Sightseeing India, Golden Triangle: tour description and reviews

India is a huge country with a rich history. It is so diverse that any of its corners in its own way is interesting and fascinating. To understand its culture, it is not enough to visit any one region. For tourists who want to study the country in more detail, there is a tour of the Golden Triangle. India will show you the wonderful world of ancient history and culture, to which not a single person will remain indifferent. It includes the largest cities in the central part of the country, and can also be complemented by a vacation on the famous Indian beaches.

How is the trip carried out?

Depending on the route, the Golden Triangle tour (India) may vary significantly. Some tour operators offer to visit only the largest cities: Agra, Delhi and Jaipur. Other excursions include visits to all cities included in the tour. Some even complete the trip with a few days of relaxation on the beaches of Goa or a visit to the famous village of Khajuraho.

As a rule, the tour begins in Delhi, where tourists fly by plane. Then, within a few days, they travel by car or bus between the cities that are part of the Golden Triangle (India). Tour operators count their trips on average for a week, so not much time is allocated for visiting the city. On the road between each settlement, tourists spend an average of about 5 hours. After visiting all cities, travelers return to Delhi, from where they fly home. If the tour includes holidays in Goa, then a flight to the state is carried out.

What to take on the road?

A hot, stuffy and humid climate is something that tourists who travel to the state of India will encounter. The "Golden Triangle" involves long trips, so you need to stock up with plenty of water before you leave. You can take food with you. Indian food may be poor or spicy. Insect repellent also does not hurt. Despite the hot daytime weather, it gets cool in the evening, so you should also take a light windbreaker or jacket.

Travel price

Depending on the duration of the tour and the quality of the host hotels, the cost of travel can vary significantly. For example, a weekly tour, including a trip to all the cities of the Golden Triangle for two, will cost from 650 to 1,500 dollars. The higher the price, the better the hotel will be. The cost is also affected by food. As a rule, tour operators pay only for breakfast, but there are tours with the option "All inclusive". The cheapest way to go to India is in September and March, but rest on Christmas holidays will cost one and a half times more. When you include additional holidays in Goa, the amount can also increase significantly.


The city of Delhi is the starting point of many Golden Triangle tours. It is located in the north of the country and is the second largest city ​​in India. It will amaze tourists with an abundance of ancient architectural monuments of different historical eras. According to general estimates, the city and its environs contain almost 6,000 different attractions. The streets of Delhi are filled with numerous restaurants and souvenir shops. It is a multinational city with a population of over 10 million people.

india golden triangle

New Delhi is also located here - the district that is the capital of the state of India. The Golden Triangle includes visits to metropolitan attractions. In the old part of the city, you should definitely visit the Jama-Masjid mosque - this is the largest Muslim building in the country. You also need to look at the panorama of ancient Delhi. Among other attractions, it is worth noting the Red Fort, the mausoleum of the Mughal padishah Khumayun, the Hindu temple of Akshardham. Tourists also like to spend part of their sightseeing time walking around the Chatta Chowk market, which retains the atmosphere of ancient India.


Jaipur is popularly called the "pink city" because of the characteristic color of the stone that was used in the development. It is quite small in size, especially in comparison with the multi-million dollar Delhi. There are a huge number of palaces of various shapes and sizes. The largest of them are the City Palace and Hawa Mahal - a former harem, on the facade of which there are about 900 windows. Thanks to them, the palace is purged even in the hottest heat. Therefore, very often Hawa Mahal is called the Palace of the Winds.

round golden triangle india

The city will surprise tourists with the huge number of monkeys that live here everywhere. In their honor, the Monkey Temple was erected in Jaipur. Almost 2000 primates live on its territory. Sightseeing India (the Golden Triangle in particular) is not only a sightseeing tour, but also a trip to museums. Most Jaipur museums are located in the City Palace. To examine them all, you need to spend at least one day. Also, visiting the city, you must definitely see the Jal Mahal Palace - a unique building located right in the middle of the lake.

Fatehpur Sikri

The Golden Triangle tour (India) is designed not only to visit major cities of the country, but also includes small settlements with a rich cultural heritage. One of them is the small town of Fatehpur Sikri, which was once the capital of the Mughal Empire. Now about 30 thousand people live here, and Fatehpur Sikri itself has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This settlement has the glory of a ghost town.

golden triangle india tour operators

Unlike the "pink" city, Fatehpur Sikri was built up with red sandstone. The architecture of the settlement combines the trends of Hinduism, Islam and Jainism. The main attraction of the city is the gate of Bulat Darvaz - an example of ancient Mughal architecture. They are also among the largest in the world. The Ankh Michauli building, which is the former treasury, as well as the drum house of Naubat Khan, are worth a look.


Agra is one of the most magnificent cities that India is famous for. The Golden Triangle was named after the 3 largest settlements around which the tour was built. In addition to Delhi and Jaipur, one of the peaks is Agra. Here is one of the seven wonders of the world - the Taj Mahal. The mausoleum, built in honor of the beloved wife of Padishah Shah Jahan, impresses with its grandeur. A beautiful building made of snow-white marble delights tourists with its exquisite beauty. When planning a tour, you should pay attention to the fact that on Fridays services are held in the mausoleum and it is closed to the public.

india golden triangle rest

In addition to the Taj Mahal, Agra has many other attractions. Be sure to visit the Red Fort - a fortress that was once the residence of Indian rulers. The tomb of Akbar the Great is an equally impressive building in which one of the most significant Muslim rulers of the state of India found its resting place. The excursion tour "Golden Triangle" also includes a visit to the tomb of Itemad-ud-Dauly, which is often called the "Little Taj". Another architectural miracle of Agra is the Pearl Mosque with snow-white domes.


50 kilometers north of Agra is the city of Mathura. In antiquity, it stood at the intersection of major trade routes, so it was a significant economic center of the country. According to ancient legends, Krishna was born here, so Mathura is considered a sacred Indian city. A magnificent temple was erected at the place of his birth about 5 thousand years ago. Of course, it was rebuilt many times, and the current Krishna Janmabhumi is unlikely to compare with the original structure. 250 meters from the temple is a small sanctuary marking the exact birthplace of Krishna.

india sightseeing tour golden triangle

There are also other sacred places associated with the life of an ancient deity. Another attraction is the place of Vishram Ghat, which marks the place where Krishna killed the local greedy ruler. Tourists are also invited to visit the local Archaeological Museum, which contains many ancient finds, as well as a Buddha statue built in the 5th century.


Vrindavan is a holy city also associated with the life of Krsna. It is located near Mathura and is one of the many pilgrimage centers that India is so famous for. The Golden Triangle, unfortunately, does not always include a visit to this city. And completely in vain, because in terms of the number of attractions it is not inferior to other major cities of the tour. The splendor of tourists will be struck by the Prem Mandir temple complex. This Hindu sanctuary was built only in 2012, and experts from all over the world took part in its construction.

sightseeing india golden triangle

Vrindavan is not for nothing called the "city temple." They are found here at every step. According to estimates, about 5,000 religious buildings are located on its territory. The oldest surviving temple of Madanamohana dates from the 16th century. Also, tourists should visit the temple of Banke Bihari and Geshi Khad. The latter is located on the banks of the Yamuna River, and every evening at sunset there is a ceremony for worshiping Krishna.

Extra Holidays in Goa

Not only India is famous for its architectural monuments. The Golden Triangle + Goa tour also includes several days that tourists spend on the beaches of this famous resort. The combination of excursion and beach holidays makes this tour especially popular.

india tour golden goa triangle

Goa has no such striking attractions as in the ancient cities of the country. However, there are many places that are definitely worth visiting for tourists. For example, Paradise Beach is a beautiful corner of nature with clear water and pristine jungle. Fort Chapora is a ruined building on the coast. It offers a magnificent view of the sea. It is also worth a visit to the legendary local clubs and restaurants. They can enjoy unique seafood dishes. For travelers, there are also excursions to cultural monuments, for example, to the Dudhsagar Falls or to the plantations of rare spices that India is famous for. "Golden Triangle + Goa" will allow you to have a great rest after many days trips around the cities of the country.

Khajuraho Village

Another stop is Khajuraho Village. This settlement was created for tourists and includes about 20 temples. The most ancient of them were built in the IX-XI centuries. Once this city was the ancient capital of the state ruled by the Chandel dynasty. After the 13th century, it fell, and people left Khajuraho, which was overgrown with jungle. It was rediscovered only in the 19th century, when the British, under the rule of which India was under it, did not stumble upon it.

golden triangle india reviews

The "Golden Triangle", a vacation in which any tourist will like, will surprise the country's most ancient temples. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The most popular attractions are temples, on the walls of which scenes from the famous Kamasutra are embodied. Another highlight is the Kandarya-Mahadeva Temple. This is the largest and most decorated complex, around which 84 miniature spiers were erected. Visiting this place with children is not recommended, because on each of the surviving temples you can see numerous figures depicting erotic compositions.

Tourists reviews

How do tourists rate a trip to such a mysterious and beautiful country? The Golden Triangle (India) is receiving extremely positive reviews. Travelers note the abundance of historical places, and from the window of a bus or car you can see the life and nature of the country. They are admired by the oldest structures. Perhaps people highlight a trip to Agra, in particular a trip to the Taj Mahal. This majestic mausoleum is unlikely to leave you indifferent.

But this tour also has its drawbacks. Reviews of tourists usually indicate a difficult and tiring move from one city to another. In hot weather, the train can not do without air conditioning. Also, people complain about the large number of poor people and the dirt, which is quite a lot outside the cultural buildings.

The Golden Triangle is ideal for those who want to explore the culture of India in depth . For several days of travel you can see with your own eyes the largest attractions of the country, as well as relax on the sea. This tour allows you to save money, because it turns out much cheaper than individual trips to each of the cities.


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