What is a SLR camera?

Over the past few years, a fashion for SLR cameras has burst into our lives in a powerful stream. As a rule, every third person has it, every second person has a digital camera similar in capabilities to a DSLR. But, nevertheless, many seek to buy a SLR camera, and for some this causes very noticeable difficulties. It is for this reason that we are presenting this article to you so that you can at least superficially understand what a SLR camera is.

But before going into such details, it is worthwhile to understand for yourself the whole need to purchase expensive equipment. Why do people need it? Naturally, to take beautiful photos in the best quality. For many, this is the lack of red eyes, blur, distortion and many other "ugliness." Pluses of better quality are still factors such as high-speed shooting, a huge list of manual settings. All this gives the owner of such a device room for self-realization.

How to choose a camera? Mirrored or digital? This is the main dilemma. On the one hand, we do not consider ourselves professional photographers, and therefore we are not going to buy an expensive camera, but on the other hand, after some time, it comes to the understanding that the pictures could be better, and it’s time to update the device itself. There are such cases when a person wants to professionally engage in photography and does not want to immediately buy an expensive device. The only thing that can be said about this is that nothing worthwhile will come out of this venture, i.e. you will acquire a couple of bad habits and skills, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

Very often people ask a question about what a SLR camera is. Many do not quite understand the principle of the device and where the name comes from. The SLR camera got its name thanks to the mirror that displays the image from the lens, according to the principle of a periscope. It is worth noting that both the lens and the mirror are very fragile, and therefore the price of such a camera can reach sky-high heights. This is especially felt when it is a technique of a famous brand with very good technical characteristics.

In addition to confusion about who needs a camera, people very often get confused about the professionalism levels of devices. I want to say that all the divisions into professional, semi-professional devices and the like are nothing more than a marketing ploy. Although it is worth noting that in reality there are differences in the number of functions between the professional and amateur SLR cameras. Most often, they remain unclaimed if the camera is in the hands of an amateur.

What is a SLR camera, we have discussed. And now it’s worth paying a little attention to one of the main criteria by which a camera is chosen. The main one relates to the lens. It is worth noting right away: do not believe those who claim that standard lenses are bad and need to be changed right away. Honestly, even after years, many use the same devices. Naturally, if you plan to become a professional, then in time you yourself will understand what you lack in your lens and what add-ons you need to purchase.

Another important factor is the matrix. In simple terms, the matrix is ​​the same negative, but only it is not printed, but immediately displayed on the screen. This effect is due to pixels. More specifically, these are the photosensitive cells that make up the matrix. It must be remembered that the number of these pixels does not guarantee the quality of the photo. As a rule, pixels are calculated with the prefix "mega", and, most interestingly, sellers are desperately trying to impose on the customer the idea that the more they are, the better. In fact, 10-12 is enough for you to take photos worthy of the highest awards. And here the situation becomes clearer - not the pixels, but the physical size of the matrix is important in the camera . As a rule, the larger it is, the more light it can absorb at a time, therefore, the brighter and better the photo will be.

Now we have deduced the exact definition of what a SLR camera is, what major parts it consists of, and what you should pay attention to when buying. And that size is not as important as volume.

And now it’s worth talking about what kind of SLR cameras to take. Reviews on this topic are quite controversial. But, nevertheless, it is enough to simply list the brands that can and should be considered first.

  • Canon
  • Nikon
  • Sony
  • Olympus
  • Pentax;
  • Leica.

To top it off, it is worth noting that the first two items on the list are occupied by the most sought-after companies in most of the CIS and the former USSR. This is due to the fact that the choice of additional details, and the product line itself is much wider and cheaper than the rest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G5060/

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