Account 10 in accounting. Fixed assets

The data on the availability and movement (distribution) of raw materials, spare parts, fuel, household supplies, containers, inventory and similar objects are summarized by account 10 in the accounting of valued assets related to the composition of fixed assets . According to the article under review, among other things, information is recorded about items being processed and in transit. Let us consider in more detail account 10 in accounting: postings, specifics of data reflection.

account 10 in accounting

General information

The chart of accounts establishes certain rules by which information is reflected on certain items. They are determined depending on the specifics of the enterprise. Account 10 "Materials" fixes raw materials in the following ways:

  1. At the actual cost of acquisition (procurement).
  2. At the discount price.

A slightly different scheme applies to enterprises engaged in agricultural production. Self-made goods are fixed at the planned cost. After the formation of the final reporting calculation, it is adjusted to the actual one. When reflected at the average purchase price, purchase price (procurement), etc., the difference between the value of objects and actual cost is shown on the account. 16.

Account 10 in accounting: subaccounts

Additionally, articles may open:

  • for materials and raw materials - 10.1;
  • for structures and parts, purchased semi-finished products and components - 10.2;
  • for fuel - 10.3;
  • for containers and packaging materials - 10.4;
  • for spare parts - 10.5;
  • on other materials - 10.6;
  • for facilities transferred for processing to third parties - 10.7;
  • for building materials - 10.8;
  • for household supplies and inventory - 10.9, etc.
    account 10 write-off

Raw materials

Account 10.01 in accounting records information on the availability and movement of values ​​included in the structure of manufactured products, forming their basis or acting as necessary components in production. It also reflects information about auxiliary facilities that are involved in the manufacture of products or are used for economic, technical purposes, to facilitate the production process. Under this article are agricultural goods procured for processing.

Semi-finished products, components, parts and designs

By subch. 10.2 are purchased, finished objects purchased for the acquisition of manufactured products (construction). Such values ​​require investment in their processing or assembly. Products that are purchased for picking, the cost of which is not included in the cost of production, are recorded on the account. 41. Enterprises that are engaged in research, technological, design work, buying appliances, tools, special equipment and other devices from third-party companies as components, fix them on a sub-account. 10.2.


By subch. 10.3 are petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, oil, etc.), lubricants. They are intended for the operation of the vehicle, the generation of heating and energy, as well as gaseous and solid (firewood, coal, peat, etc.) fuel, technological needs. In the case of using coupons for petroleum products at the enterprise, they are also fixed by subsch. 10.3.

accounting account 10 materials

Container objects

On subch. 10.4 take into account all types of containers, except that which is used as household equipment. This article contains parts and raw materials intended for the production of packaging and its repair. These, in particular, include barrel riveting, parts for assembly, wrought iron, etc. Items that are designed to additionally equip barges, wagons, ships, and other vehicles to ensure the safety of transported products are taken into account by sub-count. 10.1. Trading enterprises record the presence and movement of containers (under goods and empty) on the account. 41.

Spare parts

They are shown by subch. 10.5 (accounting account). This article covers parts purchased or produced for the implementation of the goals of the enterprise that are intended to replace worn-out parts of machinery, vehicles, equipment, and repair. It also reflects information about automobile tires in turnover and stock. The article shows the movement of the exchange fleet of equipment, complete machines, assemblies, components, engines, which is created in repair units, factories, technical points. Car tires (rim tape, camera, tire), which are in stock and on wheels on the vehicle, included in its initial cost, are transferred to the OS.

Other subjects

On subch. 10.6 reflect the presence and movement of:

  • Production waste. These include, in particular, shavings, cuttings, chippings, and so on.
  • Irreparable marriage.
  • Scrap rubber and used tires.
  • Material assets that were received from the OS, not intended for use as materials or spare parts. These include, for example, scrap, scrap metal.

Production wastes and secondary raw materials that are used as solid fuels are recorded for subaccount. 10.3.

account 10 in accounting subaccount

Objects transferred to the side

By subch. 10.7 are materials transferred for processing, the cost of which will be further included in the cost of manufacturing products derived from them. The costs of related operations paid by third parties and individuals are included directly in the debit of accounts in which the received objects are recorded after processing.

Other articles

Subch 10.8 is used by real estate developers. Materials that are used directly in the process of construction and installation activities, as well as in the manufacture of parts, erection and decoration of structures, parts of structures, buildings, pass through it. On subch. 10.8 also take into account other items that are necessary for construction purposes (for example, explosives). By subch. 10.9 are inventory, household supplies, tools and other objects that are included in working capital.


The above articles are far from all that can open account 10 in accounting. Subaccounts are formed in accordance with the industry orientation of the company. In particular, this is true for enterprises engaged in the production of agricultural products. Additional sub-accounts of 10 articles can be created to reflect movement and availability:

  • Mineral fertilizers.
  • Feed (own production and acquired) and planting material.
  • Medicines, chemicals, biological products used in the fight against diseases of farm animals.
  • Semen.
  • Pesticides used in the fight against diseases and pests of agricultural crops, etc.
    account 10 in posting accounting


The chart of accounts allows the reflection of the receipt of raw materials in the middle. 15, fixing the acquisition and procurement of mat. values ​​or count. 16, showing the deviation in their value, as well as without their inclusion in the records. The choice will depend on the financial policies approved by the company. When using cf. 15 and cf. 16 in accordance with the settlement documentation received by the organization, an entry is made: DB 15 Cd 60 (20, 23, 71, 76, etc.).


Credit accounts will correspond to the sources of receipt of materials, the nature of the costs. Record according to DB 15 and Cd 60 is made regardless of the time of receipt of the objects by the enterprise - before or after the adoption of settlement documentation. Posting is made on the account. 10. The chart of accounts of accounting includes in the entry CD ctr. 60. However, valuables are not accounted for. Their actual consumption in production or for other economic purposes is reflected in Cd. 10 in correspondence with accounts for the accounting of costs for manufacturing / sales. Other relevant articles may be used. In order to close account 10 in accounting, write-offs, sales, gratuitous transfers and other disposal of objects are reflected at the corresponding cost in dB cu. 91. Analytics are carried out according to places of storage of values ​​and individual names (sizes, varieties, types, etc.).

Accounting: account 10 "Materials" (structure)

To understand the nature of the article, it is necessary to highlight a number of key points. First of all, the category itself, which is reflected in score 10, is the subject to consideration - “materials”. They represent any objects from which finished products are created after processing. The accounting plan relates to them the values ​​reflected in the primary documentation as the property of the enterprise. Objects that are present in the organization, but which it does not legally own, are reflected in the account. 002 or 003. The decisive factor in determining the values ​​that are included in account 10 in accounting is not the fact that they are in warehouses, but the ownership of them.

10 chart of accounts


The above means that objects that can be exactly the same, lying in the same pile, are reflected differently. Objects to which ownership has passed, but they are not present in warehouses, are credited to account 10. In accounting, objects in transit are primarily included in this category. The supplier has handed over, for example, to the railway station the values ​​and ordered them to be transported to the address of the buyer. As soon as the cargo was accepted by rail, it became the property of the acquirer (unless otherwise provided by the agreement). Theoretically, from this moment, postings should be made in the accounting records of the buyer. But records are made out only upon receipt of the relevant documentation, which confirms the timing of shipment.

Value redirection

Objects can act as property of the enterprise, but never enter its warehouses. For example, this is the case when, on behalf of the organization, a consignment of raw materials is purchased from Moscow in Vladivostok and, by its order, it is resold to Novosibirsk. From the moment of acquisition to shipment, the values ​​are located in Vladivostok. No one saw them in Moscow. However, they were owned by the enterprise. In this regard, until the acquisition of values ​​by a company from Novosibirsk, entries should be made in the accounting records of a Moscow organization.


Objects for which the enterprise retains ownership, but they are transferred for processing to a third-party company, are reflected in account 10. In the accounting entries, in this case, they do not involve lending to an article. This fact follows from the principles of reporting. In particular, it means the fact that only those values ​​that are in the ownership of the enterprise can be reflected on the balance sheet. This principle, however, contradicts the priority of content over forms. It is accepted both in foreign practice and in domestic PBU 1/98. The specified principle requires the specialist to proceed not from legal categories, but focus on the actual state of affairs. For example, the customer’s paper is present at the warehouse along with the company's own paper. Regarding the material liability of employees and the technology for the further use of values, there will be no difference. Both papers must be fixed by one article. But according to the Plan, the same values ​​in the conditions of one liability will be taken into account in different accounts.

account 10 in accounting related to the composition of fixed assets


All received values, the ownership of which passed to the company, should be reflected in DB sc. 10. But in this case a number of questions arise. The first of them: what to do if ownership has passed to the enterprise, but the accounting department does not know about it and cannot find out? There is a rule that records are not made without documentation. But if you are guided by the IFRS standards, then as soon as the supplier has shipped the goods, a fax or electronic notification of the transaction should be sent to the specialist. In this case, a record is made:

  • DB 10.
  • DB 19 (VAT on acquired values).
  • Cd 60.

In this case, the company's statements will show the real situation in the enterprise. The asset in this case will reflect all the goods that are owned by the company. In liabilities, the actual payables will be shown. But in this case, the inventory of objects is complicated. It can be carried out according to documentation of dubious legal force (faxes and similar papers). In this case, it is more correct to recognize a legal rather than an economic interpretation.

Lack of prices in documents

After receipt of settlement securities from the supplier, if a discrepancy is found between the value at which the objects were accepted and the amounts indicated in them, corrective entries are made. Traditionally, the amount indicated in the settlement documentation is reversed for unbilled deliveries. Account 10 in accounting is debited along with the account. 19. The account is credited. 60. But these records may not in all cases be shown in computer programs existing today. In this regard, account 10 in accounting is debited together with the account. 19 in correspondence with sc. 60 by the difference between the cost given in the settlement documentation and the price at which the objects were taken, if it is lower.

account 10 in posting accounting

What if the purchase price is burdened with transportation costs?

If the company does not apply discount prices, the materials come at the actual acquisition rate. In some companies, specialists include transport and other costs, which are included in the cost, in the purchase price. However, experts believe that this work is impractical. Since several names of objects are present in one accompanying paper, difficulties can arise in the distribution of total costs between individual types of values. There are many ways out of this situation. Distribution can be carried out proportionally:

  • Cost.
  • Range of transportation.
  • Industrial significance (according to conditional, special and pre-established coefficients).
  • Weight and so on.

However, with a great laboriousness, such distributions always differ in conditional nature, distort the purchase value, and also, importantly, the variability of object estimates increases. In this regard, the most appropriate will be the concentration of all expenses related to the acquisition of values ​​on the corresponding sub-account 10.10, fixing transportation and procurement costs. At the end of the period, costs are distributed between the total balance of values ​​and the total value of the objects sent to production.

Nomenclature formation

Three features of this process should be noted:

  1. The name is a group of values ​​of homogeneous purpose. For each unit of these objects, a unique accounting value is established.
  2. Name - homogeneous raw materials with the same cost of receipt. In the inventory nomenclature, such a number of positions is formed that corresponds to the number of price varieties for accepted values.
  3. The name is a group of objects of homogeneous purpose, the capitalization of which is carried out at the actual cost of receipt.

The latter option acts as a compromise between the first two. However, in this situation, the problem arises of choosing specific prices at which the disposal of materials is evaluated.

account 10 in accounting related to the composition of fixed assets

Important point

In clause 6 of Order No. 44 of the Ministry of Finance, a special procedure is established for the formation of the actual value of values ​​acquired under contracts, the terms of which provide for the repayment of obligations in ruble amounts equivalent to foreign currency prices. The costs of the enterprise for the purchase of objects are determined taking into account the total differences that arise before the inclusion of the inventories in accounting. An important point to mention here. The inclusion of accounts payable and valuables is carried out at the same time. Perhaps, in this case, we mean the reflection of objects directly in the article under consideration, and not in the count. 15. But this approach involves a special procedure for accounting for differences in amounts for unbilled deliveries. In all other cases, derogations should be recorded on the account. 91 and not form an estimate of material costs of the enterprise.


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