“All for 90” (Beeline tariff): how to connect to the number?

One of the most popular mobile operators, Beeline, offers its customers a number of unique options for optimizing the cost and terms of use of communication services. Among them are tariff plans with the included number of minutes, megabytes, messages, options and services that allow you to reduce call prices, both in your region and in roaming (within the country, abroad).

For some subscribers, the most acceptable are the terms of tariff plans when a certain amount of communication services is provided for a certain monthly or daily payment. For others, the option of payment upon the fact is considered optimal, that is, after using, for example, the Internet or a call, etc. Among such TPs are “All for 90” (Beeline tariff). How to connect this unique offer and how it attracts subscribers so much, we will tell in this article.

All for 90 Beeline tariff how to connect

Conditions offered on the tariff plan

Before deciding whether the tariff plan is suitable for you, you should familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions, prices. “All for 90” (Beeline tariff) (how to connect this offer from a mobile operator will be described below) provides for subscription fees. The amount per month is 90 rubles. A feature is the fact that it is written off in equal installments every day. Thus, a clear advantage is the absence of the need to immediately add the entire amount to the balance sheet. It is enough to have more than 3 rubles in the account in order to prevent financial blockage.

Tariff “All for 90” (“Beeline”): tariffs for calls

Subscribers with the tariff plan that we are considering are offered megaphone communication with Beeline network customers throughout the country. Within 100 minutes, all dialogs will be free. At the same time, we are talking about calls to any Beeline company numbers by region. It should be noted that upon the onset of the 101st minute, charging will begin. It will be possible to talk with a Beeline subscriber for only 1 ruble (per minute of dialogue).

A minute of conversation with a person using the number of any other company - a communication service provider, will cost 1.60 rubles, given that he is registered in the same area as you. Otherwise, the price per minute will be 3 rubles.

The tariff is all over 90 Beeline how to connect

The cost of text messaging and Internet traffic

The cost of sending messages to the numbers of any operators in the country is 2 rubles. Abroad - 3.95 rubles. In the subscriber. the fee, which is debited daily from the subscriber’s number in the amount of three rubles, also includes a package of Internet traffic. It is only 100 megabytes, which are provided for one month. Of course, to someone this option will not seem quite attractive. But you can get out of the situation by activating additional options for the Internet that are available in your region on the TP “All for 90” (Beeline tariff). How to connect these services? You can do it yourself, with the help of certain commands and queries, as well as through an online assistant. The options “Extend speed” (to increase the volume of traffic) and “Turbo-button” are also available to increase the speed for a specific period of time.

Beeline tariffs for calls

Tariff “All for 90” (“Beeline”): how to connect?

The main feature of the tariff plan is that it is not available to subscribers in the public domain. Unlike other tariff plans, you can switch to which (or buy a new number) yourself using convenient options (Internet, USSD, etc.). “All for 90” (Beeline tariff) how to connect if you are interested in this option? The subscriber can receive an offer to switch to TP using one of the methods described below.

Beeline tariff 90 reviews

Activation options

  • Through telemarketers. From time to time, Beeline customers receive calls with offers of services. For example, options for profitable calls or Internet packages. Among such proposals may be TP “All for 90”. Of course, such interesting options may not offer all subscribers. And, for example, for those who use the number of a mobile operator for a long time, regularly pay for communication services, are a bona fide client and prefer communication within the network.
  • SMS messages are another way to inform Beeline customers. “Tariff 90” (reviews of which are mostly positive, due to favorable terms of use and a ridiculous monthly fee) can also be offered to subscribers who often activate offers on the number to reduce the cost of a minute of conversation within their network. Please note that if a text message has arrived to your number with information that TP is available for you to go, then most likely it has a validity period (carefully read the message text). And this means that there will not be much time for thought. Activation can also be offered at certain hours. Follow the instructions in the text message. If you have questions, you can contact the contact center and clarify points of interest, as well as switch to TP.
  • On the site (in your account or on the main page). If you find such a proposal and it interests you, then do not waste time, specify how you can change the tariff plan (only through the operator or, for example, in some other way).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G4976/

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