Health gadget: types, purpose. Sports watch with heart rate monitor and pedometer

The main direction of the development of high-tech electronic devices is to simplify communication and increase efficiency in working with multimedia services. However, against this background, in just a few years, a whole segment of devices has been formed that perform a number of medical tasks. A modern gadget for health is based on the concept of a fitness tracker. That is, it is a sports device designed to take into account individual characteristics of the user's body. As the capabilities of such devices expanded, the set of tools that the media of this technique can use also changed. Today, some models are real mini-stations, provided with various means of medical control.

health gadget

Health Gadget Overview

These are devices with a minimum set of controls, a compact body and a wide range of features. Actually, all products from the wearable electronics segment are suitable for these characteristics. Such devices are combined by the presence of wireless modules for communication, autonomy and the ability to combine with smartphones. As a rule, these are sports gadgets, but there are also models of โ€œsmartโ€ watches that are not related to this area. In the latest versions of such models, programming functions are also provided. Based on the readings of the built-in sensors, the device independently makes a decision on changing the operating parameters or the operating mode as a whole.

Appointment of devices

And among ordinary fans of portable electronic devices, and in the circles of experts there are many skeptical opinions about the value of wearable electronics. The ergonomic advantages of a compact gadget are practically not called into question, but the applications offered for use cause controversial judgments. It was the health gadget that suggested completely understandable and useful options that changed the attitude to wearable electronics. So what are these devices for? First of all, the devices help determine the number of steps taken for the whole day, distance traveled, heart rate, number of calories burned, etc. This is the standard tool kit for sports wearable electronics.

sports gadgets

Models focused on maintaining health are more provided with the functions of an analyzer and self-diagnosis. In addition to the above options, the user receives a posture controller, tonometer, altimeter, etc. A health gadget with sleep monitoring is also common. It allows you to calculate the time that the owner of the device slept at night, as well as calculate the number of awakenings.

Sports watches as a typical representative of a segment

The fashion for gadgets with self-diagnosis applications went from smart watches that were intended for runners. And not only professional, but also amateurs. Information on the distance traveled, running speed, etc., was always present on the user's hand. Gradually, fitness applications were added to this set of functions. Modern models of such watches are more likely to develop in basic performance indicators. For example, a sports watch with a heart rate monitor and a pedometer from different manufacturers actively compete with each other in terms of size, autonomy and ergonomics. Each manufacturer seeks to offer a small, but at the same time functional and easy to operate watch. But only a few manage to combine these qualities. And this is not to mention the quality of the software. Obviously, combining a wide range of diverse applications with sensors in one miniature device is not an easy task. Therefore, users have to sacrifice individual characteristics, choosing the best solution for themselves.

bracelet heart rate monitor

Types of devices

Sports watches with tracking functions are just one of the forms that embody the concept of wearable gadgets. A heart rate bracelet is also common, provided with the same functions. There are also specialized models focused on working with a specific indicator. These include bracelets that reflect the alcohol content of the blood, exploring the characteristics of sweat. The device contains an electrochemical transdermal sensor that monitors ethanol emissions through the skin. Further, information about the โ€œanalyzesโ€ is processed and displayed on a miniature display in a user-friendly form.

Specialized models include glucometers, which allow you to determine the level of sugar in the blood. What distinguishes such devices from full-fledged medical devices? The ability to pair with other mobile devices, portability and control of the target parameter in a constant mode. A separate niche in the segment is occupied by tricorders. These are multifunctional medical gadgets close to full-format technology. Such a device allows you to work with several metrics, including pulse, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation and even ECG.

sports watch with heart rate monitor and pedometer

Health Gadget Benefits

All the advantages of such devices are reduced to mobility, ease of management and the ability to constantly monitor the performance of your body. The scheme of the gadget is simple and requires a minimum of user effort. As a rule, it is enough to set the operating mode, after which the recorded information will fill in the corresponding graphs. A modern bracelet-heart rate monitor also allows you to instantly send data to a smartphone, and through it to the Internet. This is convenient if, in addition to your own interest in medical indications, there is also the task of informing the attending physician.

Disadvantages of Medical Gadgets

medical gadgets

Of course, in any performance, the gadget, by definition, will not be able to provide the level of accuracy with which full-fledged medical devices work. The modest sizes of such devices impose significant limitations on the possibility of using sensitive sensors and sensors. Therefore, the same sports watch with a heart rate monitor and a pedometer should be considered as a means of measurement with a high degree of error. Nevertheless, taking into account the dynamics of changes in one parameter or another in this case can be quite correct.

Popular manufacturers

All manufacturers of gadgets of this kind can be divided into two types - these are directly manufacturers of mobile electronics and companies associated with the manufacturing of medical or sports equipment. Among the representatives of the first category, the leading positions are occupied by Sony and Xiaomi, which produce an expensive, but attractive in appearance, ergonomic and productive electronics. But the most accurate and practical gadgets for fitness and health are produced by developers, including those specializing in medical topics. These include Youwell, Polar Loop, Omron, Fitbit Flex, etc. These devices are modest in design and characteristics, but they outperform popular competitors due to the quality of measuring functions.

fitness and health gadgets

How to choose a gadget for health?

The set of optional measuring instruments is determined individually in accordance with your own needs. The only thing that can be recommended here is if you need high accuracy of measurement, it is better to use a specialized mono device to work with one specific indicator. Otherwise, all gadgets for health monitoring should be evaluated by the operating time on a single charge, methods of controlling functions, display quality, etc. As practice shows, the method of communication with a mobile device is also important. It is desirable that the tracker provided for synchronization channels Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.


health gadgets

The segment is developing rapidly and covers all new directions of technological advancement from other areas. For example, manufacturers do not forget to improve the software and hardware devices, providing them with the latest versions of iOS and Android. At the same time, the cost of models no longer bites as much as during the debut appearance of the first concepts of the same โ€œsmartโ€ watches. In modern versions, sports gadgets can cost 3-4 thousand rubles, offering a complete set of basic metrics. For 10-15 thousand, you can count on high-quality products from Xiaomi or Sony, which will please with wide functionality, a capacious battery and additional features. But in any case, you should not consider such devices as full-fledged medical equipment.


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