your own experiments is permissible with knowledge of the beadwork mechanism of a particular product. Therefore, if you are a beginner, try first to learn the principles and fundamentals of beadwork.


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