DIY stone compositions: original ideas

Stone is a unique natural material that is used to create various crafts, decorate surfaces in the house, in summer cottages. From them you can create wonderful paintings, fantasize using colorful sea or river pebbles of different sizes and colors.

Creative ideas

Walking along the coast with children, you can find stones of such an unusual shape that involuntarily some kind of comparison comes to mind. Some are like a cat, others are like a heart, others are like a banana.

And you can make compositions of stones right on the beach. At first itโ€™s a simple turret or fence. Then creative ideas become more original. All sorts of figures, animals, flowers, paths appear.

Growing up, people do not stop loving stones. After all, this is a wonderful timeless material. Now landscape designers make beautiful compositions of stones on the site, decorating flower beds. From colorful elements lay beautiful patterned paths. Even indoors, people like to use such natural material in decorating paintings, mirrors, walls, tables, etc.

In the article we will consider what products can be made as crafts to school, for home or for decorating a summer cottage.

Preparation of stones for work

To start working with stones, you need to thoroughly clean them from sand. The details found on the seashore contain salt. It is necessary to get rid of it. On river pebbles there may be a green bloom. This is a living microflora that will ruin the picture.

In order for the stones to be dry and without unnecessary microelements, they must first be washed before work, then boiled for 10 minutes. All living things will die, the salt will dissolve, and the stones will be ready for further work. After boiling it remains only to dry them.

Stone Flower

Even a child can make such a composition of stones for an exhibition of crafts at school. As a preparatory work, you will need to take a walk along the seashore and collect material in a contrasting color. Sea pebbles are all rounded, smooth, and it is pleasant to work with them. And the child will be very interested in collecting them on the coast. This is a whole adventure. After all, it is necessary to collect a lot of stones similar to each other.

stone compositions

What is convenient to make a picture of stones? The fact that you can pre-lay them right on the beach and check if parts fit or something needs to be replaced. When the painting fully meets the needs of the little artist, you can disassemble the composition of stones and take it home. It must be made with a solid foundation. A piece of plywood, fiberboard or, in extreme cases, a very dense cardboard is suitable. For the stem, you can take a dry branch of a tree or bush. In order for the stones to hold, you need to buy a good glue, for example, "Moment". Next, you need to make a background for the picture. Acrylic paint will do. It dries quickly and is odorless. Then proceed to the picture itself.

First, the stem is glued, then the main stones representing the middle of the flower. Last but not least, the petals. Everything, the stone flower is ready. You can carry it to the exhibition.

Flock of birds

Such a composition of stones for the school can create even a first grader. It is necessary to prepare the necessary materials: stones of different colors, preferably of the same size, having the shape of an oval or triangle, a couple of twigs and glue "Moment". After everything is assembled, you need to arrange the background. On thick cardboard we draw the blue sky. Then stick the twigs. They can be attached using wire. First you need to pierce the awl with holes on one and the other side of the branch. Then from the back of the picture, insert the wire and stretch it into another hole. Behind the picture, the wire is twisted, and the extra ends are bitten off by ticks.

stone Flower

Then the volume branch will hold on better, and it will not be necessary to worry that it will come unstuck. Then we work with stones. We plant the birds at some distance from the branch, leaving room for the paws. To finish this composition of stones with your own hands, you need to finish small details. These are the contours of the beaks and paws. A child can perform a picture differently. For example, to paint details with paints, and on the stones to draw birds' eyes and wings.

Footprints in the sand

Such a funny picture can be made by playing with the child at sea. This will help the baby understand the determination of the size of objects. After all, for each trace you need to pick up stones that differ in size. Foot is the largest stone. Fingers are five parts that need to be laid out in decreasing order, from the largest to the smallest. This is a great way to keep your kids at sea so they donโ€™t get bored or bored by their parents.

DIY stone composition

In the end, even moms and dads will be interested. After all, this is such a fascinating activity that you wonโ€™t even notice how the whole family will join the process of composing a composition of stones.

This idea can be used as an arrow indicating the direction of passers-by to a store, cafe or just to a residential building. For example, when laying a track, you can insert several of these prints, recommending that people follow these tracks exactly in your store.

Many make such marks, simply drawing them on a stencil on asphalt. The idea with stones is also very original. Yes, and will be durable. After all, the paint is erased, and the stones are eternal material.

Painting "Tenderness"

Such a composition of natural stones can be hung indoors. The image of a couple in love hugging on top of a mountain will be very symbolic for the newlyweds. You can hang it in the bedroom opposite the bed. For such a picture, you need to find stones of similar shapes in different colors and sizes. You will need round stones for the head, small and long ones for the hands, more details for the body.

stone composition for school

Having our sample before our eyes, it will not be difficult to find the necessary form of pebbles. Moreover, they can be preliminarily laid out in the right order right on the sand. If everything is found, you can go home and get down to business.

A large light stone is laid in the center of the picture. On top of it will be lovers, and below - a symbolic unstable pyramid. After all, any relationship will be strong if people support each other in everything. Only if mutual understanding passes and one of the spouses moves away, does the pyramid of relations fall, destroying the connection. This picture symbolizes the fragility of love. Only reciprocity will keep the couple together.

Compositions in Glass Vases

With stones, designer compositions in glass vases, aquariums, large glasses, etc. are very popular now. It can be just a decorative element, as in the photo below, or it can be a candle holder.

stone patterns

Usually, pebbles of different sizes are selected for this design. Multi-colored contrasting materials also look beautiful. The same elements are laid out in layers. Below you can pour a little sand, then there is a layer of larger stones, then lay out a layer of even larger size. There may be several interlayers. Not only evenly laid out stones look beautifully, but also unevenly laid. Layers can have different thicknesses and tilt angles. The contrasting shades look especially beautiful. From white to black.

Panel on the wall or floor

Such a crane can be hung on the wall, but it will also look beautiful on the porch of the house, in front of the front door. This is a rather complicated job. For its implementation, you will need to not only collect the stones of the desired shape, but also cut them with the help of a grinder. This is a delicate and dangerous job. Observe safety precautions. After all, all the details are very small.

compositions in glass vases with stones

For the background, you need to collect pebbles of the same size and shade. For flowers and leaves, elements of the same tone and size are chosen. You can use marble chips. It is used in construction in the manufacture of floors. It can be of different colors, so picking up the right ones is not difficult.

You will have to work on the crane. For the wing you need to find thin and elongated stones. The remaining elements will have to be cut. But such beauty will decorate your home for a long time. After all, stone is an eternal and natural material.

Colorful walkways

Patterns made of stones are used when laying tracks on a summer cottage or in private houses. Such elements sometimes look like works of art and become bright accents on the territory. To make such beautiful paths and malls you need to have an artistic taste and great patience. After all, the volume of work is quite large, and at the same time you need to act carefully.

compositions of natural stones

Even one improperly laid stone can destroy the entire composition. Before starting work, you need to draw a pattern on paper, make a kind of drawing. This is especially true for repeating clear elements. For convenience, when assembling stones, you need to separate them in parts, depending on color, size. Then according to the drawing or drawing it will be easier to find the desired element for the pattern.

The work is complex and painstaking, but you must admit that it turns out very beautifully. Every day, walking along such an avenue, you will receive aesthetic pleasure.

Stone is a very fertile material for crafts. Surround yourself with beautiful things, and life will be brighter and brighter.


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