Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve. Yaroslavl State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

Many travelers are attracted today by Yaroslavl. Sights, the description of which can be found in any tourist brochure, delight the eyes of city guests and local residents. We’ll talk about one of them today.

Travelers visiting the areas of Yaroslavl simply cannot help but notice the Transfiguration Cathedral, located in the very center of the city.

Yaroslavl Museum Reserve

And they are sometimes surprised to learn that this building does not belong to the church, but to the museum. Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve is one of the largest cultural institutions in the city of Yaroslavl. It is also an important tourist attraction. About 600 thousand people visit it annually. The full name of this museum, by the way, is not simple: "Yaroslavl State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve".

Short description

Since 1959, this cultural site has been located in the very center of the city, in a building previously occupied by the Transfiguration Monastery, which was abolished in 1787. The rich history of manuscripts and icons, church utensils and precious fabrics, as well as works of ancient Russian art belongs to this museum. On its territory is a building dating back to the beginning of the 16th century and being the oldest surviving in the complex. This is the Transfiguration Cathedral. The museum, in addition, includes 6 churches, which are important monuments of painting and architecture of the 17th century.

Museum History

In 1865, on January 12 (25), the first museum was opened at the Society created for the natural historical study of the province (we will not give its full name). Its founder was Petrovsky Andrei Stanislavovich, professor of natural history. Society in 1901 was renamed the natural-historical, and after that a large entomological collection was formed. The Natural History Museum was at the beginning of the 20th century one of the largest museums in Russia located in the province.

In 1895, the Ancient Warehouse was created. It was a historical museum whose task is to protect and study the cultural and historical heritage of the region. His collection totaled 100 exhibits in 1895, and in 1914 it increased right up to 12 thousand items.

In 1924, the two museums merged and formed the Yaroslavl State Regional Museum. The former Treasury (Historical and Archaeological Museum), the Museum of Old Russian Art (the art gallery opened in December 1919), the Natural History Museum and the scientific library were included in its composition. He became subordinate in 1928 to the Provincial Museum Directorate.

As a result of repeated transformations that took place in the 20th century, this cultural object acquired the status of a reserve.

Transfiguration Monastery

In the unique architectural ensemble, which was previously a monastery, the main expositions of the museum we are interested in are located. One of the best architectural monuments of our country is the Transfiguration Monastery, built in 1516.

Mr. Yaroslavl

The construction was ordered by Vasily III, the Grand Duke. The work was carried out by a Moscow artel, led by an Italian master. He was among those who rebuilt the Moscow Kremlin at one time. The reign of Ivan the Terrible belongs to the mural paintings of the temple. They were executed from 1563 to 1564. This is one of the two ensembles of monumental painting that have survived to this day , dating back to this time, and also the only one with full attribution (we know the names of the artists, the date of painting). Built in the form of a powerful wall in the 16th century, the lower part of the belfry gives some idea of ​​this type of structures related to the architecture of Ancient Russia. Completed at the beginning of the 19th century, its upper part has an observation deck, one of a kind in Yaroslavl. It allows you to see the entire protected part of this city, which was included by UNESCO in the List of objects of world cultural significance.

yaroslavl reviews

The refectory and other monuments of the reserve

The Refectory Chamber, dating back to 1516, was built on the model of Granovita, located in the Moscow Kremlin. Monuments of the 16th century, such as the Holy Gates, the ensemble's fortress tower (first and main), the main entrance to the monastery, are part of the ensemble's fortifications. The Uglich tower, which has a large passage arch in the lower part (it served as a passage from Uglich to Yaroslavsky Posad), as well as the Bogoroditskaya tower with a large basement, in which, probably, an underground passage began in the Middle Ages belongs to the 17th century.

5 bright monuments of the 17th century, which the city of Yaroslavl is proud of, are part of this reserve. They characterize the various stages of the formation and development of the school of Yaroslavl fresco and temple architecture. These are churches such as St. Nicholas Nadeina, dating back to 1622 (murals were made in 1640), the Nativity of Christ, built in 1644 (murals were made in 1682), Elijah the Prophet (year of construction - 1650), John the Baptist, presented in the photo below (the year of construction is 1687, the murals were made in 1696 and 1700) and the Epiphany (the murals date back to 1693, like the building itself).

areas of Yaroslavl

We will tell about the permanent expositions that the visitors of the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve offer.


Having visited this exposition, you will see what fair was many years ago, and you will also become a direct participant in this interesting event. You can visit as a buyer, seller, barkers, as well as other participants of the fair. Some items may be in your hands. Kettlebells and steelyards, a doll "nanny" and "dowry painting", wine measures and root dishes, as well as many other rarities can be seen at this exhibition.

Probably, any person has heard at least once about the fair or has been to it (and today their holding is relevant). I wonder what emotions and thoughts does the word "fair" evoke in you? Of course, this is a scream, noise, laughter. “Scream,” by the way, is a professional concept. So merchants and peddlers called the saying, with which they sold the goods. But did you know when people first started buying and selling, and what goods were exhibited for sale in those ancient times? You will receive answers to these, as well as to many other questions, by visiting this exhibition, which will introduce you more closely to the traditions of such a Russian city as Yaroslavl. The reviews suggest that it will be interesting for both children and adults.

"Principality, county, province"

Yaroslavl Attractions Description

This is another noteworthy exhibition that acquaints visitors with the cultural, economic and political history of the region from the 16th to 19th centuries. Three halls present the main milestones in history related to this period. You will find out what different districts of Yaroslavl looked like at that time, what marked the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the Yaroslavl Territory, the time of Troubles that followed, and the “Golden Age” of this city (17th), about the foundation of the province, and also about who became the first governor.

This exhibition presents genuine printed and manuscript books of the 17-19th centuries, the armament of foreign and Russian soldiers, icons of all-Russian saints and Yaroslavl princes, art samples of blacksmiths and silver jewelers, as well as household items used by residents of such an ancient city as Yaroslavl. Reviews about visiting the exposition are only positive - there is something to see here.

Visitors, in addition to the above, will see flake coins that were minted in the city during the stay of the Minin and Pozharsky militias (that is, in 1612), when Yaroslavl became the temporary capital of the whole state for 4 months; a unique Swedish coin-plate with a face value of 8 thalers, whose weight is 16 kg (it refers to 1659); as well as the magnificent carriage made by French masters in the 18th century. This carriage once belonged to Alexey Petrovich Melgunov, the first governor general of Yaroslavl.

Coats of arms, plans, maps of Yaroslavl, watercolors, paintings, architectural graphics and other exhibits vividly illustrate the social, cultural and political history of this province until the 19th century.

"A word about Igor's regiment"

The honor of opening this unique monument belongs to Musin-Pushkin. However, the history of his discovery remains a mystery to this day. The first edition of the Word appeared in the fall of 1800, and 12 years later the manuscript, which was stored on Razgulyay, in the house of Musin-Pushkin, burned down in a fire that swept the capital during Napoleon's retreat.

"Word" in Yaroslavl returned for the second time. In 1985, the museum opened a unique exhibition of its kind in Russia. Manor Ilovna is the place where the beginning of the Musin-Pushkin collection was laid. Today, only by visiting the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve, you can see furniture, works of art, books, and imagine what this estate was in those ancient times. Documents, letters, memorial items, as well as the first edition, which is a bibliographic rarity, give everyone the opportunity to feel involvement in the history of the opening of this manuscript, its tragic fate, a new birth and, of course, immortality.

"Icons of Yaroslavl 16-18 centuries"

museum branches

This is another interesting permanent exhibition. The exhibition of icons is a real encyclopedia of Russian art of the 16-18 centuries. Solemn and monumental icons, such as the Deesis, the Transfiguration, and the Theotokos, were created by Yaroslavl and Moscow masters. They were executed in the 2nd half of the 16th century. The 17th century, as you remember, is the "Golden Age" of Yaroslavl. At that time, many icons were created - John Chrysostom, Elijah the Prophet, John the Baptist and others. The art of the New Age is represented by the images of John the Warrior, Great Martyr George, Archangel Michael. They combined the baroque style trends with the traditions of Yaroslavl icon painting. You can see all this by visiting the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve.

Other permanent exhibits

Other permanent exhibits include an exhibition entitled "Six-legged hosts of our planet", which tells about dragonflies, butterflies, grasshoppers, bugs, bees and other representatives of the insect world. “Treasures of Yaroslavl” is an important part of the museum’s collection. This exhibition presents the products of masters of medieval Novgorod, Moscow, Yaroslavl, as well as jewelers of our time. You will see treasures of sacristy of temples and monasteries of Yaroslavl, contributions of wealthy merchants, local aristocrats and kings. The last permanent exhibition is "Nature of the Yaroslavl Territory". The nature department, represented in this museum-reserve, has existed since 1865. Thanks to the skill of Kuznetsov, a naturalist, taxidermist, museum specialist, sculptor and artist, the exposition has acquired a modern look. The Department of Nature in 1976 was named after him. In this exposition the fauna of the entire Yaroslavl region is presented with maximum fullness. You will find both animals that lived in distant eras, as well as modern representatives of the fauna. Since the spring of 1992, the bear Masha has settled in the museum (the bear, as you know, is a symbol of Yaroslavl). Below is the flag of the Yaroslavl region.

Transfiguration Monastery

Museum branches

This museum has 3 branches: the Sobinov Memorial House-Museum, the Cosmos Museum and the Museum of Military Glory. Let's say a few words about "Cosmos" located in the village of Nikulskoye.

Museum "Cosmos"

It is dedicated to Valentina Tereshkova. This museum was opened in 1975 and consists of two buildings that are combined into a single complex. The memorial part is a peasant hut, which was restored according to the descriptions of Tereshkova herself, as well as her relatives. Located in a village called Bolshoy Maslennikovo, located 1.5 km from Nikulsky, the parental house was not preserved, so a village house was built on the model of the hut of the mother of Father Tereshkova, where the family lived during the war. The exposition is in a modern building, specially built. She talks about the life of Tereshkova and other residents of the Yaroslavl region, who have contributed to the development of astronautics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G5125/

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