Landmark of Siberia - Lake Black (Khakassia)

The lakes of Khakassia are famous for their healing properties and unique nature, which is peculiar only to this particle of light. A peculiar Siberian area conquered many hearts. It harmoniously combines the beauty, severity and diversity of the natural world. One of the attractions of Khakassia is Lake Black, which is located in the north-east of the republic near the Shirinsky district. 25 km away is Sayanogorsk, and 30 km away is the famous Shira Lake resort.

Black Khakassia Lake

How did the name of the reservoir appear?

The name Black Lake (Khakassia), the photos presented in the article, confirm this version, received due to the special composition of the water and the bottom. If viewed from a bird's eye view, then its deep expanses are quite dark. The reason is simple enough. In some places, the bottom is silty, which gives a characteristic black color to the water. Apparently, this was once the reason that the locals nicknamed him Black. A river originates in the lake, which is also called Chernaya, and next to it is a village of the same name.

Another fact is interesting: the main part of the bottom is covered with a layer of clay and sand. The water in the reservoir is not as clear as in other lakes, which the Republic of Khakassia is famous for. Shirinsky district (Black Lake is a local attraction here) is known far beyond Russia. A lot of people come here, as healing mud procedures are quite popular.


The lake is located in the foothills, more precisely at the foot of the mountain ranges. The peaks here are not high, but in some places they reach 250 meters above sea level. The lower reaches of the mountains are decorated with numerous mineral springs with salt water, which dry up in the middle of summer. There are no mountains on the western side of the lake; there the valley is close to the Koibal steppe. The area around the reservoir is steppe and almost without vegetation, only the eastern part is full of forests, where there are many birches and enough deciduous trees.

Black Lake (Khakassia) has an oval shape. The width of the reservoir is about 5 km, and the length reaches a little more than 2 km. The lake is shallow, the depth rarely reaches a mark of 5 m. And in the drought season, the lake can be shallow to almost 3 m. The southern shores are quite boggy. From the south of the lake, the Chernaya River originates and there is also the Black Lake Bog. But the eastern part is great for relaxation, it is more convenient for entering the water and the shore is more equipped for beach time. This part of the lake is mainly used by tourists. Large recreation centers can not be found here, but this is the "highlight". This place is perfect for those who want to be completely related to the virgin nature, leaving behind the bustle of the city.

Khakassia Shirinsky District Black Lake

Features of the reservoir

Black Lake (Khakassia) is quite warm in the summer season. Its mineral composition differs from other lakes in this area in that it does not contain much calcium. But the number of salts breaks records - about 8 grams per liter. The waters of the lake are saturated with trace elements and minerals. Their level decreases only during the peak of summer heat.

Lake Black is unique in its healing mud. On the whole area of ​​the reservoir there are bottom sediments. In the center of the reservoir, they reach 3 meters. Sludge from light yellow to darker shades, is saturated with useful minerals, iodine, sulfates and other trace elements. Mud baths help get rid of skin problems, improve the condition of joints and the whole organism.

Black Khakassia lake photo

Flora and fauna

Nature at Lake Black is unique in its virginity. Since there is no tourist infrastructure around the reservoir, like other lakes, its nature is clean and untouched. The vegetation around the lake is not rich, but the animal world is diverse. Gophers live in the area around the water, minks and hamsters, wolves and foxes, partridges live. Cranes, kestrels and other birds fly in the air.

Black Lake (Khakassia) cannot fail to please fishing enthusiasts. It is good to fish both from the shore and in boats. A variety of fish is found in the reservoir: lenka, goldfish, perches and taimen, handsome grayling. Real fishermen will be able to appreciate the peculiar features of the lake and spend time with benefit and pleasure.

The village of Black Lake is also unique and interesting to all visitors. Many are delighted with the Praskovya phytocenter located on its territory, which heals through the natural forces of Siberia.

Khakassia lakes

Impressions of vacationers

Many tourists who have visited these places come back again. Most of all they are attracted by the calm atmosphere that reigns on Lake Black. Numerous positive reviews suggest that visiting this place is very convenient to combine with excursions to other nearby areas.

Black Lake (Khakassia) is located next to other attractions. These are karst caves, Pisanaya Gora with ancient drawings on the rocks, the natural monument β€œChests”, the Tuinsky failure and the Shaman trail. That is why during vacation there is no time to be bored here, everyone will be able to find something for everyone to enjoy.

Holidays on Lake Black are great for those who are tired of modern tourist places and want to retire to nature away from the hustle and bustle. By visiting this place where the spirit of ancient Siberian shamans is still floating , you can improve your body and soul.


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