Where is the Izmailovo Natural History Park located?

The Izmaylovo Natural History Park occupies one of the largest territories in comparison with other recreational areas of the capital. Total area - 1608.1 ha. The park includes:

  • Terletsky Forest Park ;
  • Izmailovsky Forest Park;
  • Silver Grape Pond (including the island);
  • Park zone "Izmailovo" with places for cultural recreation.

But the huge area is not the most attractive, about 570 species of plants grow in the park, more than 100 of which are unique and fall into the category of endangered.

Historical reference

At the end of the 16th century, the estate of Zakharin-Yuryev N.R. was on the territory of the Izmaylovo Natural History Park, later it became the property of the Romanov family.

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the basis of the entire household was formed, greenhouses and greenhouses appeared. They grew exotic plants and those that are characteristic of our latitudes. There was a brewery, a mill and an oil mill on the estate. At that time, the homestead farm fully provided for the needs of the imperial table and the estate was called "Outlandish." After the death of Alexei, the economy fell into decay.

At some time in the estate there was an almshouse. And from the 19th century, work began on the restoration of the forest park zone. The status of the park in the recreation area was assigned only in 1930, in 1932 it was renamed Stalin. After the death of the “great leader”, he was again renamed the Izmailovo Natural History Park.

natural historical park ismaylovo


In the northern part of the park zone , birch groves prevail. If you enter the park from the Highway of Enthusiasts, then on the way you will find oak-linden groves.

Near the Tsar’s Apiary and in the western part grow old larch trees, which are 120-140 years old. Black alder can be seen near Serebryanka, and willows grow on the shores of the state farm pond. Also in the park you can see quite rare trees: Manchurian walnut, Amur velvet, robinia, pseudoacacia. An interesting fact is that in the forests of the park at the beginning of the last century there were hares, wolves and foxes.

Leisure and attractions

Today, the entire territory allows not only to walk along the paths in the forest, but also to relax. The park has cinemas, an excursion train, an autodrome, a Ferris wheel, attractions, and trainers.

Izmaylovo Natural History Park

Royal estate

The main attraction of the Izmailovo natural-historical park is the royal estate. The complex was built in the XVII-XIX centuries on a man-made island at the direction of the father of Peter I. Peter himself spent his childhood and youth in these walls.


Between Lebedinsky and Red Ponds, in the very center of the park, is located the environmental and educational center Tsarskaya Apiary. As early as the beginning of the 19th century, enthusiasts created an experimental apiary on this site. Today there is not only an apiary, but also aviaries with owls, owls, squirrels, there is a pharmacy garden. The main function of the center is to conduct excursions and educational ecological tours. In the summer, for children, workshops are conducted outdoors.

River and ponds

In the river valley there is a cascade of 13 ponds. The largest of them is Lebedinsky, covering an area of ​​16 hectares. Previously, there were much more lakes, about 37, some of them turned into swamps and meadows.

Izmaylovo natural historical park how to get


In the natural-historical park Izmailovo there is even a dam. It was erected in the XVII century, and in the Prosyansky pond there was even a flotilla of Peter I. Today it represents only a floristic function.


This place has no historical value. However, from the 60s to this day, older people gather here. They remember youth, dance and relax. Piglet is located near the Izmailovskaya metro station.

natural historical park izmaylovo attractions

Park Location

So, how to get to the natural-historical park Izmailovo? For motorists, the coordinates to navigate when navigating a route are: 55 ° 47 ′ s. w. 37 ° 47 ′ in d.

You can enter the park from several metro stations:

  • Izmailovsky;
  • "Semenovskaya";
  • "Partisan";
  • "Highway Enthusiasts."

The park can be reached by shuttle buses. From the metro station “Aviamotornaya” departing Nos. 125 and 237, you can get on trams (Nos. 23 and 32). From the metro station "Semenovskaya" there are trolleybuses No. 22 and 87.

Bus No. 602 and No. 602M depart from Vykhino station; you need to get off at the Kosinskaya Zavod stop.

The exact address where the Izmailovo Natural History Park is located is 56 Izmailovsky Avenue. The park is open to visitors all year round and admission is free. The rides are open daily, during the warm season from 12:00 to 21:00, and on weekends from 11:00 in the morning.

Barbecue lovers should remember that in Moscow there are certain restrictions on the placement of barbecues and cooking in public places. The park has specially designated places for this:

  • In the entrance area from 16th Parkova Street, opposite the Sports Complex. At this point, 4 places are equipped. At the entrance to the park, there are two paths near the garbage cans, you must go along the one that turns right.
  • On Deer Pond there is only one specially designated place for cooking barbecue. You can get to it from the Main Alley.
  • In the area of ​​Chechulin street and Maly Kupavensky passage.
  • In the "Terletsky oak forest".

For those who are not going to cook kebabs, there are many catering outlets in the park.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G5123/

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