How to crochet a summer dress: description

On the covers of magazines and in real life there are a huge number of beautiful people in knitted dresses. Such products look not only very beautiful, but also original. In addition, most of them are created according to individual sketches, and therefore are one of a kind. They reflect the style of a woman or girl, her character and even outlook on life. It is for this reason that DIY products are very popular. In the current article, we will talk about how to crochet a summer dress.

Getting ready for creativity

Knitting any product is quite simple. But first, it must be carefully thought out. Choose a style, choose a pattern, beautiful yarn and a convenient tool.

There can be no tips regarding the first two parameters. Because they can be determined, focusing on your own taste and preferences. However, it is important to consider the purpose of the product. And since in this article we are studying the technology of crocheted summer dresses, buying thick woolen threads to make them is rather absurd. It is better to consider cotton yarn.

Only after that you can do the selection of the tool. By the way, professionals say that the one that is made of metal is ideal. Its size should be no more than one and a half times thicker than the thread. Especially if the product is supposed openwork.

crochet summer dress

Building patterns

To crochet a beautiful summer dress, you should sketch its desired option on a piece of paper. And next to it, you need to paint the parameters of the model on which the studied thing will be done. If the reader does not know the required measuring points, they are given below:

  • dress length - A;
  • thigh circumference - B, waist - C, chest - G;
  • distance between points B, C, D;
  • armhole height - D;
  • shoulder width - E;
  • neck width - W;
  • sleeve length (if provided) from the tip of the shoulder to the intended edge - Z;
  • the depth of the armhole from the armpit to the lower edge of the sleeve - And;
  • girth of the arm on the sleeve cuff - K;
  • girth of the widest part of the forearm - L.

All parameters must be measured using an elastic centimeter, and then indicate on the dress pattern.

knitted dress

Mastering the pattern

To rehearse the technology of the pattern, you need to tie the pattern. You need to make it square with a side of 10 cm. Having connected the fragment of the desired length, the loops do not close. But we do not dismiss all the work. We count the number of loops and rows in it. After we divide each value by ten. If necessary, round off, guided by the rules of mathematics. As a result, we calculate the parameters for 1 cm:

  • P - loops;
  • P - rows.

Features of knitting products

There are many ways to make a summer dress crocheted. However, professional knitters recommend making the lace thing seamless. To do this, determine the number of loops for the lower edge of the product. If the dress is flared, then we take two volumes of hips. If not, calculate the number of loops for the set as follows: multiply the parameters P and B. In a slightly different way, it is necessary to act if the dress will consist of two parts - the front and the back. In this case, two times less loops are required: P x B / 2.

Some novice craftsmen try to make a dress from top to bottom. However, the masters note that this is very inconvenient and will cause much pain during the entire process of knitting. Therefore, in the current article we will provide a description for the product, connected from the bottom up.

knitting dress

How to make a beautiful hem

If the reader intended to make a flared summer dress crochet for a girl, girl or woman, that is, having a full skirt, it is very important to correctly knit the hem. Of course, if the product has a waist. Although to facilitate the work, you can knit an even cloth from the lower edge to the armhole. Without adding or decreasing anything. And then complement the finished dress with a leather or knitted strap. Thus emphasizing the waist. If you still want to make a fitted product, you need to calculate the number of loops and rows for the hem. For this:

  1. We multiply the difference between the parameters B and C by the parameter P. We determine the number of loops that need to be reduced in order to finally get the waist size.
  2. The distance from the lower edge of the product to point B is multiplied by the parameter P. We translate the centimeters into rows.
  3. Now it remains only to decide what you want to crochet a summer dress. If the hem line is smooth, distribute the loops into rows and reduce them evenly. If the skirt is designed even, and before the waist sharply tapering, you need to reduce the extra loops for 7-10 rows to the waist level.
how to crochet a dress

How to compensate for loops for chest

Most beginners encounter many difficulties at this point. And all because it should be done armhole, straps and gates. In addition, loops must be added to the fitted product. Otherwise, the dress will not be enough in the chest.

We calculate the loops for addition as follows: subtract from the current number of loops the set of parameters P and G. Then we decide how to introduce them into the canvas. You can add gradually, as in the hem, or in rows located near the waist. The main thing is to correctly calculate how many rows separate the waist from the armhole. To do this, multiply the parameters P and D.

How to tie out an armhole

It is very important to approach this part of the summer dress description. Crocheted a product or knitting, not so important. After all, you should think in advance whether a rounded armhole line will be present in it. Beginners can add loops, reaching the desired chest circumference, and then tie to the shoulders with an even cloth. However, professionals prefer a different option. We will explore his technology further.

crochet dress for women

First of all, we calculate the number of extra loops. To do this, we multiply the parameters P and E. And then we subtract the resulting number from the current number of loops. Thus, we find the amount determined to knit two armholes.

Openwork summer dress crocheted in a circle. In this case, in the first row we close twelve loops. If the front and back can be done separately - only six. In the second row, we reduce five loops on each side. In the third and fourth - four. In the fifth and sixth - three. In the seventh, two. The remaining extra loops are evenly distributed on the last rows.

How to make a gate

Before tying the product to the end, it is necessary to arrange the gate. It is very easy to do:

  1. First, we calculate the number of loops by multiplying the parameters P and G.
  2. We select the loops in front and behind, outlining the desired area.
  3. It is important to note that the front of the gate is lower. Therefore, close 2/3 of the separated number of loops several rows earlier. The height of the gate can be determined using a centimeter.
  4. On the back, we reduce the same number of loops, but a little later.
  5. In the next rows we reduce the loops as well as on the armhole.
  6. If necessary, in the remaining rows - one more on each side.
crochet dress step by step

How to knit sleeves

You can crochet a summer dress for a girl, girl or woman in different styles. In some cases, knitters want to complement it with beautiful sleeves. Therefore, we will further describe the technology for their implementation:

  1. First of all, we calculate the number of loops on the cuff, multiplying the parameters P and K, and in the widest part of the forearm - the parameters P and L.
  2. Sleeve length - parameters P and Z.
  3. And the depth of the armhole is the parameters P and I.
  4. Subtract from the loops on the cuff necessary for the girth of the forearm.
  5. And we divide the resulting value into the depth of the armhole.
  6. Just so many loops need to be added before the design of the upper edge of the sleeve.
  7. We collect loops and proceed to knitting.
  8. Having reached the level of the armhole, we begin to knit the upper edge of the sleeve. We focus on the instructions described for the armhole.
  9. However, it is important to consider that ten loops should remain at the end.
  10. We close them, and then we sew them from the inside to the strap where the shoulder seam is located.
crochet baby dress

We hope that in the presented material we were able to convince the reader that crocheting an adult or children's summer dress on your own is not difficult. The main thing is to think through all the work in detail. Then the knitting process will bring a lot of pleasure.


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