Pants Pattern: Step-by-Step Build

Without trousers, it’s hard to imagine a modern wardrobe not only for men, but also for women. A huge variety of styles, materials allows you to always look stylish, fashionable and attractive. Not only can you buy pants, but needlewomen have the opportunity to sew them, and even if there are no professional skills, but there is a pattern of trousers, a beautiful new thing will appear in their own wardrobe or in family members.

Pattern of sports trousers

By accurately measuring the dimensions and making the correct calculations, you can make a pattern, which then update the wardrobe is not difficult. But at the same time, nevertheless introducing new details, so that this product is different personality. It remains only to carefully transfer the pattern of the pants to the fabric, and then sit down at the sewing.

pants pattern

Sweatpants - indispensable clothing in gyms, at home, on a personal plot, on hikes. Knowing how to sew them, you can learn to sew and pajama pants. Since these trousers usually work, exercise or travel, they have a lot of work, and very often you need to buy new ones. But you can rip the old ones - and there will be a ready-made pattern of sweatpants. But to assemble them correctly will also require skill.

Required measurements

Nevertheless, before cutting, you should measure the waist, hips, as well as the required leg length. When calculating the amount of tissue, you need to take into account the volume of the hips: if they are less than a 100-centimeter mark, then the material is required along the length of the leg. The length of the trousers is measured to the floor, and if there is an idea to stretch the elastic at the bottom, you need to add another 10 cm.

If the fabric is very thin, then, for example, with a width of 110 cm, the width of the legs should coincide with the width of the material, and in length with the total length of the product, multiplied by two.

The layout must be done, given the extensibility of the fabric. If the material is of such quality that over time there is no threat of stretching it, you can tailor it as it will be convenient. This primarily applies to synthetic fabrics.

sweatpants pattern

But natural fabrics suggest a certain cut - along the warp, then the legs will be parallel to the edge of the fabric.

Cut out with a small margin, the parts are folded together and fastened with pins.

It is necessary to sweep the tucks that are along the waist and bottom. Then the belt is attached and cuts on the sides are processed. A cord is inserted at the waist and bottom of the trousers.

Threaded Pants

If you need to make a pattern of pants with an elastic band, this process will not cause special difficulties, since the cut is simple enough and it does not take time to make calculations for additional details.

First, you need data that you can obtain by measuring:

  • waist circumference
  • girth of the hips, immediately half-girth should be recorded;
  • distance from waist to hip;
  • leg circumference to find out the width of the leg;
  • the length of the trousers, you will need to know the distance from the waist to the foot.

Knowing all this data, you can make a pattern on graph paper.

The first horizontal line laid is the waist. A line drawn perpendicularly at the intersection is marked with the letter A, and point B is placed in parallel. The resulting segment AB is the length of the trousers.

You should postpone the AB segment, which is equal to the semicircle of the thigh, taking into account an allowance of up to 8 cm, and draw a horizontally straight line through point B - this is the hip line. Now the middle of the BV segment is marked, 4 cm is laid up from this point, and the point K is set. A horizontal line is drawn through it defining the knee.

Now you should pay time to the waist. From point A to the right, point G is marked, it is calculated by dividing the semicircle of the waist into 4 parts, the resulting total will be this distance. Extra centimeters are added to the allowance.

To the left of A, point T is at the same distance, an allowance is also needed.

The line of the hips is done in this way. From B to the right, point W is set, obtained by calculating the fourth part of the semicircle of the hips. On the opposite side, at the same distance, point L is marked with an allowance of up to 11 cm.

pattern of pants on an elastic band

Bottom line. From point A to the side, distances equal to half a measure of width are marked. The side seam line is drawn smoothly, obtained by crossing the points A and T. Then it is necessary to connect it with the bottom point. From point G, a perpendicular to the hip line is drawn, retreating to the right by 2.5 cm, it is necessary to bring to point S. It turns out a codice by connecting G and Sh.

Rear end. From A to the left, a distance equal to half the semicircle of the waist is laid. This is point D. The allowance is up to 18 cm.

The line of the hips. The BM segment is delayed left and right; they are equal to half the semicircle. The allowance will be 16 cm. From B to the bottom line, a side seam line will run.

Baby pants

Moms love to sew for their children, therefore, making children's pants for a pattern is not a problem for them. The child grows quickly, so it is better to rip old trousers and make new ones out of them, given the larger size.

The fabric will suit any. If it’s summer time, then it’s better to take a light one.

The material should be folded face up, then the pattern is pinned with pins. We must not forget about allowances. On the front half, you can make a shelf, after it is cut off, it needs to be turned over so that its wide part is located at the side.

The cut out front part and the shelf are attached, on the front side the shelf should be bent, stitching with a simple seam. Then the two halves are connected and attached.

children's pants pattern

For the belt there should be a strip of fabric equal in width to the trousers. It is necessary to stitch a tight tape in the wrong part. Now you need to insert an elastic band so that it does not squeeze the stomach, but it is not too loose.

When making a pants pattern for a boy, you need to consider how many and what pockets will be. It is better to make them with small bevels, and so that they do not come off, it would be nice to put rivets with the help of special devices. To create pockets, rectangles of the same size are cut, tucked and sewn.


In order to sew trousers for a man, you need to know which style he prefers. But no matter what style he loves, a pattern of men's pants is required in any case.

To create a basic pattern, you will need to take measurements such as:

  • distance from the waistline to the seat plane;
  • waist and hips;
  • length on the inner surface;
  • from waist to floor;
  • width of trousers.

The entire construction of the pattern is based on the following algorithm. A vertical line is drawn, on which point T. is marked. A horizontal line passes through it - the front waist line.

pattern pants for a boy

From this point down, point W is marked, equal to the distance from the waist to the seat plane. A horizontal line is drawn through it, i.e., a step line.

The bottom line is formed with the help of the point , from which the leg length along the inner seam is marked down, marked with the letter N. The obtained segment of the is divided into two parts, and the point is obtained 5 cm above the marked point, a horizontal line should be drawn through it, which will give a level the knee.

From upwards, the fourth part of the diameter of the hips is laid down and is marked by point B, drawing a horizontal line through it, you can get a line of hips.

Pattern pants according to the algorithm

The front of the trousers. From point W, point W 1 is postponed to the lines step, it is equal to the semi-volume divided by 4 with an allowance of up to 0.5 cm. To the left of it is measured 2 : the semi-volume is divided by 8 plus 0.5 cm.

A line is drawn from 1 upwards, and where it met with the hip line, point B 1 is marked, with a waist line - point T 1 . From it, along the waist line, 1 cm is laid down and a point T 2 is set . A distance equal to a fourth of the volume is measured from it with an increase of 0.5 cm along the waistline. So there is a point T 3 .

Then, to the right of B 1, the fourth part of the girth of the hips is postponed, the point B 2 is obtained.

pattern of women's pants

From point H on both sides is marked by a point at a distance equal to half the width of the trousers down minus a centimeter. New points H1, H2 will appear. From them, upward lines are drawn that intersect with the line of the knees - K1 and K2.

The side line is formed after H2, B2, T3 and K2 are connected by a segment, the K2B2 line makes a deflection of 0.5 cm.

Designing the back of the trousers

The back of the trousers. From the point 1 to the right side, the fourth part of the distance 1 is laid. Sh3 is set, and a straight line goes up from it, intersecting with B3 and T4. From B3, the distance B3T4 is laid aside, it turns out B4.

To get the extreme point, you should measure half of 12 from 2 to the left side, getting 4, and mark a distance of 0.5 cm from it.

If now we measure 2 cm to the right along the waist line - T5 will appear, and at the same distance up from the new point - there will be T6. The middle part of the trousers is obtained when W5, B4, T6 are combined.

The waistline is obtained by drawing a line through T6 to the intersection of the waistline - there will be T7.

The segment T6T7 is divided in half, where T8 appears, from which tucks are marked on both sides.

men's pants pattern

Knee level. On both sides they lay 1 cm from K1 and K2, these are points K3 and K4. From H1 and H ”to the right and left, at a distance of 1 cm, H3 and H4 will be formed.

Through H4, K4, T7 passes the lateral line of the back.

A pattern of women's pants is created in the same way.

Clothes for dolls

To give children a good mood, mothers try not only to buy beautiful toys, but also to sew clothes for them. No exception and pants for dolls. To make the product successful, you need a pattern of pants for the doll.

To do this, you need the length of the trousers, given a few centimeters per hem, waist size. You will also need the width of the hips in the most protruding places, as well as the depth of fit, which is measured as follows: the doll should be planted, measured from the waist to the surface on which it sits.


When sewing, a pants pattern is necessary, only in this case they will sit perfectly. Many women enthusiastically come up with models, decorate trousers with embroidery, rhinestones, beautiful applications. Others notice this, admiring the talent and imagination of the needlewoman.


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