How to ask to call back to Beeline. How to throw a "beggar" to the number of another operator?

Today we will try to find out with you how to ask to call back to Beeline and other operators. You may need this feature at any time. Therefore, it is important to know some information about its implementation. Do not be afraid - this process, although it has several options, is still quite simple to perform. Even a novice user will cope with all the manipulations. What are the options to ask a friend to call back to Beeline?

how to ask to call back to the beeline

What is Call Me?

But first, what is a beggar? This term is used by many telephone subscribers. What is a call back request?

In fact, “Call Me Back” is a service that allows you to ask a person to call. Very often used for lack of funds in the account. The subscriber receives an SMS message asking. Sometimes this opportunity is called simply "homeless". After all, a message is thrown off by a person who does not have the means to call. Here is such an interesting service that can be useful to anyone. But how to ask to call back on "Beeline"?

Three seconds

The first option is suitable for those who use per-minute billing. Often on such offers the first three seconds of the conversation are free. That is, you can call yourself and ask for a call back during this period. This rule applies to all operators.

Thus, a request to call back to Beeline can be verbal. But this option is suitable only when you have enough funds in your SIM card account. At least for a minute of conversation. Otherwise, the call simply does not happen. As you can see, this is not a universal move. But how can I ask to call back to Beeline if there is little or no money on the mobile account?

beggar on beeline

the Internet

For example, the not-so-bad method is to use the world wide web to implement ideas. The thing is that the network now has a lot of various virtual services that allow you to send SMS messages to your friends for free. Anonymous or not.

If you are interested in how to throw a "homeless" on the "Beeline", you can take advantage of this kind of offer. Download a special program (or go to the SMS sending service), install it and run it. Now write a letter asking to call. Do not forget to indicate who you are. It is also advisable to write your phone number so that the subscriber does not doubt the authenticity of the request. Ready? Enter your friend’s number in the appropriate field (“Recipient”) and click “Send”.

All done. Beggar sent to Beeline. Though in a somewhat non-standard way. Please note that a day you can send either an unlimited number of free messages, or about 5-10 pieces. It all depends on the type of program or Internet hosting. Paid services should not be trusted - often all this is the most common fraud. Be wary of sending beggars via the Internet.

"Call me"

Of course, Beeline also has an official method for solving the task set before us. In the same way as with any mobile operator. How to send "Call Back to Beeline"? To do this, you will have to implement one USSD command. Remembering her is very easy and simple. But keep in mind that there are some restrictions on using the Call Me service.

how to send a call back to the beeline

Which ones? First, beggars per day can be thrown off no more than 10 pieces. A new countdown will begin at 00:00 Moscow time. If you try to send more requests, you will receive a message stating that it is impossible to activate the service. Secondly, “Call me” is an absolutely free offer. You don’t have to pay for it either for you or your friend. Thirdly, if your friend has a ban on the "homeless", you can not send him a request to call back. Unless through the Internet.

How to bring an idea to life? It has already been said - dial a special team on the phone. It looks like this: * 144 * number #. It is enough to press the call button of the subscriber - and the thing is done. "Beggar" on the "Beeline" thrown off. Your interlocutor will receive an SMS message in which there will be an inscription: "Call me", as well as your phone number. Not so complicated as it might seem.

Connect and disconnect

So we became aware of how to ask to call back to Beeline. This is not very difficult. But it is worth considering one fact - this service has the ability to connect and disconnect. Sometimes you can even put a ban on sending and receiving "beggars". Quite an interesting feature that some operators lack.

please call back to the beeline

To activate the Call Me service, you need to dial * 144 * 1 #. After that, you will be able to receive messages asking you to call back from other subscribers. The ban is set using * 144 * 0 #. Click on the "Call" button and wait for a response about the processing of the request. By the way, initially all subscribers have the option called “Call me”. You do not need to additionally activate it for use. This is only necessary if you have already set a ban.


There is another option, how to ask to call back to Beeline. To do this, you will have to use a special self-service service. Dial * 111 # on the mobile device and press the call button. You will have a small menu with some features.

how to throw a bum on a beeline

We will need to find “Opportunities at zero” and select “Call me” there. After sending the appropriate request (you need to specify the number under which the service is recorded) write in the special field the phone number of your recipient friend. It remains to click "Submit." A few minutes of waiting - and the request will be made. By the way, these “beggars” add up to USSD commands. That is, it doesn’t matter what method you use - a day you can still send no more than 10 "homeless people" in total.


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