Secrets of Mount Iremel in Bashkiria. Where is and how to get to Mount Iremel

The mysterious and enchanting Mount Iremel is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, 15 km from the village of Tyulyuk. In general, in this region there is a mountain range, which is divided into Big and Small Iremel. If you decide to look at the Iremel Mountains, then we assure you that an unforgettable and rather unusual trip awaits you. You can admire incredibly beautiful landscapes, see many interesting and mysterious places, as well as just have a good time in the vast expanses of taiga forests.

Iremel mountains

Array characteristic

Mount Bolshoi Iremel (1582 m) is located in the South Urals, it is located in the center of the Iremel massif. This natural formation is considered the second peak in the Southern Urals, the mountain is inferior only in height to the Big Yamantau, which is 60 meters larger than it. In the west of it you can see the Bakty Range, in the east - Avalyak, in the north - Berry. Nearby there are also mountain peaks such as Zherebchik (1218 m), Krugozor (1406 m), Suktash (1393 m), Sinyak (1067 m), Maly Iremel (1449 m) and the Chest of mountains (891 m). Small Iremel is connected through a small ridge to the Avalyak ridge.

Mount Iremel where is located

The sacred mountain of Bashkir

"Iremel" from the Bashkir language is translated as "the saddle of a hero." However, some scholars believe that the name of this mountain has even more ancient roots. Bashkirs came to this land only a thousand years ago, and the peoples who lived in this region before, just could not leave this majestic mountain without a name. However, one way or another, the Bashkirs consider the Iremel mountains sacred.

Mountain Legends

This region has long been considered a mysterious place. There are a lot of legends and traditions about Iremel. For example, it is believed that the massif was especially revered by the Aryans. According to the stories of old-timers, it was here that Zarathustra left a message to his descendants. Meanwhile, many skeptics consider this statement a figment of someone's great imagination.

There are also opinions that on Mount Iremel there are rejuvenating apples (although the local climate is not at all suitable for apples) and energy poles. There are more fantastic versions about the fact that Olympus was not in Greece, but on Mount Iremel. Such statements, of course, are completely meaningless.

At the same time, we can confidently say that Mount Iremel (its photo is clearly demonstrated below) is sacred to the Bashkirs. In antiquity, only the most respected people were allowed to climb to its peak. Various pagan rituals and prayers were held there.

Mount Iremel photo

Burial places

The Iremel Mountains were very interested in the famous Beloretsky local historian Alexei Dmitriev. For a long time he recorded all the stories of local residents about this region. According to one legend, noble and wealthy Bashkirs were buried right under the mountain near the shores of Tygyn Lake. Rumor has it that bodies were brought here even from the most remote areas. Dmitriev claims that he personally came across small, even mounds near the lake. Despite the fact that burials were carried out in these places as far back as the Middle Ages, these graves have still not been razed to the ground.

According to the stories of father Pyotr Nazarov (local father from Tyulyuk), Russian settlers also revered Mount Iremel. If, for example, drought occurred, then people carried out a procession and asked Iremel for rain. It is likely that the Russians adopted this tradition from local peoples.

Harassment protection

Mount Iremel (Bashkiria), according to one legend, also served as a place for the indigenous population to hide from the oppression of Russian breeders. The locals took horses there, made bonfires on the top. Some even believe that the ever-burning fire at the top led to the melting of permafrost in these places. According to another interpretation, the Bashkirs hid on the top of the mountain not from the Russians, but from the invasion of the Mongols.

According to unconfirmed reports, Alexander I climbed this mountain during a trip to the Southern Urals. A road was cut specially for him, which is called Alexandrovskaya. However, whether the king was here, in fact, is not exactly known.

Iremel mountain rest

The mountains of Iremel are still fraught with many unsolved mysteries. One of the most popular is the story of the golden bears, who walked along mountain trails in the area and hid here their myriad reserves of gold and other precious stones. In addition, there are many other legends about this region that will be difficult to tell in the framework of one article; it is difficult even to put them in one book.

Local Attractions

How beautiful Mount Iremel is! We found out where this picturesque mountain range is located, now let's look at interesting places in this region. Near the village of Tyulyuk in a small canyon are the remains of the mill. This place is called the Larkin Gorge. According to old-timers, several mills used to be along the banks of the river. Near the gorge there is a mountain called Mill.

To the north of the mountain are Tyuluk lakes-swamps. On the east side there is the Tygyn Basin, where there are also many swamps. Under the top of the Bolshoi Iremel mountain, there is a mountain plateau where alpine meadows abruptly turn into the tundra. Here you can find many rare plants.

At the very top of the mountain is a mountain tundra. However, many note that not only Mount Iremel (whose photo can be seen below), but its surroundings is of great interest. Around it you can see the endless taiga and enchanting rocks with its beauty. This mountain range has recently become increasingly popular. In this regard, Iremel Nature Park was organized here.

mount iremel how to get

Mount Iremel: how to get there

To enjoy the beauty of this mysterious and enchanting mountain, you should go through the city of Yuryuzan and the village of Tyulyuk from the M5 highway. Alternatively, you can get from Beloretsk, and then through the village of Nikolaevka. For several decades, travelers are very attracted to Iremel (mountain). Rest in these picturesque places can not be compared with anything. From Ufa, only a few regular buses go on weekends; you can also order a taxi to the village. However, the easiest way to get to these hard-to-reach spots is by private car or transport, which is provided by travel agencies. You will have to get 250 km from Chelyabinsk here.

Infrastructure and entertainment

Tourists can stay here in small private hotels. If you wish, you can order a horse or walking tour. In winter, you are invited to take an exciting snowmobile ride. However, the main goal of tourists, of course, is Mount Iremel itself. Reviews about these places are extremely positive. Getting to Big Iremel is very convenient; a very convenient mountain trail leads there. It’s really worth it to climb to the top of the mountain, because it offers stunning views of the entire countryside. In addition, you can also visit other parts of the massif, for example, the Small Iremel conservation zone.

mount iremel reviews

Iremel is the best place for outdoor activities!

If you want a break from the bustle of the city, the Iremel Mountains are the perfect place. In Tyulyuk (located 15 km from the mountain) there is no cellular communication and regular transport. At the edge of the village there are several guest houses and shelters. Accommodation is offered both by local residents and travel agencies.

At the same time, we advise you to book accommodation in advance, since this place is very popular at any time: in winter, summer or even in the slushy off-season there are not always places. In shelters, as a rule, rent rooms for 2, 3 or 4 people. Although there are available and large rooms, which easily accommodate up to 10 guests. It is also possible to rent a separate house or cottage. If you really want extreme sports, then you can come here with a tent or rent it. In addition to fascinating walks, you can take a good steam bath in a Russian bath with a fragrant fir broom.

Mount Iremel Bashkiria

The advantages of the region

More and more people are attracted by Mount Iremel. We found out where this picturesque place is located, now you just have to pack your backpack and go on a slightly wild, but very exciting journey. If you want peace, tranquility, solitude with nature, then be sure to visit the Iremel mountain range. Climbing the mountain, horseback riding, snowmobile rides - all this will recharge you with incredible energy and give you unforgettable emotions. The picturesque untouched nature, secrets and mysteries of this region will definitely not leave indifferent any tourist.

Hundreds of fans of outdoor activities come here every year, they are not afraid of the lack of civilization, service and entertainment, because they came here for something completely different - new sensations and pleasant emotions.


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