Sudostroitelny Bank: problems, reliability rating

Sudostroitelny Bank was founded in 1994 in Moscow. The organization is the parent company of the financial group, which includes CIF MART REALTI and SB Debt Issuance Limited. As a result of repeated rebranding, the institution received the short name CB CB SB-Bank LLC. The organization has established itself as an actively developing, focused on corporate clients. She takes 80th place in the hundred largest and third in the national rating.

Shipbuilding Bank: Problems

The reputation of the institution began to deteriorate at the end of 2014, when the accounts of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities were frozen. At the forums, people complained about unpaid payments by KB Sudostroitelny Bank. Customer reviews indicate a large number of problems due to late payment of taxes, resulting penalties and spoiled relations with contractors.

shipbuilding bank problems

Although part of the payments was still made. On January 14, 2015, operations ordered on December 26 were completed. According to the law, three days are allocated for a transaction. Due to the fact that Sudostroitelny Bank does not make payments, most customers were forced to refuse the services of the organization. At the same time, many note the friendly attitude of employees who advise on issues of account closure, which is not entirely standard for such a situation.

Soon there were complaints from those who decided to continue cooperation with KB Sudostroitelny Bank LLC. The problems were aggravated when the organization began to change the dates for submitting applications for payments in the Personal Account. The system indicates the time the payment was made, its receipt for processing, and Chargeback: These dates have been updated daily.

shipbuilding bank reviews

The Sudostroitelny Bank tried to solve the problems with payments by opening a file cabinet of failed transactions. Especially for these purposes, a new account 47418 was created. It reflected the operations accepted for execution and sent to the Central Bank, but due to the lack of funds in the correspondent account, these transactions were moved to a separate file cabinet. Updating daily data, the bank tried to reduce the number of requests in the file cabinet. But when unloading the technical file, the real dates of the formation of the documents are visible. As a result, on January 27, the institution was completely disconnected from the electronic transaction system by the Central Bank.

Advertising campaign

To rectify the situation, stop the outflow of capital and reduce the shortage of money supply, the organization began to offer individual conditions for deposits. Most individuals who were not aware of the problems entered into new fixed-term contracts. And when their validity period expired, it turned out that Sudostroitelny Bank does not make payments and does not return deposits. At that time, an interim administration was already operating.

shipbuilding bank does not make payments

New limits

Restrictions were introduced on the issue of cash without a prior payment order: from ATMs - 40 thousand rubles (even with Premium + credit cards) and 100 thousand - for other customers. For those who wanted to receive large amounts, it was necessary to place an order for 100 thousand rubles daily. At the same time, bank representatives claimed that there were always restrictions on cash withdrawals. Just now the limits have changed. In 2013, without a preliminary application, it was possible to withdraw 1 million rubles. In 2014, this amount decreased by half, and in 2015 amounted to 300 thousand rubles.


The fact that the bank is experiencing liquidity problems was a complete surprise for many customers. Back in 2014, the National Rating Agency rated the agency "AA-". At the end of the year, with the permission of the regulator, equity was increased due to the transformation of subordinated loans. In December, an active advertising campaign was held to attract deposits to LLC Sudostroitelny Bank. Reliability rating only at the beginning of 2015 decreased to the level of "C". But even then, in public sources there was no information about violations in activity. Therefore, depositors have extended their deposit agreements.

bank shipbuilding license

Customers defended

Not wanting to part with their favorite institution, investors wrote a letter to the Central Bank asking them not to liquidate the bank. It stated the point of view that liquidity problems arose due to the collapse of the national currency and an increase in the refinancing rate. But ordinary customers are not able to anticipate such changes and assess their risks. In such a situation may be any credit institution in the country. It is not necessary to eliminate it. But these measures did not work.

License revocation

On February 16, 2015, a statement appeared that it was not possible to attract DIA to improve the organization on reasonable terms. Therefore, a decision appeared to withdraw Sudostroitelny Bank from the market. The license was revoked the same day.


According to the Central Bank, the organization had a very low quality of assets, since the funds received from individuals were incorrectly invested. This led to a complete loss of capital and a refusal to fulfill obligations to creditors. Moreover, the bank provided inaccurate reporting, which hid the existing problems. The owners did not try to rectify the situation.

Moscow shipbuilding bank

The institution has long been an active participant in repurchase transactions on the stock exchange (Moscow). Sudostroitelny Bank twice failed to fulfill its obligations in January 2015. The total debt amounted to more than 2 billion rubles. Due to the economic crisis, the securities in which the funds were invested depreciated. A margin call was formed: the bank could not bring money and collateral to the Central Bank. Due to such problems, in 2008 Svyaz-Bank came under reorganization, and KIT Finance was liquidated.

After the margin call, the problems at KB Sudostroitelny Bank LLC only worsened . Customer reviews confirm that the companies were trying to return funds. On the exchange, the attitude towards the institution changed to conservative. Since the bank issued medium-term and long-term loans to legal entities, a low turnover of the loan portfolio was formed. It was not possible to normalize liquidity from the inflow of funds on loans.

Representatives of the bank claim that problems arose as a result of revaluation of federal loan bonds. On December 16, OFZs with a maturity of 2028 per day fell in price to 53%, earlier (December 2019) - to 65.1%. According to unofficial data, the addition of funds to the Central Bank amounted to more than 2 billion rubles. All banks that operate under the repo pyramid encountered two problems simultaneously: raising the Central Bank rate and increasing guarantee coverage on the exchange. Specifically, Sudostroitelny Bank 12% of liabilities were raised in securities.

shipbuilding bank reliability rating

According to the law, if a bank is not able to satisfy the requirements of creditors within two weeks, the Central Bank can revoke the license. Which, in fact, happened.

Refund of deposits

The shipbuilding bank, whose problems could not be resolved, will be liquidated within two years. The first payments to investors began on March 2. Since the bank participated in the deposit insurance system, customers can receive a 100% deposit, provided that its amount, taking into account interest, does not exceed 1.4 million rubles. First of all, deposits of individuals will be repaid. The total amount of deposits is 21.8 billion rubles.


At the end of 2014, Sudostroitelny Bank had liquidity problems. As a result, the accounts of many legal entities and individual entrepreneurs were frozen. Due to the poor quality of the loan portfolio, it was not possible to restore the situation on their own. And the Central Bank refused to sanitize the institution.


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