Diethyl ether - medical use

Esters are the products of substitution of a hydrogen atom of a hydroxyl group of alcohols or phenols with a carbon radical R: R1-O-R2. Diethyl ether - formula H3C-O-CH3. Esters are characterized by isomerism of the hydrocarbon chain and metamerism. The first type of isomerism is due to branching of the hydrocarbon chain. Metamerism is a type of isomerism in which two or more ethers have the same molecular formula, but different molecular structures, due to different radicals on both sides of the oxygen β€œbridge”.

Diethyl ether: production

Esters are obtained synthetically (they do not occur in nature in a free state). In order to synthesize ethers, several methods can be used: dehydration of alcohols with the help of mineral acids, the interaction of alcoholates with halogen alkyls. Dimethyl and methyl ethyl ethers have a gaseous state, the next few representatives are solutions, higher ones are solids. The esters are poorly soluble in water, but good in organic solvents, and the middle representatives (diethyl ether, propyl and dipropyl ethers) are excellent organic solvents. Their physical properties vary with molecular weight. Diethyl ether mixes well with alcohol, chloroform, benzene, essential, as well as fatty oils. If the storage conditions for ether are violated, toxic and explosive compounds - hydroperoxides - are formed in it.

Diethyl ether is used in medicine. It is used for inhalation anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is characterized by a pronounced stage of excitation (increased cardiac activity, vascular tone increases, catecholamine excretion is activated, the concentration of glucose, pyruvic and lactic acids in the blood increases, and the secretory and motor functions of the digestive tract are inhibited). You should know that when using this type of ether, anesthesia occurs slowly, and very often it is necessary to observe strong excitement and motor activity. In general, anesthesia has a multifaceted effect on the human body (muscle-relaxing, analgesic and narcotic).

The local action of the ether is manifested in the form of irritation of the nerve endings, as a result of which the patient feels a cooling effect. In this regard, it is sometimes used internally to regulate the motor function of the stomach, and subcutaneously - for the reflex stimulation of respiration and improve blood circulation. When inhaled, ether vapors irritate the respiratory tract, which first causes reflex inhibition of respiration, and then activates the secretion of bronchial glands. For the first time, diethyl ether was used by an outstanding Russian surgeon N.I. for inhalation anesthesia. Pirogov, the founder of field surgery, during the Crimean War (1853–1856).

Diethyl ether is easily absorbed by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, however, complete anesthesia occurs a little later compared to chloroform. A narcotic effect is manifested only by inhalation of 5-8% of a mixture of ether vapors, and complete anesthesia occurs within 30 minutes when 10% of the mixture is inhaled. The drug's narcotic effect is manifested in a concentration of 110 to 150 mg per 100 ml of blood, respiratory center paralysis occurs at 200 mg / 100 ml of blood. The overall toxicity of the ester is negligible. Awakening after anesthesia occurs 20-40 minutes after the termination of ether inhalation, however, the body comes to a normal state only after a few hours. Ether is released via the respiratory tract and through the kidneys. About 50% of the total amount is excreted in the first 30-60 minutes after the end of anesthesia. It should be noted that some products of hydrolysis of diethyl ether can be localized in triglycerides and other lipids up to several days.


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