Treaties of Russia with Byzantium: general description

In ancient Russia, the law was represented by customary law. Written collections containing them did not exist. The law was an oral code of law. International treaties and between princes were oral. The first written documents of international law that have survived to this day were the treaties of Russia with Byzantium.

treaties of russia with Byzantium

Russia and Byzantium

Until the end of the first millennium, the Law in Russia was oral; written rules of law did not exist. The first written contracts appeared precisely because of the difficult relations with Byzantium, the successor of Roman law, where there were developed principles and norms that became the basis of legal relations in any civilized state.

Between Russia and Byzantium there has always been a mutual interest. The treaties between Russia and Byzantium were concluded, despite the fact that their main points of contact are military clashes, but they generated and aroused interest in each other, mutual respect. We see this from the agreements that were drawn up after the next military clash. After reading them, it is impossible to notice where the vanquished and where the winner is. It was during the military clashes that the treaties of Russia with Byzantium were signed, thanks to them, relations were built in the future, in which trade and cultural ties developed.

The points of interaction between the interests of the two states passed mainly along the coast of the Black Sea and Crimea, where Byzantium had subject territories. Russia needed access to the southern seas for the further development of trade. Frequent campaigns of Russian squads to the south were associated with the expansion of trade routes. It was trade relations that were devoted to a number of items included in the treaties of Russia with Byzantium.

first treaties of russia with Byzantium

The formation of the state of Byzantium

At the end of the IV century, the Great Roman Empire gradually fell into decay. From the west, she was besieged by numerous tribes of barbarians who, through their raids, destroyed the great civilization. But the insightful Roman emperor Constantine in the 4th century transferred the capital of the state to the eastern part of the empire, to the city of Constantinople founded by him, which was located on the shores of the Bosphorus Bay on the site of the ancient Greek city of Byzantium. This step, in fact, divided the empire into two parts.

Rome was ruled by its rulers, but Constantinople remained the main city of the empire. By the end of the 5th century, practically the entire territory of Western Europe was captured by German barbarians. The western part of the Roman Empire could not resist them either. Tribes of German barbarians captured and plundered Rome. The state and ancient civilization came to an end.

During the plunder of Rome by barbarians, Byzantium was a very powerful empire, which was also attacked by conquerors, including the squads of the Russian princes. After each campaign, a written agreement of Rus with Byzantium was drawn up. By the end of the first millennium, Byzantium was a powerful empire capable of recapturing part of the lands of the Western Roman Empire and holding them for more than two centuries. A prosperous state contributed to the construction of new cities, with beautiful palaces and temples. He was destined to stand for more than ten hundred years, multiplying and preserving the legacy of the great Roman Empire.

written agreement of russia with byzantium

Byzantium - heiress of Rome

The ancient state of Byzantium, in its essence, is the cultural heiress and civilizational successor of the Great Roman Empire - the second Rome. Most of its population are Greeks, who led the empire to Christianity. She continued to develop and flourish. Byzantium has made an invaluable contribution to the world development of mankind. It was an enlightened Christian state. Scientists, musicians, poets, philosophers and lawyers lived and worked here.

Byzantium retained Roman law. It not only survived, but continued to develop and also related to relations with other countries, the agreements of Russia with Byzantium are evidence of this. One of the most important achievements of the empire was the systematization and ordering (codification) of Roman law. That is, all text documents have rightfully been revised, systematized into chapters, parts, paragraphs, and articles. In this state, law exists today in all civilized countries.

first written agreement of russia with Byzantium

Russ campaigns against Byzantium

Byzantium flourished. The western cities of the Roman Empire were destroyed by barbarians. The cities that are part of Byzantium continued their peaceful development. Much attention was paid to trade. Through Byzantium passed the famous path from the Varangians to the Greeks. It is not surprising that the state was constantly attacked by barbarians who tried to seize the wealth of the empire.

Ancient Russia was not an exception, the campaigns of which against Byzantium were, first of all, not the goal of annexing new lands, but it was interested in trade relations and receiving rich tribute. At that time, Byzantium was the center of Christianity, and Russia was a pagan country of barbarians. Although the Russian squads marched for tribute, Byzantium tried its best to establish its relations with the northern country. After campaigns, successful or unsuccessful, the next contract was signed between Russia and Byzantium.

concluded a treaty of Russia byzantium


Byzantium was of interest to Russia. And, above all, as a highly developed state formation. At the same time, Russia was beneficial to Byzantium. In the Byzantine army, many Slavs and northern Scandinavians served. They were great warriors: brave and hardy. Byzantium had a great influence on the countries of Eastern Europe, including Russia. Relations between the two countries could be judged by the agreements concluded between them. The clauses of the treaties dealt with vital issues that help build a difficult relationship.

The first 5 treaties of Russia and Byzantium have reached our time. They are a translation from Greek into Old Slavonic and are contained in the oldest manuscript, “The Tale of Bygone Years.” These are the very first treaties of Russia. Byzantium had a great positive impact on the formation of the state and the principles of the law of the northern neighbor. Contracts are considered to be fundamental prerequisites for the early written sources of Russian law.

Treaty 907

The first written agreement between Russia and Byzantium was signed in 907. But not all scientists think so. Some researchers are inclined to the assumption of its occurrence as a preparatory document. Whether it is true or not, it is not possible to confirm or refute one of the opinions.

conclusion of an agreement between Russia and Byzantium

911 contract

It was concluded on September 2 and marked the most successful campaign of Prince Oleg’s squad to Byzantium.

What caused the conclusion of an agreement between Russia and Byzantium? First of all, it was needed to establish good neighborly relations, resolve the issue of trade, shipping, those issues that so often arise when communicating between people living in two countries. The agreement shows that the prince sent ambassadors who were entrusted, first of all, to assure the kings of the Greek Leo, Alexander and Constantine of sincere friendship and good neighborliness. Next, the points were discussed in detail on vital issues relating to relations between the two countries and people participating in certain events in Russia or Byzantium.

treaties of Russia with Byzantium were concluded

945 year agreement

Prince Igor concluded an agreement between Russia and Byzantium after his crushing defeat as a result of the campaign of 945. This agreement almost copied all the clauses of the 911 agreement. In addition, new paragraphs and amendments to previously existing ones were introduced. For example, in the 911 agreement, a clause was introduced on the provision of benefits to Russian merchants when visiting Byzantium. The 945 treaty was amended to be carried out if they had special princely letters. The list of benefits has been significantly reduced.

Since the signing of the contract, Russia was ordered not to claim their rights to the possession of Byzantium in the Crimea. In addition, Russia was not allowed to leave ambushes at the mouth of the Dnieper River and was ordered to help Byzantium during the conduct of hostilities.

Russian-Byzantine war of 970-971

The essence of the military conflict was as follows, during the reign of Prince Svyatoslav, in 969 there was a Bulgarian-Byzantine conflict. Byzantine ambassadors were sent to the Russian prince with considerable gifts to persuade the ruler to punish the Bulgarian Tsar Peter. Prince Svyatoslav with his retinue moved towards Bulgaria, which he conquered and began to rule it.

But then the Russian prince, together with the Bulgarians, went against Byzantium. The war lasted until June 21, 971, when the last battle took place, which ended to no avail. In Constantinople it was restless, an attempt was made to coup. The Russian army was exhausted and lost a lot of killed. As always, part of the top of the Bulgarians sided with the Greeks.

agreement between Russia and Byzantium

971 contract

Svyatoslav turned to Emperor John Tzimiskes with a proposal to conclude a peace in which he put forward conditions favorable for the Russians, including the restoration of former relations with Byzantium. The emperor agreed without hesitation. The treaty upheld all the conditions of the previous document, and Prince Svyatoslav made a promise never to fight against Byzantium, not to incite other states to war against it and become an ally of the great empire.

Treaty of 1046

After 10 years, in 981, the Russian prince Vladimir took Chersonese, married the emperor’s daughter, Princess Anne, and Rus was baptized. Russia has become a reliable ally of Byzantium. Under the emperor, the Russian military corps is serving, a Russian monastery appears on Athos. But in 1043, tension reigned between the two states, which led to a new campaign of Russian squads on sea boats in Constantinople. Bypassing hurricane and the so-called "Greek fire" of the Byzantines led to the death of the naval squad.

According to some reports, in 1044 the Russians took Chersonesos, in 1046, Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich married the daughter of Emperor Konstantin Monomakh and a peace treaty was concluded between Russia and Byzantium.


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