How to flash Samsung Odin Android phone?

Users of Samsung smartphones based on the Android operating system often encounter a problem when the phone starts to “glitch” and freeze. Such problems usually arise due to the installation of unlicensed and third-party software that helps to “kill” the system. In some cases, the smartphone begins to live its own life due to viruses that can get to the device from third-party media (flash cards and computers) and when connected to the Internet.

The best solution to the situation would be flashing the smartphone. But official service centers most often refuse warranty service (and have every right to do so), while setting the requirement to pay for the work. Since the service is not cheap, many users can independently try to bring the smartphone back to life. This article will provide information on how to flash the phone through Odin - the most popular official program for updating the firmware.

Beginning of work

The first step towards success in a difficult task is to prepare for the process. You need to make sure that the battery of the smartphone is at least 80 percent charged (it is better if the battery is full). Also, to understand how to flash through Odin, you need to download the program itself to your personal computer. At the same time, the operating system installed on the PC must be at least Windows XP.

how to flash phone via odin

You will definitely need the firmware itself (it can be single-file or multi-file), and ADB drivers, which can be downloaded on specialized sites. As soon as it becomes clear that all conditions are met, the process can begin.

Driver installation

One of the key points necessary to execute before flashing through Odin is the installation of the necessary drivers for the smartphone. All you need to do is download the installer file and run it (preferably on behalf of the administrator).

There are times when drivers are already installed on the PC. To make sure that everything goes properly, it is worth checking the system for old versions. If you find outdated drivers, you should remove them and install the latest ones.

Download your smartphone to Downloading mode

How to flash Samsung through Odin? Easy! The first thing you need to do directly with your smartphone is to launch it in Downloading mode. But before that, you should make sure that all the necessary information from the smartphone was saved before the firmware, since after it the device will turn on “like new” and there will be no information on it.

how to flash through odin

If the device does not turn on, do not despair. On the gadget turned off, you need to hold down the "Volume -", "Home" and "Turn on / off" buttons together. As soon as the request to confirm the action lights up on the screen, press the “Volume +” button. After that, the image of the android robot and the inscription Downloading will appear on the screen. We connect the smartphone via a USB cable to the PC, and on this the necessary actions with the smartphone are completed.

The first launch of Odin

So the moment of the firmware process came up. This should be approached with great responsibility and re-read the entire manual. If something goes wrong, you can get the so-called "brick", and restoration of the smartphone will cost a lot of money or it will become completely impossible.

how to flash samsung via odin

Therefore, before flashing through Odin, you need to understand the program itself. To do this, first you need to unzip the archive directly from Odin to any convenient place on your hard drive, and then run the Odin.exe file. So, in the interface menu you can see a lot of strange buttons and words. But do not be scared. In order to learn how to flash through Odin, you only need to know what firmware is available.

How to flash Android through Odin

If the firmware consists of only one file, all you need to do is click on the PDA button and select the location of the firmware file in the window that opens.

how to flash phone via odin

Otherwise, having the firmware of three files, you should select the largest file in the PDA line (it contains the word CODE), in the PHONE line - the file containing the word PHONE in the name, in the CSC line - accordingly, the file with the CSC keyword.

After these manipulations, you should make sure that opposite the inscriptions Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time are checked. It must be remembered that opposite the words Re-Partition in no case should be ticked, as this can turn the device into a "brick"!

how to flash android via odin

Other lines and check marks are needed for more advanced users and those involved in the development of so-called custom firmware versions for smartphones, so the best solution would be to not experiment with the above features. Next, you need to click on the Start button, and the firmware process will begin directly.

During firmware

During the firmware process, you need to make sure that the PC does not turn off and does not hang for no reason, as this can lead to disastrous consequences for the smartphone. Also, you can not disconnect the USB cable and press any buttons.

Simply? It turns out that yes. Indeed, in order to understand how to flash a Samsung smartphone through Odin, you do not need any special skills and knowledge. The most important thing is to make sure that the firmware process has reached its final stage, and the download bar has passed all 100%. After that, the smartphone will reboot itself and turn on in the setup mode, as if it was first unpacked and launched.

With the correct step-by-step setup, the phone will boot in normal mode and begin to function freely. The entire file system will be updated, there will be no data from the previous firmware. Therefore, once again you should pay attention to the item that says about saving files on any convenient medium until the firmware process.

In general, I want to say that almost everyone can cope with the task. But if there is no confidence in the skills of working with a PC and smartphone, then it's better not to take risks. In such cases, it is often much more profitable to turn to specialists and get a completely positive result. Therefore, before flashing the Samsung smartphone on Android through Odin, it is worth deciding whether there is a willingness to experiment with such manipulations.

The most important thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities, and the rest should be left to complex computing processes performed by a personal computer, operating system and software.


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