How the Old Russian State was governed: a brief description

The question of how the Old Russian State was governed is one of the key lectures in school and university history courses. This topic is very important for understanding the current structure and mechanism of the functioning of power in a state. It was a transition period. In society, community orders and tribal ties were still quite strong. Nevertheless, they gradually faded into the past under the influence of increasing princely power.

Early stage

The organization of public life largely depended on how the Old Russian state was governed. From the very beginning of its emergence, it was distinguished by rather strong positions of the center, which by the 10th century had managed to subjugate neighboring tribes, since that time they were no longer mentioned in the chronicles. The figure of the prince played an important role in the pre-state period. He led the squad on campaigns and performed protective and military functions.

In historiography there is a point of view that he was originally the leader of Slavic trade expeditions. They were accompanied by great dangers and therefore needed protection. Subsequently, the head of the squad gained considerable weight in society. This led to his capture of the main control levers. Thus, in answering the question of how the Old Russian state was governed, this important historical aspect should be taken into account in order to understand the origin and origins of the ruler’s power.

how was the old Russian state governed

Change in princely status

The Kiev rulers relied, as before, on their squad. At first, it was she who was the basis of their power and influence. At the same time, it is indicative of the fact that at the time in question the principle of brotherhood in the army prevailed when the leader was considered only the first among equals. This is especially important when covering the topic of how the Old Russian State was governed. Since this allows you to understand the mechanisms of interaction between the prince and his environment.

But already in these centuries there was a process of strengthening and growing prestige of the ruler. Now he not only performed military functions, but also gradually turned into the political head of society. The prince passed laws, judged, collected taxes, in a word, took upon himself all the prerogatives that are inherent in a state ruler. Nevertheless, there was no developed bureaucratic apparatus under him, which allows many historians to speak of an early feudal monarchy in relation to the time in question , and not an absolute one.

how the old Russian state was ruled under Yaroslav the wise

Prince Strengthening

For a clear explanation of the system of functioning of power, we can consider the question of how the Old Russian state was governed under Yaroslav the Wise. In historiography, it is generally accepted that it was under him that the political structure of the young power finally took shape. This is largely due to the fact that he was the creator of the first written legislation, which testifies to the development of society at that time.

Under the ruler was a council - the Duma, which performed an advisory function. It included representatives of noble families and people closest to the ruler. It has already been said above that by the 10th century the princes subjugated tribal centers. However, they could not directly direct these lands themselves.

how was the Old Russian state ruled under Yaroslav

Therefore, on the ground, control was exercised by local specific rulers. When answering the question of how the Old Russian State was governed under Yaroslav the Wise, we should also mention a separate category of people who also occupied prominent positions in the leadership. We are talking about plantings and volostels. They controlled smaller territorial units.

Self management

We must not forget about popular organizations, which were also a very significant force in the time under consideration. The center could not help but reckon with them. Veche was a very serious force. Sometimes it stood on the side of the ruler, but sometimes it raised a rebellion. The organ occupied an important place in urban life, so it is necessary to mention it, speaking about how the Old Russian State was governed under Yaroslav.

how was the Old Russian state controlled


The prince at the same time greatly contributed to the strengthening of the center. But at the same time, before his death, he divided all his possessions among his sons. This subsequently led to the collapse of a single state. However, at this time a similar step was inevitable. After all, in society, tribal relations were still very strong, which determined the life of not only the ordinary population, but representatives of the authorities. And the topic β€œHow the Old Russian State was Managed”, the scheme of which is presented in this article, clearly shows that the ruler did not have a strong apparatus to maintain his status.


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