IPhone 5: unlocking your smartphone using the program

With the release of smartphones, the standards for protecting information on devices of this class have been significantly improved by development engineers. Advanced devices offer us the latest versions of operating systems equipped with the appropriate level of software.

Ways to protect information

iphone 5 unlock

Thus, the user can often protect his device from unauthorized use using several methods. Their list begins with an ordinary lock, which can be removed by swiping the finger on the touch screen, and ends with a scan of the retina or fingerprints. However, the last two functions are usually built into fairly expensive smartphones, which not everyone can afford. And today we’ll talk about the iPhone 5, the unlocking of which will be a necessary event if you forget the security key.

Briefly about protection

unlock iphone 5

No one says that it’s easier not to set a password to lock the device. Protecting the information that is stored on your device, of course, is exclusively a user affair. Hence the corresponding decision. However, many experts strongly recommend the use of security keys. It doesn’t matter what they are presented with - a combination of characters or a graphic sequence - the main thing is that somewhere in a safe place you have a reminder of the key itself in case you forget it partially or completely. IPhone 5, the unlocking of which will be the topic of today's article, may become available for further use after some simple operations. The most important thing in the event that you forget the security key is not to panic and not to rush headlong into the service center. Before starting recovery work, you also need to remember that for all this we need a program to unlock the iPhone 5.

Using itunes

program for unlock iphone 5

Unlocking the ID of iPhone 5 can be done using the famous program called “iTunes”. It was developed by specialists specifically for operations with devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod. So, if we use this program to unlock our iPhone, then under certain conditions we can save multimedia data that has accumulated on the device. If this is not important for you, then you can unlock the device without restoring previously saved data. Unlocking the iPhone 5 with your own hands is possible if you booted the device in normal mode and managed to connect it to the computer. If during the boot of the device there are malfunctions or problems of an indeterminate nature, then data storage is not possible during the recovery process. That's how lucky. One indication of a failed download is the phone freezing. At the same time, the user will be able to see the logo on the splash screen, indicating that the device is connected to the computer and is in the full sheet of the “iTunes” service.

Let's try to save the data. IPhone 5: Unlock Apple ID via iTunes

unlock id iphone 5

The user can go in different ways, depending on what result he ultimately wants to get. But suppose you had to save data in the process of restoring your device. If you want to reset the password, but at the same time save the information on the device unchanged, then for starters, open the section in the “iTunes” program, which is called “devices”. There we are looking for our device, after which in the right half of the software window we expand the tab called “overview”. There we are looking for the “restore” button, after which we simply click on it. After you do this, the password reset process will start. In this case, it will be canceled, the device’s protection will be deactivated, but all the multimedia information that was previously on the iPhone will not be affected by the process.

If the information is not needed / there is no way to save it

iphone 5 unlock apple id

No one gives one hundred percent guarantee that the password recovery operation will end for the user by rolling back to the safe state of the device. In other words, it is possible that information previously stored on the device will not be recoverable. In order to be one hundred percent sure that after carrying out the appropriate procedures you will not be left with nothing, you should prepare backup copies of the data in advance. In this case, you can always restore the information you are interested in, because in fact it is simply sent to the storage, where it will remain in case of an unexpected breakdown of the device. It should be noted that not every time a password reset in the previous way ends successfully. More than once it was revealed that users encounter unforeseen problems during the recovery operation. Thus, the first method does not give the results for which we hoped. What to do in this case? There remains the option of restoring the device with complete data destruction. This is also necessary in the case (it’s not even necessary, the user simply has no choice), if your smartphone does not load fully, but freezes at a certain point. In such situations, you will have to sacrifice the personal data that was accumulated on the device, because there are no more exits. During an operation in this direction, the settings will also be reset. They will roll back to the factory settings, those with which you purchased your smartphone in the store.


iphone 5 icloud unlock

First, run iTunes on your personal computer. It must be updated to the latest version. If you haven’t done this before, then start the upgrade process. This is required to avoid all sorts of errors and troubles associated with the software. So, after you have checked the version of the service and it matches the realities, you can begin the process of resetting the password. To do this, we need to put the iPhone in the so-called DFU mode. This is done by turning off the device and its subsequent connection to a personal computer or laptop using a USB cable. After that, we continue to hold the power and “to the desktop” buttons. After a few seconds of holding in the window of the “iTunes” program, a notification will be displayed that will inform us that the device was successfully connected to the computer in recovery mode. Then in the service you will need to click the button, which is called “restore”. The program on the computer automatically downloads the latest firmware version for your device, and then installs it on the iPhone. You can monitor the status of the process using the download bar, which is located under the company logo.

IPhone 5. Unlock iCloud

This method will also erase all data from your device. The only way to save them is a pre-made backup copy of the information. To reset the password using the cloud, you need a program called “Find iPhone”. Unlocking the iPhone 5 also requires Internet access through a cellular network or Wi-Fi hotspot.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G5042/

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