Metro station "New Cheryomushki"

To the outstanding works of underground architecture, which the Moscow Metro is so rich in , the Novye Cheryomushki metro station clearly does not apply. But over the past half century, this object of transport infrastructure has managed to become an integral part of life for several generations of Muscovites. Let's take a closer look at it.

From Moscow history

The first passengers metro station "New Cheryomushki" took back in 1962. This happened when the launch site of the southern radius of the Kaluga-Riga line from the Oktyabrskaya station was commissioned. The metro station "New Cheryomushki" on this site in 1962 was final. The development of the transport system to the south in the early sixties was more than relevant. In Moscow during this historical period, massive housing development of new areas was carried out. And the Kaluga radius of the metro line was to provide reliable and convenient communication for residents of new microdistricts with the center of the capital. A similar situation was characteristic of many peripheral regions of Moscow. The construction of transport communications lagged behind the construction of housing.

metro new bird cherry

Sixties building boom

At such a pace as in the post-war period of Soviet history, Moscow was never built. Many Muscovites in these years moved from communal apartments to new apartments. Residents of most Moscow suburbs were eagerly awaiting for the name of their area to reflect a constantly updated metro map. "New Cheryomushki" - a legacy of the era of mass housing construction. The name of the station coincides with the name of the region in which it is located. And it is customary to recall this area in architectural circles when it comes to analyzing the pros and cons of such an approach to urban planning. He is very characteristic. Conditional name "New Cheryomushki" even became a household name. They began to call them residential blocks of standard buildings in many cities of the Soviet Union. Even in those where the construction of the subway has never been planned.

metro map new bird cherry

Against the background of architectural and historical circumstances

The design and construction of the Novye Cheryomushki metro station took place during the validity period of a well-known historical document aimed at the so-called “struggle against architectural excesses”. Most of the construction at this time was carried out according to standard projects. This approach allowed to save significant material resources and significantly reduce the time of commissioning of residential buildings and transport infrastructure. But in architectural terms, most of the buildings of that time look faceless and monotonous. This trend is especially noticeable on the lines and stations of the Moscow metro, which came into operation in the sixties. In the future, this approach to architecture had to be abandoned.

Moscow metro new bird cherry

Architectural features

In a constructive sense, "New Cheryomushki" is a columned three-span shallow-laying station. Such architectural solutions in the Moscow metro can be found enough. The design of the station is typical. In professional jargon, architects call him the “centipede” due to the large number of columns arranged in two rows. We should pay tribute to the authors of the Novye Cheryomushki station for the fact that under the conditions of a typical project, they were able to give certain expressiveness to their creation. This is achieved mainly due to the balance of decorative design. Two rows of columns are decorated with light marble of yellow coloristic scale. In the same tonality, granite flooring is made, which is favorably emphasized by reddish plates along the axis of the room. The track walls are decorated with wide red stripes directed along the trains. The Novye Cheryomushki metro station has no transitions to other stations and ground lobbies. You can get here through the underpasses on the streets of Garibaldi and Profsoyuznaya.

metro area new bird cherry

Moscow: Novye Cheryomushki metro station today

Over time, the status of the residential area around the metro station has changed significantly. Against the backdrop of the decision in July 2012 to expand Moscow in the south-west direction, few today remember that half a century ago this area was considered a working outskirts. Many modern residential complexes have been erected here, and in real estate structures, the Novye Cheryomushki metro area is quoted quite high. For many Muscovites, he continues to be quite attractive. This is due to the relatively small distance from the city center and the availability of such reliable transport communications as the Kaluga-Riga metro line. Around the metro station "New Cheryomushki" boils active business and commercial life. There are many shopping and service centers, administrative structures, entertainment facilities.


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