Website reviews and comments, rating and income

We have all heard about the many services that operate on the Internet, which allow you to earn money on investments. The scheme of their work is organized very simply: you have to make a certain contribution, after which for a certain period of time you begin to receive income. Of course, the promised dividends in the future exceed the amount invested, which is why all this investment activity seems so attractive.

The scope of the pyramids and one of them

So, we will immediately determine that such resources (one-day funds operating on the Internet) cannot be called a service for investments or a full-fledged investment project. Before us is a classic example of pyramids, which are created a large number of daily. Despite the fact that they bring money to investors, they do not give real profitable ones.

Judge for yourself: there is a site The reviews (left about him at the very beginning of his activity) note that he offered his investors income for invested “bitcoins”, which allegedly went to mining through “mining”. The scheme is simple: a person invests in BTC, after which he waits for a certain period while his funds are allegedly managed by a “fund”. Then he pays off his investment. reviews

As the reviews describing show, the service also offered generous bonuses for attracting people to the project (10 percent of the investor's contribution), as well as for registering in service groups posted on social networks. That is, there is a clear policy of attracting as many investors as possible and the further growth of the project due to their contributions.

Operating principle

Let's see if such a policy can be real? Is the company able, by attracting minimal investments for a short period, to guarantee a constant income from them?

As practice shows, no. Remember your money in a bank or a real investment fund. What rates do these types of investments give? What are the conditions for cooperation with them? Remember, the profit rate is much lower, and the period for which you can put money into your account is also much longer - the client cannot withdraw funds at any time, since the latter are in circulation. You can not say about the work of Reviews show that the client could take his share - this time. How could a company (even purely theoretically) continue to work if its current assets could be withdrawn at any time? This is impossible for the investment fund, which this service has positioned itself.

Real results reviews and comments

Nevertheless, people, judging by the fact that they reported reviews on, made contributions to this service and made some kind of profit. The yield was approximately 34 percent per month (which would mean a return on investment for 3 months). Of course, this is much more than in the bank, and less than in other similar high-risk projects.

Perhaps such a middle ground, indicating a possible longevity of the project, served as a signal for some investors to make an investment in “bitcoins” and try to capitalize on this resource. The result of this was that the people who made this decision first, were really able to withdraw some amount higher than their original rate. In other cases, looking ahead, we note that the investor was both without his down payment and without profit.

Scheme of work reviews

Photos of the payments of those who were the first were laid out at various investment forums where similar projects are being discussed. People noted that they were lucky with the conclusion that they received their profit and continue to invest. Of course, this led to the fact that there were even more people wishing to earn on a really paying project than there were at the start of launch. Reviews on the site also indicate that many began to increase the amount of money that was transferred to the resource in order to extract as much profit as possible. Everyone believed that a project that invests money in mining can work longer, which will make it possible. Of course, this tactic turned out to be erroneous.

Everything indicated that the project simply needed new investors. As the reviews and comments describing show, the site initially pursued a policy of maximum attraction. Various bonuses were distributed, small amounts of electronic currencies were given, even for connecting to groups of social networks, for attracting new investors. This ensured the influx of new money into the project, which made it possible to make payments (at their expense) by an earlier participant. Those, in turn, mentioned real income in various forums, which contributed to an even greater increase in the number of investors.

Contributor Comments website reviews

The most interesting thing is the reviews about the site, made by the investors themselves. They indicate that people (for the most part) themselves perfectly understood that the project would not last long. Many did not have the illusion that this is a real site, earning money from foreign exchange and able to show long-term profitability. Just depositors, bringing money here, understood that everything here works on the principle of a pyramid, and that those who happen to be earlier will receive more. Apparently, all who invested believed that many more people would come to them for the project, who would bring them payments.

Assigned Rating

In the end, a review and reviews of the website showed that the resource was not paying. It happened about four months after the start of the pyramid. That is, given the 3-month payback, we can say about the presence of only one wave of “repulsed" their contributions. And after the first wave of payments, the service stopped processing applications for withdrawing funds from people who made a profit. At the same time, that he was transferred to the category of “Non-Paying”, they wrote in many forums. Of course, the rest of the depositors simply lost their funds.

Other HYIP projects

When you see a promise to pay extremely high interest rates on online deposits, remember: in front of you is the so-called “HYIP” (HYIP). These projects differ in that they promise a very high profitability, hiding behind real activities (for example, mining cryptocurrencies, as in our case). In fact, the principle of operation of such services is the classic pyramid. And, alas, they cannot offer anything worthwhile to their customers, because, depending on the promised interest rate, they can work from a few days to a couple of months. After that, all guarantees and promises disappear, as the project administration disappears. reviews

It is interesting that such “hypes” are created in continuous mode by entire teams of professionals who know a lot about their development and development. Often they lead to several such sites, subsequently closing them and launching new ones. Therefore, there is nothing new or unique in this - many already know how to interact with such resources, and even earning strategies for them.


check and reviews on the site

Of course, now the project reviews are called “scam” (non-paying, fraudster). However, it is clear that at the time of launch, the service showed excellent prospects: it had a quality design, various additions in the form of transaction protection, a domain name paid for several years in advance. This is all done to create the appearance of reliability of the service, and, as we see, this tactic works.

Finally, we say that you should not indiscriminately rush to such services and be seduced by high promised incomes. Alas, in reality, the work of such projects is based on one principle: to close with maximum profit. That is, the organizers of such sites just wait until they bring enough money to close the resource. The only question is whether you will be able to get into the list of those who returned the deposits or not. Will you manage to make a profit from the site at the expense of the brought funds of the following participants? This is the secret to success in the field of “hype investment”.


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