MOS transistor: principle of operation and scope

Studying the properties of a material such as a semiconductor has made revolutionary discoveries. Over time, technologies appeared that made it possible on an industrial scale to produce diodes, a MOS transistor, a thyristor, and other elements. They successfully replaced electronic lamps and allowed to realize the most daring ideas. Semiconductor elements are used in all areas of our lives. They help us process tremendous amounts of information; computers, tape recorders, televisions, etc. are produced on their basis.

mop transistor
Since the invention of the first transistor, and this was in 1948, a lot of time has passed. Varieties of this element have appeared: a point germanium, silicon, field or MOS transistor. All of them are widely used in electronic equipment. The study of the properties of semiconductors does not stop in our time.

These studies led to the emergence of a device such as a MOS transistor. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that under the influence of an electric field (hence another name - field), the conductivity of the surface layer of a semiconductor located on the boundary with the dielectric changes. It is this property that is used in electronic circuits for various purposes. The MOS transistor has such a structure that allows to reduce the resistance between the drain and the source under the action of the control signal to almost zero.

MOS transistor working principle
Its properties are different from the bipolar โ€œcompetitorโ€. It is they who determine the scope of its application.

  • High performance is ensured by miniaturization of the crystal itself and its unique properties. This is due to certain difficulties in industrial production. Currently produced crystals with a gate of 0.06 microns.
  • Small transient capacitance allows these devices to operate in high frequency circuits. For example, LSI with their use is successfully used in mobile communications.
  • Almost zero resistance, which has a MOS transistor in the open state, allows you to use it as electronic keys. They can work in high frequency signal generation circuits or for shunting elements such as operational amplifiers.
  • Powerful devices of this type are successfully used in power modules and can be included in induction circuits. A good example of their use can be a frequency converter.

mop transistors
When designing and working with such elements, some features must be taken into account. MOSFETs are sensitive to reverse overvoltage and easily fail. In circuits with inductance, high-speed Schottky diodes are usually used to smooth the reverse voltage pulse that occurs during switching.

The prospects for using these devices are quite large. Improving the technology of their manufacture is on the way to reducing the crystal (shutter scaling). Gradually there are devices that are able to control more and more powerful electric motors.


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