Document of strategic importance: 2-NDFL certificate for a loan

Banking practice indicates that responsible customers are preparing for a loan in advance, consider all the details of a future obligation. However, in most cases, the decision on the need to attract borrowed funds is made by individuals spontaneously - under the influence of various vital circumstances. And since official banking organizations are always ready to issue a loan with a 2-NDFL certificate, you should think about requesting this document in advance in accounting. So what is hidden under this financial term?

Credit with reference 2-NDFL

Form 2-PIT: what is it and for what purpose is it needed

The document was approved by order of the head of the Federal Tax Service No. MMB 7-3 / 611 of 11/17/2010. This certificate, issued to the employee by an accounting officer signed by the head of the institution or the second most important official - the chief accountant of the company, is a confirmation of the income actually received for the past year.

Why do I need help 2ndfl? The financial information contained in this document allows the employees of the lending department to analyze the solvency of the potential borrower and make a conclusion about the possibility of further consideration of the loan application.

The main content of the document

In the certificate in the form 2-NDFL, in addition to the “white” wages accrued to the employee of the enterprise for a certain period, the following points are reflected:

  • IFTS unit number;
  • employee status (resident or non-resident);
  • personal data of the taxpayer (TIN, date of birth, address of registration and information about a valid passport);
  • deductions due to the employee (by type);
  • the amount of income tax withheld and transferred during the reporting period .

Why do I need a 2-personal income tax certificate

What information is of primary interest to bank employees?

The 2-NDFL certificate for a loan makes it possible to analyze and compare the data with each other, a list of which is given below.

1. The amount of official monthly income. To calculate the maximum loan amount allowed to be issued, the average salary value for a specific period is usually taken (most often for the last six months). In some cases, two values ​​are subtracted from the total amount of earnings - the minimum and maximum. Some banks do not take into account funds received by the borrower on a one-time basis (payment under contracts, material assistance).

2. The amount of tax charged, withheld and paid to the budget. The inconsistency of the information in these paragraphs is usually alarming for security personnel of credit institutions. Bank employees can perform additional verification by sending a request to the tax office. The discrepancy between the data displayed by the 2-NDFL certificate for a loan and the information of the Federal Tax Service for the borrower may result in a refusal and even blacklisting.

3. The presence of a potential borrower of dependents (children). When calculating solvency, an employee of the lending department is required to take into account all members of the applicant’s family who are supported by him. The number of children is usually indicated by the client in the questionnaire filled out when applying for a loan. The birthmark of the child (ren) can be found in the borrower's passport. However, these data are not always reliable. You can confirm the information using section 4 of the income statement. The actual number of children is determined by the deduction code : 114,115, as well as 116.

When you need 2-PIT

When is this document not needed?

Solution of the question “When is 2-personal income tax needed?” should start by choosing the institution to serve. Much depends on whether the applicant has time to consider the bank's loan application. After all, reputable credit organizations are sure to request this document on income.

However, a 2-NDFL certificate for a loan may not be required if the applicant is the recipient of wages on the plastic card of this bank within the framework of the current “salary” project. In this case, the bank employee will take data on his income from the statement on the card account.

Information on the amount of average monthly earnings will also not be required if the client contacts one of the Russian microfinance organizations issuing loans to the population. You can also buy goods on credit in the store without confirming the actual income received.

Numerous express lending companies are currently engaged in quick lending. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the simplicity and speed of processing such loans conceal exorbitantly high interest rates.

Help 2-PIT for credit

What should potential borrowers not do?

Certificate 2-PIT for a loan should contain only reliable information about the income of future borrowers. As you know, in the country now there are many companies offering to give out a "beautiful" certificate of allegedly received income. However, do not buy into such statements of dubious organizations. If information about the provision of false information during an audit of the bank’s security department is revealed, the borrower expects not only refusal to cooperate, but also inclusion in the list of unreliable customers.

You should be responsible for collecting documents for a loan. Good luck in financial affairs - everything will certainly work out!


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