"Partisan Glade" (Bryansk) - memory of grateful descendants

The partisan movement in the Bryansk region is a separate page in the military history of our country. The partisans of this legendary land in 1941-1943 covered themselves with unfading glory.

Partisan Territory

Bryansk itself was occupied by the Germans on October 6, 1941. And many, if not all the inhabitants of the region, stood up for the liberation of their native land. More than 60,000 people took part in the partisan movement, of which 8,000 were women. In 1942, 31 formations were formed from numerous scattered detachments: one artillery regiment, 27 brigades, and 3 Ukrainian partisan detachments.

partisan glade bryansk
The huge mass of Bryansk forests and the Dyatkovsky, Sofievsky and Kletyansky adjoining to them in aggregate were a huge area occupied by partisans. This impressive army was behind enemy lines.

Legendary place

In memory of those unforgettable events, of the sacrifices made by the partisans in the name of the Great Victory, many memorial complexes were erected on the territory of Russia - for example, “Partisan Glade”. Bryansk is a city in which this memorial has become a major attraction. It was at this place in September 1941, just before the Nazi occupation itself, that a general gathering of the Bryansk detachments was held, and an oath was taken to fight for the liberation of our Motherland. At the end of summer and the entire first month of autumn, the basis was created for those units which, operating behind enemy lines, in two years will destroy more than 100 thousand German soldiers and officers, 226 armored vehicles and bring down 120 aircraft. Some time after the war, namely in 1968-1969, the construction of the Partizanskaya Polyana memorial complex began. Bryansk in 2010 became a city ​​of military glory. This title was awarded to the village, including for the feat of the partisans. Directly at the site of the complex, located near the village of Belye Berega, during the war there was a parking lot of the detachment, the commander of which was Dmitry Kravtsov. At the same place in the fall, the first battle with the Nazi invaders took place, and at this place the partisans won their first victory.

The exact choice of an architect

Local architect V. N. Gorodkov became the author of the Partizanskaya Polyana complex. Bryansk owed him not only a memorial that glorified the city throughout the country. In this village there are several more objects erected according to his projects: the Book House and the building of the regional library, the Central Department Store and the Barrow of Immortality. In addition, the revival of monuments of church culture began precisely on his initiative. With the direct participation of V. N. Gorodkov, the Voskresenskaya and Petropavlovskaya, Spaso-Grobovskaya and Tikhvin churches were restored. This famous architect and patriot of the city was entrusted with the construction of the grandiose complex “Partizanskaya Polyana”. Bryansk was restored after the war through the efforts of enthusiasts, among which Vasily Nikolaevich was the most active participant. In memory of him, a memorial plaque is installed on the building of the central library.


12 kilometers east of Bryansk, on the banks of the Snezheti, all the underground and partisans of Russia and the CIS countries traditionally meet. This annual meeting is now taking place on the Day of all partisans and underground members, officially approved by the Russian government in 2009. The holiday is celebrated on June 29. A beautiful complex was erected in honor of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of the Bryansk region from the invaders. In addition to the architect V.N. Gorodkov, sculptors N. Kozlova and G. Kovalenko took part in the work on the memorial.

The central objects of the memorial

The central obelisk is a 20-meter-high banner pylon standing on a hill. There is a silhouette of V. I. Lenin on it, and a quote from the leader of communism about the justice of the liberation war is stamped.

partisan glade bryansk map

In addition to the obelisk, the Partizanskaya Polyana memorial (Bryansk, map attached) includes several more objects located on a rather large area.

Directly in front of the mentioned pylon, a little lower - on the square paved with large concrete slabs - there is a “partisan” bonfire. It is composed of cast-iron logs, gas is supplied to it. The fire burns forever, and the bonfire is incredibly similar to the real one.

Stela Map and Wall of Sorrow

Directly behind the pylon is a stele map of the Bryansk region indicating the centers of the partisan movement. In front of the pylon there is a huge Wall of Remembrance with 8,000 names of partisans who did not live up to Victory Day. In the beginning are the names of entire partisan families - Vasina, Golovanov, Danmin, Demochkina and further alphabetically ... This huge Wall of Sorrow leaves no one indifferent (author - A. Kobelinets). At its foot are busts of partisans of the heroes of the Soviet Union. By the first holiday - Partisan Day - many of the facilities were reconstructed and restored. For example, dugouts and turpentine factory. Separately, there are marble steles dedicated to the brigades to them. Kravtsov and Schors. Paths lead to them from the central obelisk, they lead to dugouts and other exhibits of the memorial.

partisan glade bryansk location map


Separate objects of the complex were completed in later years. So, in 1977 a museum was opened. One of his most interesting exhibits is the diorama “Explosion of the Blue Bridge”. The two-way bridge over the Desna was painted blue. Hundreds of German echelons marched along it to the front. The Blue Bridge was ordered to blow up. And on March 8, 1943, the command order was executed by the Bryansk partisans. This operation is one of the most important.

Other objects

In 1981, an All-Union meeting of all the underground and partisans was held on the territory of the complex, and the participants walked along the Alley of Remembrance. In 2007, the Partizanskaya Polyana memorial complex was replenished with an exposition of military equipment. There is an artificial lake in the complex.

memorial complex partisan glade
"Partisan Glade" is the main attraction of Bryansk. And, of course, all the wedding couples of the city of Bryansk come here.

Possibility of access

Many city guests come here to visit the Partizanskaya Polyana complex (Bryansk). Driving directions to it are unusually demanded.

In addition, a regular and regular movement of buses along the route “Bus Station - Partizanskaya Polyana” was organized, serving passengers from 8.30 to 20.30 daily. Buses depart almost every hour. There is a bus route number 106 - from the Telecentre to the village of Belye Berega. It is very convenient to get by personal vehicles, as everything necessary is provided on the highway: on the Kiev highway there are enough toilets, cafes, parking lots and, most importantly, signs. Guided tours are provided from the city center by professional guides.

Another Partisan Glade

It is necessary to stipulate the fact that quite a few objects are known under this name in Russia and the CIS countries, in the territories subjected to German occupation. There is it in Adygea - near the village of Guzeripl. The partisan glade is a place where red troops operated behind enemy lines in 1918, during the Civil War. Adygea was occupied by the Nazis in 1942-1943. 8 partisan units operated on its territory.

guzeripl Partisan glade
It was in this area, known as the Partisan Glade, that the Soviet partisans hid their cattle from the Germans. Now there is a ski slope 18 km long, there is a stocked lake and the ski resort of the same name. You can rent a house. It offers beautiful views of the mountains of Ocean and Guzeripl.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G5001/

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